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D&D 5E 5e CB's Stonefast OOC -- COMPLETE


DEFAULT MARCHING ORDER: Guran, [10' space], Roscoe, Colden, Spec, Fulgrim.
DEFAULT WATCH ORDER: Spec, Guran, Colden, Roscoe, Fulgrim

Who wants to playtest 5e with me? I unearthed a free 5e module from Mithgarthr Entertainment, along with the 5e basic rules. I thought we could have ourselves a merry little Hack and Slash Fest through the dungeon of Stonefast.

Setting: Forgotten Realms, Luskan Click here for the Forgotten Realms Wiki
Level: 1st
Point Buy: 27
hp: Max at 1st lvl
Gold: Max at 1st lvl
Alignment: Any non-evil
Race: 5e PHB races
Class: 5e PHB classes
Background: 5e PHB
Traits: 2
Ideal: 1
Bond: 1
Flaw: 1

Approved Sources: 5e Basic Rules and the 5e PHB.

[sblock=5e Point Buy System]
[U][B]Score[/B][/U]     [B][U]Cost[/U][/B]
Stonefast was a dwarven stronghold on the fringes of the Spine of the World. It acted as a diplomatic center and as a trading outpost. During the Great Orc Wars, Stonefast fell under siege and was almost obliterated. The hold did not fall; a small handful of dwarves remained. They sealed their stronghold and returned to their High Hall Under the Mountain, leaving untold riches behind. Over the any years since the Great Orc Wars, Stonefast’s location has been lost and until recently has remained a mystery.

Rumors have been circulating that a white dragon named Ghidorah has found the place, and has made a lair of what the five High Captains have publicly decreed must be a mountain of dwarven treasure. Shivanni Gardpeck, ostler of The Cutlass--a well-known inn, eatery, and tavern on Half Moon Street in Luskan, has just tacked up a bit of vellum on the bulletin board:

Craving a journey? Want to get away?
Paid employment offered by the High Captains!
Where: New Red Dragon Trading Post
When: Kythorn 20, noon (tomorrow!)
Pay: 50 gp + possibility of a bonus!

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  • How long does it take to scribe spells at level up? 1 hour, at a cost of zero gp.
  • How long does it take to scribe spells discovered as loot during adventuring? 2 hours and 50 gp per spell level.
  • How do I do hp at level ups? Your choice, average per 5e PHB (e.g., 1d8 = 5 hp), or roll. If you roll, you get what you roll, no re-rolls.
  • How do I identify spells as they are being cast or as I encounter them? If identify or detect magic or its ilk don't apply, then you either automatically know the spell or will need to roll an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Religion) DC 12 + spell level check. See THIS POST for the full discussion.

Credit: Wizards of the Coast
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Forged Fury

First Post
Yes, please! I've been looking for a Basic Rules D&D game for a bit. This will be PbP, correct?

I've got four characters pre-generated, but they were done with an online dice roller, so I will likely have to re-tool one of them for Point-Buy. Given the subject of the adventure, I think I'd like to try out Fulgrim Ironfist, Mountain Dwarf Wizard, Brewer of Things Arcane & Mundane. I should be able to have the character sheet posted this evening.

ETA: I just wanted to note that while I haven't been active on EnWorld, I do have solid PbP credentials and would be happy to share them if requested.
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[MENTION=95059]Forged Fury[/MENTION], yes, this will be PbP. When we are done with character creation, I'll create an in-character thread in Playing the Game, and we'll do our in-game posting over there. No creds required. I'm happy to game with anyone with interest in being here.
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Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim Ironfist, Brewer of Things Arcane & Mundane

@CanadienneBacon Great! Here is the Character Sheet for Fulgrim Ironfist, Brewer of Things Arcane & Mundane

Name: Fulgrim Ironfist
LN Male Mountain Dwarf Wizard 1
Background: Sage (Alchemist)
Hit Points: 9 (1d6 Hit Dice)
AC: 15 (Scale Mail + Dex)
Initiative: +1
Passive Perception: 11
Experience: 0

Traits: I… speak… slowly… when talking… to idiots… which… almost… everyone… is… compared… to me. Surprisingly, as a result, I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.
Ideal: The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.
Bond: I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.
Flaw: Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.

STR 13 (+1)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 8 (-1)

Proficiency Bonus: +2
Armor: Light & Medium
Weapons: Battleaxe, Dagger, Darts, Handaxe, Light Crossbow, Sling, Quarterstaff, Throwing Hammer, & Warhammer
Tools: Brewer’s Supplies
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, & Goblin
Saving Throws: Intelligence & Wisdom
Skills: Arcana (INT), History (INT), Investigation (INT), & Medicine (WIS)

Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet, not reduced by Heavy Armor
Darkvision: Within 60’, Dim Light becomes Bright Light & Full Darkness becomes Dim Light
Resilience: Advantage on Saving Throws vs. Poison and Resistance to Poison Damage
Stonecunning: Double proficiency bonus for Intelligence (History) checks concerning stonework

Arcane Recovery: 1/Day after a short rest, regain (1/2*Wizard Level, Rounded Up) in expended spell slots
Ritual Spellcasting: Given 10 minutes, can cast Ritual spells without preparing them or expending a slot.

Spell Attack Modifier: +4
Spell Save DC: 12
Spell Slots: 2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-
Cantrips Known: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Spellbook: Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Identify, Shield, Sleep, & Thunderwave
Spells Prepared: Shield, Sleep, & Thunderwave

Warhammer (15gp)
Scale Mail (50gp)
Spellbook (50gp)
Crystal Arcane Focus (10gp)
Brewer’s Supplies (20gp)
Dungeoneer’s Pack (12gp): Includes a backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
Belt Pouch (5sp): 1GP, 10SP, & 50CP

Originally hailing from the Ironfist Stronghold located in the Sword Mountains close to Waterdeep, Fulgrim's early years mirrored those of most dwarfs. He learned the basics of combat to defend the Ironfist Stronghold from attack by orcs and trolls as well as learning a craft; in his case, the time-honored dwarven tradition of brewmaster. His dedication to his trade, however, would lead him off the normal path of dwarven custom.

In studying the various recipes for ale and other liquid pleasantries, Fulgrim uncovered several magical formula for potions which caught his attention. In researching these formulae, he discovered that a number of Ironfist clansmen had left the clan years before to pursue the study of alchemical and magical liquids, a practice that was frowned upon by the Ironfist Clan. The last known location of this band of pariahs was Stonefast, a dwarven outpost located in the Spine of the World. In addition to his discovery of this secret history, Fulgrim found a spellbook and crystal arcane focus left behind by the dwarven wizards.

Gathering his tools and equipment, Fulgrim departed the Sword Mountains and has made his way to Luskan, a small community located at the northernmost end of the Sword Coast, to try to uncover the secrets of his ancestors. Lodging at The Cutlass, the wizard was surprised to discover that the High Captains of Luskan were funding an expedition to find the location of Stonefast and uncover its secrets.

Standing a thumb over four and a half feet, Fulgrim is armored in a full suit of scale mail. His skin is lightly tanned as if he had recently taken a long journey and been exposed to the sun. His head is bald, the unfortunate side effect of brewing and sampling a new alcohol distilled from an uncommon mushroom. His steel-grey goatee, however, staved off the mycologically-induced alopecia and remains in all its glory. To cover his baldness and keep out the elements, Fulgrim wears a russet colored hood that keeps most of his face in shadow. Armed with a trusty dwarven-forged warhammer, the wizard cuts a rather martial figure.

HeroForgeScreenshot (1).png
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Heh. When I first looked at the "Talking-the-Talk" forum this morning, the top two threads were "CB's Grim Frequencies" and "5E CB's Stonefast."

Initially, I had assumed that the first one meant "CB" for "Citizen's Band" radio -- because what else would have "Grim Frequencies?" :eek:
I learned my mistake very quickly when opening this thread, however.

Could we have some background for the area? I know next to nothing about Luskan; I tried looking up stuff on the internet, but found "a former pirate town now in ruins" and "halflings hardly ever get this far north." That, and the realms of the Elves are mostly a lot farther to the east, so -- I'm just guessing, here -- the most prevalent characters might be humans and dwarves. If the town is still mostly a pirate ruin, I would guess that most clerics are visitors from outside.

Basically, I'm asking: What kind of characters are most plausible for that adventure?
Or is that the challenge: If you want to play an elf or halfling, justify it in the character background?

Could we have some background for the area? I know next to nothing about Luskan; I tried looking up stuff on the internet, but found "a former pirate town now in ruins" and "halflings hardly ever get this far north."
The salient points about Luskan that players need to know is that it's a run-down pirate harbor in the North, and within adventuring distance of Stonefast, which I've elected to plunk down in the Spine of the World (cold climate, orc, white dragon/s, dwarves, etc). I'm certainly no expert on Forgotten Realms, so I don't expect you guys to be. I'm sure we'll make mistakes and the game probably won't be cannon. I'm OK with that. My expectations for this PbP are that those of us who have yet to play with the 5e ruleset can gain some experience, and that everyone enjoys an "old skool" dungeon crawl. Here is the Forgotten Realms Wiki that I used to refresh my (admittedly limited) memory about the Realms. I'll update the original post in this thread with the link, too.

Basically, I'm asking: What kind of characters are most plausible for that adventure?
Any sort of character is plausible. Frankly, for this game, I am less concerned about backstory; even a slim excuse to justify your PC being in Luskan will be perfectly acceptable. I don't own the 5e book, so I am limited to using the SRD, which is why I asked that players use only the 5e basic rules. If you can build it using the basic rules (edit: or the PHB), have at it. I usually only ever offer to DM games that are RP-intensive, so this game, which I anticipate being more about the dungeon and less about roleplay, is a departure for me. That said, if you super really want a rules mechanic from the actual 5e PHB, please e-mail me and we'll work it out. I would rather have players excited about their character than have my own way about the rules.

Basic rules only? Ah, the pain. I'll take a gander at the old PDF and see if anything pops for me.
Meh. I'm easy. Have a look at your 5e PHB, too, and if something catches your eye, let me know. All I ask is that we have an off-site conversation about what it is you wish to do. I'll update the OP to reflect this change.
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First Post
Eldon Tosscobble

CN Male Lightfoot Halfing Rogue 1
Hieght 2’9” Weight 38lbs
Hair: Black Eyes: Pale Blue

Background: Criminal

Hit Points: 9 (1d8+1)
AC: 15

XP 0

Traits: (1) I always believe in taking time to do things right instead of rushing into a poor result. “Slow is steady, steady is smooth, smooth is fast”
(2) I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.
Ideal: A life in slavery (including addictions) is not a life worth living. Those who are truly free make their own decisions and blaze their own path.
Bond: I have an absolute soft spot for children.
Flaw: I care to much about what others think of me.
Example I know I am a thief but, I am absolutely not a common thief.
Criminal Specialty: Burglar

Ability Score
Str: 11
Dex: 17
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 13

Proficiencies: Bonus: +2
Armor: Light
Weapons Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Thieves’ Tools, Three Dragon Ante (card game).
Languages: Common and Halfling
Saving Throws: Dex and Int
Skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth.
Expertise: Thieves tools,

Trinket: small lock with no apparent key hole
Studded Leather 45gp
Three Card Ante Set 1gp
Thieves’ Tools 25gp
Rapier 25gp
Bed roll 1gp
Burglar’s Pack (16 gp). Includes a backpack, a bag of 1,000 ball bearings, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, a hooded lantern, 2 flasks of oil, 5 days rations, a tinderbox, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
3 dagger
Pouch with 40gp 1ep

Racial Traits
Size: Small
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Brave: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Naturally Stealthy: Can hide behind medium size creatures or larger.

Class Features
Expertise (Proficiency bonus doubled for to skills or Thieves tools) Thieves Tools and Stealth
Sneak Attack (1d6)
Thieves’ Cant

Attack +5 Damage d8+3

Attack +5 Damage d4+3

Eldon Tosscobble was the son of Ander and Bree Tosscoble. They lived on the shire until Eldon was 7. That is when Ander went on an adventure with a group of humans and he fell in love with human cities. The Tosscobles moved to Baldur’s Gate and opened a locksmith shop. Ander partnered with a woman named Gwen who he had met on his adventure. When Eldon was 15 his parents were killed in an apparent robbery of the shop. Gwen raised Eldon from then on. Gwen was a burglar and taught Eldon the trade.

7 years passed before Eldon learned that it was Gwen who killed his parents because she believed that the family had a treasure hidden away (a story Ander told her to impress her). Having no real evidence that she killed his parents Eldon then planned a heist and had Gwen take the fall. She managed to escape the authorities so Eldon fled to Luskan in order to hide from her.
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