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CB's Grim Frequencies IC -- COMPLETE

Forged Fury

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Feral had been waiting for the right moment, the perfect timing, that exquisite set of circumstances.

He tosses Cyril the condoms and replies, "Your love life."

Cyril gawked at the gift for a quarter of a second before recovering and replying, "Well, yeah, it does tend to come easy for me, charming devil that I am, so it isn't a lot of work. Thanks, wish I had these before I met Mrs. Kennedy, the Sequel. Hey Gavin, does the FCC provide good medical benefits?" Eyeing the box, he added, "So, when is Garvey coming back?"

At 0tter's question, Cyril, standing behind the woman at the counter, starts shaking his head vigorously.

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A small part of J.R. wanted D0 to do the reports. He sat back and imagined the boys upstairs reading them. The chaos and sheer confusion would be staggering. The other part knew that D0 is crazy, unpredictable, and uninhibited. She could very well destroy any chance of funding they could get from the FCC. But damn it would be funny.

[Sblock=Otter]If you had a police scanner or even a HAM radio, it would be easier to see if you can intercept a signal from the BunBun guts, but the crude antenna, oscillator and alligator clips from inside the toy work well enough so that Otter is able to verify that the toy records sound and video, and transmits both. Not only can it send data, but it can receive data, too. It its broken-down state, the signal is weak, though. [/sblock]

Marks gets from the table, grabs the van keys, and moves to leave. "I'll be back at 10. Be ready to go." He eyed Otter. "And for the love of God, don't break anything, and don't set anything on fire."


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[sblock=OOC]Yar, she's trying to see if it has any data on it already. And if not, if she can make what's left of Marks' phone receive the data that these things transmit. Not necessarily this precise one, but assuming that they all send data in the same way, on the same frequency and so on. The intent isn't to make a device that can track the BunBuns from across the city...because as you say, this phone isn't sensitive enough...but rather, if we find other BunBuns, it will be able to receive and interpret the data they send.[/sblock]

"No promises!" she calls after Marks gleefully.

[sblock=Otter]The BunBun does, in fact, have ten minutes of audio and visual recorded on it, which Otter accesses. With Marks's phone torn up and no screen on which to view any images the toy has to transmit, Otter's restricted at the moment to hearing the audio, which seems to be background conversation last night in the kitchen while she torn out the BunBun's innards. The recording picks up from about the time Feral retrieved the toy from under the kitchen table, and lasts about a minute and a half before dying out. Other than that, there's audio from what sounds like the van ride home from the store last night.[/sblock]

Marks returns an hour later than promised. He drops two sets of keys down on the table, grinning profusely. "I got us a batmobile. Go take a look." He heads out the back door of the fellowship hall, into the rear parking area. Outside is a gunmetal gray four-door sedan. A Ford, if the front grille is anything to go by. "She hauls hind tail," Marks says. "I got her up to about 115 on the 465, around the Fort Wayne exit for I-69. Ford Taurus SHO. Can't believe the dealer actually had one on the lot."


"And that's not all. Come on back inside, I've got cards for you." Marks upends a 5 x 7 manila envelope over the table, shaking out six plastic credit cards. "Garvey authorized spending accounts for personal items. Use the card like a credit or debit card. The five of you each get $3000 a month. Like a stipend. Gear for the missions, though, goes through purchase order. These cards are just to cover personal expenses or reimbursable emergency expenses." Marks eyed Cyril. "No health insurance. You're independent contractors. Though, if you need something," Marks looked at Feral and nodded, "we requisition it, and there's a chance the Feds will procure it. They'd have paid for J.R. to go to the hospital last night, for example. 'Reasonably related to a substantial purpose' of the mission," Marks cites.[sblock=OOC]The debit cards officially give everyone the Wealth +5 bonus I mentioned in the OOC when you hit 2nd level. Please add this to your RG sheets, if you haven't already. In addition, you each have the $3000 monthly stipend I mentioned above. Not exactly core d20 Modern, I know, but I didn't want to be in the position of handing Wealth checks to buy donuts and coffee, if you take my meaning.[/sblock]

"I put in the requisition for the items we discussed. Most of it went through and was approved for purchase immediately. A couple of things are still pending, however." Marks ticked off list items on his fingers. "The sound system and music, motorcycle, and Feral's hormone therapy request weren't approved yet. Higher up rejected the HERF gun request. Officially, that item does not exist. The SQUID is pending. As is the T1 line. We'll probably get both of those, though, given the nature of the mission. I didn't even ask about Five Eyes; if the HERF gun is classified TS-SCI, then ECHELON officially won't exist, either." Marks picked up a set of SHO keys and twirled them wistfully. "The home gym will be here and installed by close of business today. The Kevlar and other purchase-order items are on order and should be here in the next five days. The small potatoes tech, like cell phones and laptops, we buy locally ourselves. I have the purchase order account number and signatory authority here." Marks waved a paper in his hand. "Who's driving?" He jangled the car keys.
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"I'm staying put. You lot are going." Marks clarified, seeing Cyril eyeball the Taurus with uncertainty. "She's bigger inside than she looks. She'll seat five. And when we need the van, it's here, too."


Feral was initially excited about the credit card but his mood immediately turned sour upon hearing, "not approved, yet."

"More *&^%ing red tape! (&^(&((& government ((&^(ing bureacracy!"

Feral suddenly kicked the wall, his foot splintering the wood slightly, then snatched his card out of Marks hand and stalked out of the building.

OOC: Feral is going to the nastiest dive of a bar he can find to get drunk and get in a fight or two. Unless someone stops him or better yet, comes with him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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