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Gamerprinter's Map Emporeum


Working on more starship deck plans.

For something a bit more specific, I recently created a pocket warship used by the Interstellar Order of the Knights Templar, as the commandery of Interstellar Brotherhood of Freemasonry. A recently chartered Eden star system and its resource rich planets were about to instigate a corporate war between several megacorporations to control that sector. In an attempt to mitigate hostilities, the CEO of one the megacorporation involved (the one with the most legal rights to the system), claimed it as a possession of the Masonic Order, and several of the other CEOs involved were also Masons. This indeed prevented the war from starting, at the same time propelled the Masons to a political level unseen for centuries. The Masonic order began a series of building projects on the primary world of that system, starting with an exact replica of King Solomon's Temple, as well as replicas of Notre Dame Cathedral, the Hagia Sophia and most of the other important Christian religious edifices on Earth. As a result many "pilgrims" began visiting the Eden system, many immigrating there, so there came a need for a Masonic navy led by the Knights Templar to protect those pilgrims to the "holy land" from the predations of rogue states and pirates, much as the original Templars did during the Crusades.

This is the Crusader class 800 ton Close Escort starship. The crew berths are small compared to most Traveller RPG designed ships, being only 3 tons of space, not 4 - Templars are expected to be more frugal and willing to live with less.

The ship's 15 ton launch features a detachable 5 ton small armed and armored personnel hover vehicle.

Here's the product link to printable and virtual tabletop versions of the deck plans, link here.

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I also just did a private commission with the rights to release it as my own product. This starship deck plan also had a very specific (and useful) purpose being the fastest ship available for use by the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. With the fastest maneuver and jump drives and power plant available for the largest ship at those speeds (jump/6 and maneuver/6), it is crewed by an average crew of 8 (3 pilots as one per 8 hour shift, 1 navigator, and 4 engineers as one per 50 tons of drives), plus a diplomat (imperial ambassador) and 2 aids (body guard and a steward/administrative assistant). There is an absolute minimum of crew space, most of the ship's square footage is taken up by fuel, fuel processing, drives, power plant and bridge - there is no cargo hold. However, the ship's boat used to deliver the diplomat and her team, contains 13 tons of cargo space, so is used as the main ship's cargo hold - mostly to carry necessary high status wardrobe and accoutrements for the diplomat and her aids needed for diplomatic missions.

This is the Peregrine class 1200 ton Fast Diplomatic Sloop. I opted to design the exterior hull to emulate it's namesake, a peregrine falcon.

I created virtual tabletop ready files, sliced printable versions for home inkjet print use, and full scale maps as layered PDF so you can show/hide layers as needed to print in large format, plus an 8 page gazetteer giving a room by room description, plus Traveller RPG starship stats. You can find it at DrivethruRPG - here's the link.

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I decided to participate in this month's Halloween Special Map Challenge at the Cartographers' Guild with the theme - create a map that has something to do with vampires. Since I've been designing star ship deck plans lately for multiple projects, I decided to do a vampire themed deck plan. At first I'd considered doing either a space station or deck plan that a gang of vampires has taken over, however I went a different route. Several people have asked me to create a bio-hybrid living ship deck plan, which I planned to do eventually, then thought what if I do one now. For an added twist since this is a bio-hybrid star ship deck plan, and it is alive, why I don't I have this ship contract vampirism...

There are tiny (inch long) beetle-like grubs that thrive in the so-called vacuum of space, apparently moved along by solar winds they can survive with little to no atmosphere, very limited food sources, in the harshest environments and attach themselves to passing space ships and other astral bodies. One of their unique features is it can naturally cloak itself - essentially becoming invisible to most scanning devices, through a field generated by a pair of internal organs. The creature is called a space flea or spectre beetle.

FiveCorp took on a top secret genetic engineering project by capturing specimins of Spectre Beetles, using radiations, growth hormones, hormone therapy and some radical surgery and grafting, have transformed the inch long insectoid into a star ship sized bio-hybrid star ship. It's internal organs, bladders containing exotic gases and through its gastro-intestinal system can travel and maneuver through open space (equivalent to Maneuver 2 speeds). However, it is not capable of FTL flight, without the addition of grafted technology that is placed in the aft portion of the living ship with those branch protrusions acting as fuel bladders. The ship is 3 levels high: at top is the bridge and gunnery deck, at center is the habitat deck, which notably features the creature's reproductive system converted into life pods that provide crew stasis pods as well as healing capability to the sick or injured, and bottom is the cargo and engineering deck.

Apparently one of these Spectre Beetle class Armed Scout star ship's encountered a catastrophic situation that forced the crewmen to evacuate the ship, which happened to have foundered in a nebula of necrotic gases. An alien race of vampire-like beings took over the ship and through regular uses of the stasis/healing system has infected the ship with a state of vampirism. Now the infected ship's stasis pods function differently. Those interred are either transformed into dhampyr (living vampire thrall crewmen capable of social interactions and intellect as normal, but entirely devoted to the ship) or consumes it's victims draining life energy, blood, bodily fluids, before internal acids further break down tissue and bone and entirely consumed to feed the ship.

Below are external hull views - top, portside view, and front view; upper bridge/gunnery deck; center habitat deck; lower cargo/engineering deck.


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I just completed a commission of five maps for Legendary Games upcoming science fantasy module series, though I'm only posting 2 of the five maps. The first one is a castle-like corporate headquarters that has suffered an earthquake on it's southern side where the ground has dropped bringing an entire structure down still partially intact. Some time has passed since the earthquake, as those stairs going down were constructed from rubble from the quake itself. After some recovery and cleanup, efforts have been abandoned.

The second map is actually a combination of 3 maps as part of an underground access to a subway system with the main map an underground area partially collapsed with the start to the subway. The other two maps are a kind of subway junction station, showing one of the subway cars awaiting boarding and a destination station at the end of the subway line.



I'm working on a planetary station/city map, I call Brahe Station. A geo-thermal power plant connected to the large volcano to the south, using water from the chasm to steam drive turbines. The smaller of the two domes is an arboretum, while the larger dome is the "downtown" business area of the complex. The structures surrounding the smaller dome are structures for school/university, hospital, corporate headquarters, and upper class residences. The structures with the 8 partitions are common habitat areas. The tube coursing through the complex is an elevated tram way with pedestrian walkways. All the structures are elevated on pylons anywhere between 30 and 100 feet off the ground. A communications array sits center right of map, and a star port at top left.

Next I plan to create encounter scale specific areas within the complex. Once complete I'll package the whole as a single product...



Top image is the larger domed structure in the previous map.

See the domed downtown area I just posted, well wanting something encounter scale for this. Looking at the smaller structures on the outer ring of buildings. Choosing the one on the southwest corner, I created an interior layout and floorplan. I planned on placing furnishings like tables, chairs, desks, etc. (for a restaurant at top right, bar top left, store center left, office/store center right and a repair shop bottom), but then thought, naw, you can put whatever you want in them to make them as you need it with your own furnishings. I did still place restrooms and the elevator - the rest is up to you!



Posting the first completed map of seven for Legendary Games. This is the Fury map. Mount Fury is one of many volcanoes on some low atmosphere planet. A bridging/ladder attached to the rim of the volcano hangs over the caldera leading down to a beam not attached, but hanging free to a ledge-cave entrance partially inside the caldera wall, above the molten lava below. The "bridging" is a ramshackle of rigged metal beams. Similar metal beam bridges cross the lava chasms within the cave system itself.

View attachment fury-01.jpg


Here's a compass rose I created for the last set of commission maps I did for Legendary Games, for author/designer, Richard Pett of a science fantasy module with steampunk overtures called Confederates of the Shattered Zone. The compass rose uses interlocked gears (to fit the steampunk theme) with rusty metal texture and Splash Gordon font for compass directions.



Here's the first of a 14 map commission for Kobold Press - Faces of the Streets of Zobeck, by Wolfgang Baur. This is the only one I'm posting. This is a subterranean arched gallery serving as a black market square, called Cartway's Black Market. A bunch of tents and awnings sit on either side with a slave market in the center.

1. Slave Market
2. Gambling Tent
3. Brothel
4. Guard Platforms
5. Underhill's Perch (?)
6. Food Vendors
7. Common Merchants
8. Arched gates with open portcullis


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