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[LPF] The Road to Tritower

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Brandon the Swift

"Ugh...this is not going remotely well." He says in a low voice, mostly to himself.

Hearing Anna collapse, Brandon decides drastic measures must be taken.

Deciding it was time to be less conventional, Brandon focuses yet another spell, this time towards the ground and centered on where he estimates Anna fell down. He figures that would-be kidnappers will lose time dealing with the newly treacherous surface.

If one could see within the darkness, they would see a mass of greasy matter flying by.

[sblock=ooc]I cast Grease (Reflex DC 15) centered on Anna's body. Do you need a dice roll for accuracy?[/sblock][sblock=Brandon Mini Stats]Brandon
AC: 12 (10 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 12/12
CMB: -2
CMD: 10

Fort: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +3

Perception: +1
Sense Motive: +6

Initiative: +8

Level 1 spells remaining: 3/4
Elemental rays remaining: 7/7

Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger
Current Conditions in Effect:
-Light spell (smothered by Darkness)
-Detect Magic (60-ft cone, 1 minute)
Temporary items in possession: none
Items not currently in possession: none
Items depleted: none[/sblock]
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[sblock=Karra]Karra still may act despite the failed perception roll, just doesn't get any information past what is already known.[/sblock]


A small pool of saliva begins to collect around the halfling's mouth. Luckily for him, the dream worms that have entered his bloodstream have now morphed into the most seductive mermaids a small person could hope for. Francis and the fish-ladies delightfully have a grand old time swimming around his veins, using the red blood cells as makeshift flotation devices.

[sblock=Mini Stats]AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 7/7
CMB: 0 CMD: 13
Fort: -1 Reflex: +5 Will: +1
Perception: +7
Initiative: +3
Bluff: +13
Armed: Light Crossbow +4 1d6[/sblock]


First Post
Not able to cope with this situation properly, Karra stumbles to the south carefully based on Anzaldo's yelling.

[sblock="ooc"]Dunno if I need to roll sth, but if I do, feel free to do it to speed things up [/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 14 (13 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +2 CMD: 13
Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +2
Perception: +7
Initiative: +3
Arcane Pool: 5/5

Current Weapon in Hand: Katana

Spells Prepared:
*Cantrips (DC 14):
Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost
*Level 1 (DC 15):
Color Spray, Enlarge Person
Low-Light Vision


Mid-Turn Update

As Karra moves towards the sound of the ruckus, she finally can 'see' again. Well, it's still pretty dark, but the starlight now illuminates where she stands, giving her new insight on the battle. She is first confronted by a braying Betsy, a mere 5 feet from her position. Behind her, the large black void lies to the Northeast, from which she just emerged. To her west, Anzaldo, is running away and holding his shoulder. Finally, to the east there seems to be some sort of figure standing mostly obscured by the void, with some sort of blade drawn.

[sblock=Karra]Key: Green is Anzaldo. Blue is Karra. Grey Be and Jo are the mules. And grey with a 1 in it is the shadowy figure. E5 (and those like it) is difficult terrain. Bush looking things are various types of undergrowth. F8 is the trunk of a tree. Finally, there is a large rock in P10 which prevents normal movement (you'd have to climb it).

Enemy 1: AC 15, touch AC 12, 50% concealment (1-50 on % die roll)

Karra has used 20' of movement and has 10' more. Since her blade is drawn and the distance is right, she may close and strike figure 1 if she so chooses. However, concealment will apply--the figure is barely visible.[/sblock]
[sblock=Map] roadcurr.jpg[/sblock]


First Post
"Anyone, follow my voice to get out of the darkness!" Karra shouts, knowing too well that she put herself in danger this way, but she hopes to distract the enemies from her companions. After that she moves towards the enemy.

[sblock="action"]Move to M10 and swing at it

Attack at monster 1 /att/dmg/concealment: 1D20+2 = [18]+2 = 20
1D8+2 = [2]+2 = 4
1D100 = [60] = 60

So I hit? or is the concealment check one of those where you need to roll low, because we cannot have consistency in the rules?

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 14 (13 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 13/13
CMB: +2 CMD: 13
Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +2
Perception: +7
Initiative: +3
Arcane Pool: 5/5

Current Weapon in Hand: Katana

Spells Prepared:
*Cantrips (DC 14):
Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost
*Level 1 (DC 15):
Color Spray, Enlarge Person
Low-Light Vision
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First Post
Leira Olren

Running through the woods, Leira chased after a majestic deer dodging trees and leaping over rocks. Never seeming to gain any ground as the animal bounded over shrubs and logs easily as Leira struggled to keep pace. Finally it was too much and she lost her balance as she crossed a stream crashing to the rocks below. Damn it, she thought as pain bounded through her side. In the waking world, Leira mumbled quietly in her sleep.


Judging where she saw motion, Karra slices viciously into the air, and feels the blade stop and a disembodied voice yelp in pain. There is some sound of footsteps, and then moments later a blade slashes out from the darkness, missing Karra by a wide margin. Meanwhile Anzaldo stops and watches the exchange of blows, apparently uncertain on what to do.
[sblock=Combat]You are still unaware of how many attackers you face, who they are, and what their condition is. You are similarly unaware of the exact condition of your companions, although Karra and Brandon have heard each other in the darkness, and Anzaldo is apparently out of the darkness and injured to some degree. So no table of combat stats as per a normal encounter.

To make it clear, I defined concealment as 1-50 on a percentage roll, and so Karra's 60 doesn't result in a miss.

The technical edge of the darkness in Karra's vicinity is defined by squares L9, M9, N10, O10. They give concealment bonuses.

Anything else you need to know, feel free to ask.[/sblock][sblock=Map]roadcurr.jpg[/sblock]


First Post
Leira Olren

A great feast lay out before Leira, huge platters of roast beef and venison, bottles of wine, and all her friends surrounded her. Digging into the sumptuous feast before her, and talking to all her friends from the monastery she couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something but she dismissed it as nothing as she downed a bottle of wine. As the feast continued some of the locals from near the monastery engaged in a lively folk dance, that Leira couldn't help but join in. Tossing her cares away she danced with the locals, until a drunken reveler accidentally knocked her to the ground, where she lay staring at the ceiling, noticing her side hurt from the fall.

Incidentally, I am having too much fun writing these. :p

[sblock=Leira Olren Mini Stats]
Leira Olren
AC:19 (16 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 8/11
CMB: +5 CMD: 18

Fort: +3 Reflex: +3 Will: +1
Perception: +1 Sense Motive: +1
Initiative: +5

Dragon Style: While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Current Weapon in Hand: Unarmed Strike (Considered Armed)
Current Weapon for Attacks of Opportunity: Unarmed Strike (Considered Armed)
Current Conditions in Effect:
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none

Voidrunner's Codex

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