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The hidden


DRAVAGO 10, 1000

The road changes direction. Tucker says this will be a hard route to clear. “How so?” asks Williamson.

“That will place us near the valley of the Vermin. Some say it is the main location the Children of Winter go for meetings but none have gone to discover if it is true or not.

“Seems simple enough. We can go in and….”

“Spiders.” Tucker says grimly. “The outer edge has thousands of spiders- most of unnatural size or species.”

Deciding to check it out, Tucker, Quaud, Orthos, Tyson and Feldrix all go together to investigate. There are many more vermin than usual seen on the forest floor. Centipedes, spiders, beetles and even red eyed rats scurry about…. Rarely seen but always heard.

Tyson is unsettled as he looks up and high in the trees he sees thick webs that capture birds, including larger birds. Not good but doable. Druid will not like it but a fire…..

Then they see the area best for the road to cross….. webs everywhere. They form something like a maze as they link tree to tree or as a canopy to the trees. The webs already have spring time spoils and move as hundreds of spiders move around. Even from where they are, they can identify some species by color or size. There yellow, red and black and brown everywhere. Some however, look mutated.

“What do we do?” asks Tyson. “Fire?”

“NO!” Screams out both druids. “This area is dry. A fire will burn the webs and the trees. Its hunger will not cease…. It will spread beyond our control.” Answers Tucker.

“Are you suggesting we go in?” says the Inquisitive with some unsettlement.

“I hate to say it…. But I have an idea.” Offers Orthos. “Let’s go back to the camp.”

DRAVAGO 11, 1000

“I’m almost surprised he agreed to this,” says Tyson, “If they get damaged…. “

“Then Cadd will repair them as he is paid to do.”

Hammer-Axe climbs up a hill side over looking the spiders. Axe-hammer is close. Almost enjoying this (better than chopping wood and stacking it) Cadd power-ups the two twin titans. Then he commands them into the webs.

The spiders crunch under their feet. The stone mallets crush them and the iron cleaving axe blade slices through spider and web booth. Spiders by the hundreds charge and leap onto them. As constructs, they feel nothing. The venom does nothing to them. The bigger ones do little damage as they bite and chew at the dark wood and hard wood joints and limbs. Using a special meta-magic rod, the artificer castes repairs from a safe enough distance as the druids with Quaud and Feldrix protect him.

An incredibly large spider rises from the back and charges. It’s red eyes suggest fiendish or otherworldly taint so the druids strike it with spells of cold.

It takes much of the day but the two, Hammer-Axe and Axe-Hammer cleanse the valley of the worse of the spiders.

Tucker and Quaud silently look to each. Orthos, nearby, shakes his head. “What have I done?”

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SPIDERS, SPIDERS, SPIDERS...... 011 spider horde.jpg


DRAVAGO 14, 1000

Orthos, Zigland, Tyson Murray and Feldrix say goodbye to the camp members. Their work tour duty has ended and they now have a free ride to Yrlag (with no road so how free is it?). The ride is bumpy and rough. They several miles to go before they reach the roads that exist on the Western edge of the forest.

DRAVAGO 18, 1000

On the way they are attacked by a fiend leading barbarians from the Demon Wastes- left overs from last years incursion (read the Storm Dragon novel series).

Feldrix leaps to the attack. He runs into about ten barbarians. The others, also getting out to stop the raid, are faced by a similar quantity of barbarians. The barbarians can barely strike the armor of the undead warrior. This leads to their leader to surface- a fiend!

A Schir Demon (not to be confused with a Bearded Demon) steps up.

The battle goes back and forth. Orthos finds himself separated from the others and in dire trouble. Completely surrounded by barbarians, he is over come and dies. It is only later the barbarians leave as Feldrix takes down the leader and fiend.

But still…. Orthos is dead.


NYMM 6, 1000

They have now begun to travel on roads created before them. Though the food still is good, Zig is unhappy with it. Orthos is dead.

They travel further and at mid afternoon they come to a split in the road. Looking to the signs on the stone and aged wood pedestal. Yrlag is straight and Bull Hollow is to the right. Several men, mostly farmers, are there talking. The carriage driver takes this time to talk about what is ahead. He hopes to avoid any more barbarian raids.

After some simple pleasantries, Tyson is asked about Sharn. Specifically if he had ever met or heard of a traveling group that consisted of a Shifter with an unique arm armor named Geth and a House Deneith member known as Singe. He answers no and then asks about people from his notes. Several of them recognize the warforged on his list. He bullied people here. He was not a nice thing to be around. The female human that has a thing for fire was recognized also. Her sister lives in Sharn. She was a “trouble shooter” for hire. Rumor has it she was killed by the Dark Lanterns. She went by the name ‘Whitesnake’.

NYMM 13, 1000

They reach the end of the road leading to Yrlag. Now they must walk a short distance to the Ganhic River which leads to Yrlag and the Creasant Bay. There is another person here watching them unload their gear. This person walks up to the Orien Driver and introduces herself. “Hello Traveler, my name is Ayru. “

The driver looks her over and nods.

“I was told this road led to Yrlag. Instead, it ends here and with no notice. Which direction is the famed town?”

Tyson watches as the female half-elf speaks to the driver. The driver points to them and Tyson guesses that means she is joining them to Yrlag. Hope she is better company than the last people to join them.

She introduces herself to them and joins them on their way. Shortly they reach a long peninsula of earth and rock that reaches out into the river. They go down this and Tyson spots something in the water….. something rising and quickly.

A huge Silver Dragon rises from the semi-clear deep river of Ganhic. It stretches and shakes off some of the water from its wings then spots them.

It gives a short but surprised growl. Then lowers itself as it steps into the shallows. “I am sorry. I did not mean to startle you.”

The huge silver dragon walks up further inspecting the ground before it. “I am Kar-dar-ren-drix-san. I seek knowledge and truth.” (pun intended)

The four of them glance at each other. Zig steps up. “I am Zigland, Chef and Seeker. These are Feldrix Dragor, Karrnathi honor knight of 387 and this is Tyson Murray, Master Inquisitive of Sharn. This is ahhh… Ayru…?”

“Inquisitive and a seeker…… a Protector and a knight……. Excellent.” The huge dragon bows before them. “I am honored.”

“Perhaps I can hire you inquisitive. I seek two people in Yrlag.”

“I would like to but I already have multiple assignments in this area I must attend to first.” Answers Tyson.

“Alas… I understand.” Says the dragon with a saddened heart. “May I ask to then just watch for my two missing … friends?”

“We guarantee nothing but perhaps if I spot them.”

“I seek Lady Silvermane and a warforged aid named Books. They were last seen coming to Yrlag nearly a year ago. They were seeking secrets also.”

“And if we learn anything?”

“I will be around and about this area for as long as I can.” The dragon looks around the ground then back to them. “There will of course be an award…. A sizable one.”

And with that, it stands up and raises its majestic wings and begins to hop forward and takes to the sky.

Shortly, the four of them reach a small dock and a ship is waiting for them. Zig, Tyson and the Knight give the captain their loading papers. The half-elf must pay her way. It is sizable.


NYMM 18, 1000

It has taken another five days to reach their destination- Yrlag. Shortly before reaching the growing township they saw a large barge that was two stories tall. The captain informs them that is The Tymora. It is a halfling run entertainment craft that operates outside of the Yrlag town rules. Once it was known for it’s casino tables and card games but now, as the clientele changes, the Tymora has also. Now shows occur once every five days that involve provocative shows. The halflings have hired several changelings to put on these shows.

Passing a river on the left, they spot an elemental craft docked at a lighthouse in the bay. They are warned to stay away from there as The Emerald Claw has bought the lighthouse legally and act in the open. House Tharashk tolerates them due to payoffs and wishing a major confrontation with the terrorist group. At this point, their activity is like everyone else’s- they are exploring the New Water and the Hidden. They are still aggressive and nasty feeling comfortable here and in power. The captain warns Feldrix especially as there are clerics among them that will take control of him if they so wish.

To the right is the shore of Eldeen. Several small camp sites are here built by campers, traders and a few that paddle over in canoes and boats to explore Yrlag. Most otherwise fear and respect the dangers of New Water too much to enter.

They do this dispite the rumors of the River Queen- a Dragon Turtle that swims through this area often. She is dangerous if provoked but otherwise treated as a mascot and some consider themselves to be fortunate to witness her.

The captain has the ship veer to the left where rocks can be seen rising out of the swamp and water. Strong stone buildings are built along these rocks and cliffs. This is where the wealthy live. The roofs are tile and painted green and blue. The buildings are mostly white with several windows per side. Some of the buildings have yards with guards watching them as they go by. Zig waves. They do not. One of the building has a minotaur. This is Madame Quarn’s home. She has many connections with Droaam. Rumors have it she herself is from the monster nation. She is rarely ever seen outdoors.

Then they cross the river past the wealthy and see the true city of Yrlag. A series of docks, wharfs and bridges criss-cross and connect. Except for one building, they mostly one story buildings. Some have a partial top floor. Everything is made of wood and bamboo with reeds and vines. There is one building that stands out however- it is located close to the rocks. It is two full stories tall complete with a mini-tower. It is still under construction. The Captain is prompted by Tyson. This new building is a new Wayfinder Foundation location. Parts of it are already open and available to go inside. The back half, the part on the rocks, is a museum dedicated to New Water and The Hidden. A woman is the director. The Captain knows nothing more about her.

Docking, the four of them climb a ladder onto the docks along with the other would-be adventurers.

Sticking together, they walk down the crowded docks. Along with The Foundation, the Captain also suggested they visit Grotto’s Place and the docks had a central communications area directly on the docks.

“It is like a maze.” Says Zigland as he looks around and watches a heron land on a post and eye him carefully.

“Not to worry. Sharn is a maze also. We will learn it soon enough.” Offers Tyson as he evaluates and mentally maps what he sees and where certain buildings are.

“No…. Claw. That…. Is good.” Says the undead warrior with true sincerity.

Ayru watches the surrounding area also. She is fearful of the Claw but knows there are many threats here to watch for.

They come to a very busy area where many paths lead to. They see small boats loading and unloading goods and many stalls with merchants calling out their goods. Guessing correctly, they presume this is the communications area. Tyson is hoping for a House Sivis outpost but is disappointed by the merchant types here.

A female half-orc is selling potions along with a goblin competitor whom seems unhappy with her. Also here are several young goblins selling maps of New Water for a copper. Marked for treasure goes for a silver. Both Tyson and Ayru spot another group of young goblins lingering in the shadows and the crates. Maps may cost more than a copper or silver here.

An argument begins between the half-orc named Neeva and the goblin. The other goblins begin to circle around the back side of her small stall. Whether they intend to attack, steal or avoid conflict is uncertain. Ayru makes a point to steer Zig away from it. But sometimes things don’t go as one wishes.

“What kind of potions are these?” the Changeling asks.

“Healing and Boosters.” She replies with pride.

“Spit and swampwater” suggests a goblin with a nasty scar across his fore head.

“Snarrrrl.” And the goblin lets out a squeak and hurries back to a crate.

“May I? I won’t take it or drink it.” Zig asks.

Knowing this is a test that may lead to sales she offers him one. “Small healing potion.”

He uncorks it and sniffs. “agh! What did you use as a base? Is the lil’ guy correct? Is this swamp water?!?”

Neeva snarls and grabs the potion from him and lends out her hand for the stopper. “If you add…. Say some strawberry elixir mixed with honeyberry juice it would improve the flavor and smell while not altering the magical effect. May improve sales.”

With a sneer she stops the potion and puts it back. “Home remedy.” But it is clear she is thinking about it.

A man calls out in outrage. “My pouch! My coin pouch! Someone took it!” There are only two goblins here now. There were seven.

“Wow. These country guys don’t know how to protect their stuff.” Says Zig.

Tyson stifles a laugh. “Some city folk are still learning also.”

Taking his cue, the changeling pats his belt- “Aye! My travel pouch is missing!”

Still fretting, they move on. The goblin only stole a few coppers and a few mint leaves for improving his breath but still….. those were his.

More activity ahead of them. The crowd reacts to the group coming and part for them. Tyson, Ayru and Feldrix each worry it is the Claw. It is not.

A half-orc of medium build (for an orc) dressed in clean and polished leather armor comes through. Three orcs follow him. While he is received more noble and respectful, the orcs are avoided more from fear. As the four walk by the nobler orc blood nods and smiles. “Gooddah Neeva. Having any problems today?”

She nods a welcome back. “Just the usual. And this here Changeling was telling me how to make my business.” She nods to the four thus signaling them out from the crowd.

“Messing with her home recipe? Her family recipe no less? Brave lad. Even more so showing your true face. Such honesty is rarely seen in today’s world….. even in Yrlag.” He stops. Nods a greeting and introduces himself. “I am Tuskdan d’Tharashk. I run the law patrols here on the docks.”

“I am best known as Zig and thank you. I too appreciate truth and wish there was more of it. These are my traveling friends, Tyson from Sharn, Feldrix from Karrnath and Ayru. I am here to learn new cooking secrets and find new spices to play with.”

Still watching the skeleton in full-plate armor, he nods to each individual and hopes they find Fame & Fortune. However, be kind, do not start trouble if you are so lucky while others sometimes are not.”

He and the orcs move on. “Nice guy.” Says Zig and he begins to whistle as he looks over some flowers on a pot built into a rail.

Tyson asks for directions while the others are checking out a merchant cooking on a small grill. “For snake, it is not rubbery. It’s excellent.”

Aryu thinks it tastes like old chicken….. whatever. “Where did the Inquisitive get off to?”

“Directions.” Comments Feldrix looking at the strips of blackened meat and wonders what drink would go best with it.

Getting directions for Grotto’s Place (and House Sivis) Tyson returns. “Five minutes into the docks.”

Ten minutes later (Zig is worse than a child) the four of them come to a large square dock with a large tavern centered on it. Grotto’s Place.


NYMM 18, 1000

They walk into the tavern and look about it. The place has a classiness about it. Several dwarves sit at one table quietly talking about odds and bets involving whatever interests them. Tyson sums them up as children of nobles looking for adventure and possibly afraid of it now that it is here. The beads in their beards give it away.

Also here are two humans looking like they had a day from hell. They each have untouched drinks before them and a small bowl of local nuts and seeds that also look untouched.

A waitress nods, smiles and winks at the group. She brings a rag to a table and wipes it off and gestures for them to sit. She especially smiles at the inquisitive. Her smile wavers a little when Zig waves back and smiles with his small changeling mouth. The smile then nearly disappears when Keldrix walks over. The Karnnathi Honor Knight pauses then sits down. “What do you… have for… drinks?”

Drinks are ordered and she moves away. Tyson looks about some more. At the bar is a fat dirty man with of all things….. a chicken on his shoulder. The waitress goes to him and while looking at the group leans over closer than required to whisper more than the drink orders. The walls show paintings and drawings of a well dressed half-orc and several adventurer-type people. The one looks familiar but he cannot place the person.

The waitress gives the drinks out as she returns. She places the skeleton’s drink down first while asking if any of them want any food. She moves to behind Zig and leans over deeper than required. “Perhaps you want something?” she asks Tyson. He dismisses her for now. No time for a waitress floozy now. A slight frown crosses her face as she then gives him his drink.

Zig was clueless to Tyson’s view and shrewdness to dismiss her. The knight holds his drink and savors the look of it and imagines the smell , taste and texture of the drink. Tyson spots what he is looking for and excuses himself. “The waitress,… fancies Murray.” Says the undead.

Now interested in Tyson’s actions, Zig watches him with renewed curiosity. Unknown to any of them, the dwarves are betting if the human will go to the waitress.

Tyson walks up to a board with many papers. In common and goblin there are job requests, notices and gear for sale. After checking these over, he wanders over to the bar. He strikes up a conversation with the chicken wielding man. After talking to him and showing him his folder of missing people, the waitress comes over and they talk also. Zig watches with a playful smirk when he finally returns.

“well….?” Zig asks playfully.

“The warforged I seek was seen here a few months ago. A local warforged hero, RAF, fought him and neither have been seen since in the swamp. I have a possible lead to two others but…. I should go by myself.” He says quietly while sipping his drink.

“Why? Does it involve a certain waitress with a deep “v” shirt and deeper cleavage?” Zig morphs into her but his shirt can’t contain her assets so he reverts just as quickly.

“Hurrrrmmmm…… grow up.” Says the inquisitor. “I learned of a place to maybe stay while entertaining one of YOUR passions.” He says pointing at the changeling.

With a raised pale eye the chef waits. “Sugga and Peppa” He enjoys seeing the building interest and ignores the skeleton with fluid dripping off the bones of his neck and inside the jaw bone. “It is an Inn nearby that also is considered one of the best local crusine restaurants.”

“Let’s go!” he blurts out.

“After I speak to Grotto. As it turns out, we have a mutual friend and he will speak with me…. Alone.”

Zigs sits down defeated. “oh poo.”

An hour later, they set out for the restaurant and inn. It is run by two halflings- Sugga and Peppa. Both are licensed under House Ghallandra.

To one side is a modest long building that acts as the inn. On the other side is a balcony and the small restaurant also known as “Sugga and Peppa’s” A table with a shade and several chairs sits in the walkway separating the two structures. People are encouraged to bring drinks here to relax.

“We can get rooms while you go here if you wish.” Offers Tyson. Only Zig’s smile answers before he turns and hurries to the restaurant entrance.

“We don’t serve his kind.” Snarls the well dressed halfling.

“Excuse me?”

“The armored one. He is not natural. He is not welcomed here.”

The red pin light of an eye flashes in a rush of emotion. Tyson steps between them. “He will not require a bed. Surely we can ….”

“Not good for business. Unnatural is very bad for business. Especially here.”

It is clear the halfling has made his decision. “I am sorry Keldrix.”

“I can…. Watch from…. The hallway well…. Enough.”

Unhappy with the decision, but both Tyson and Ayru agree to it.

After securing the two rooms (Ayru gets her own as being a woman), they cross over to the restaurant.

“You just have to try these Blue Claw crayfish marinated in red pepper spice. They are soooooo good.!”
The changeling has a large two large bowls before him. One half full of crayfish and the other has empty shells.


NYMM 19, 1000

Tyson Murray leaves his room before the others awake and walks to learn the village as he always did in Sharn. The few whom still fish the great river, all locals, are still getting their boats and nets ready. Some glance up from their small reed boats as he looks over the edge of the docks. Unknown to them, and even to himself as it is such a habit now, he studies them. Whom uses what. Who has what.

He walks out near the “Golden Road”. This is a wall and raised walkway used by the Dragonmarked House Tharashk to securely travel from the swamps to their primary processing area for Eberron Dragon Shards. Large humans and ½ orcs in pristine studded leather armor holding halberds watch with distain. Tyson wonders if they fear the New Water. Fear the slipping grasp of their hold of power over Yrlag. Then he looks over his shoulder and stares at the bit of air ship he can see over the rooftops of the low dock buildings. Maybe they already have.

A few goblins are on the docks also. Cautiously, he watches them as they scurry about. Maybe it’s the hour, but there are clearly many goblins here in Yrlag. How do they travel undetected here? In Sharn they travel in tunnels and underground. Yrlag lacks that.

Or does it?

He stops suddenly and looks down and away as if he saw nothing and moves to cover. Several Emerald Claw members are loading a small boat. A woman dressed in green and black condemns the people as slow and unworthy. The terrorists are a danger and someone needs to end their organization but it will not be him. He moves on quickly but not so to raise suspicion.

He spots the Cannith conclave. For a Dragonmark building, it is small and quiet. He notes tarps at water level under the building. A new project? An artifact from the New Water? Curious but his interest is in the smaller building, nearly a shack, located on the same section of dock. It is the House Sivis outpost. He wanted to send communications out yesterday but Zig was very adamant about checking out the food scene.

The gnome is grumpy. He doesn’t expect business this early in the morning. He sends out a message to the Lanterns about reaching Yrlag. He then contacts the other client. He passes on how he has officially confirmed Amabee ir’Haden, Zap and suspicions of Gussa being through Winetree years ago. He then sets up a receiving account and gives a gold piece tip to keep his presence and activity quiet. The gnome agrees with a knowing smile. Yrlag is small enough that if you are hiding from someone, they will learn where you are. Tyson knows this also but it is an act of consideration and buying the gnome’s trust. Or at least a down payment.

He returns to Sugga and Peppa’s and finds Ayru is up and waiting for him. “Couldn’t sleep?” she asks. She is sipping a morning tea and sweetened buiscut at the table outside. Feldrix is with her. He has done something rarely seen, he has removed his helmet. From menacing he now looks horrifying.

“As an inquisitive, I find it important to understand the layout of the area. I was walking about learning landmarks and where possibly useful buildings and institutions are.” He sits down and looks through his book once more.

“You brought your journal with you. Are you still looking for those people?” she asks.

“It is my job.” He says defensively.

“Funny - funny how our jobs are different but run similar paths.”

“Meaning you are a Medani. Yes it is.”

“I suspected you knew. Why have you never said anything?”

“Figured you would tell us when you felt like sharing. Besides, your shield gives it away.”

She shrugs.

“Has special meaning to you?”

Again, she shrugs.

“Yaaaaaawn…. Oh! Tea!” calls out Zig as he comes out onto the courtyard and hallway. Thus, the secrets of Ayru remain her own….. for now.

Later in the day……

“So why do you want to check out the Foundation?” Zigland asks. They are walking through the village on their way to the Wayfinder Foundation. Tyson is purposely taking the long route there so as to learn more of the area. They stop before a closed bridge with caution signs in several languages and ropes blocking it. Beyond it are burnt down buildings and docks. “What happened?” asks Zig.

“Rumor I heard last night while you were stuffing your face with food was a Colossal Red Dragon came here and attacked the village. He was looking for a Dadrow. A luck demon.” Offers the inquisitive.

“Never…. Heard of one.” Rasps out the knight.

“I doubt it exists. I suspect it was a greedy adventurer that took something from him.” Zig whistles in amazement. Dragons. Awesome. What recipes they must know……..

“Tyson- I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to look for some stuff (food) today. Is it okay if I go off exploring on my own?”

“You could learn equally important stuff at the Foundation Zig……,” He looks at the pale large eyes and cannot help himself. “Sure. Meet us back at the rooms by 17th bell.”

Tyson, Ayru and Feldrix continue towards the Foundation. “Ayru- what can you tell me about the Wayfinders?”

Feeling honored to be asked by the highly knowledgable bard-inquisitive…. Or tested…. She answers. “A halfling adventurer created it. He funds expeditions to all over Eberron looking for additional treasure and secrets.” She looks closely at him. “Why?”

“Boroman ir’Dayne is a halfling and an explorer. He may be the only non-dragon to travel to all seven continents. Though I’m not really certain about icy continent to the extreme south beyond Xen’drik. On one trip he was either exposed or cursed with a slow version of Wilting. No magic has yet healed him. It has trapped him in a bed in Fairhaven. He rarely leaves it. He used his great and vast money and connections to create the Wayfinder Foundation. It is a museum dedicated to his exploits and now the exploits of his approved members. The Hidden is exactly the type of place he would want explored.”

“Why do this?” Feldrix asks.

“Some say he truly loves exploring and lives through the adventures of his friends…. The club members. Others say he is looking for a cure. Some say a cure created from a collection of artifacts.”

“What is the point of going there then?” Ayru asks suspecting there is more to the inquisitive’s curiosity than to check it out.

“There is and always will be ONE location for the Foundation. Only at his personal home. Why build a second one….. here vs Sharn or Stormreach?” He asks bluntly. “I doubt he would build a second HQ in general…… much less here.”

Ayru thinks about this for a few moments. “And from there we may learn something of great use also. Like how to stay alive.” He grimly adds.

The Foundation is under construction and it is massive. It covers two wharfs. One building on piers and the other appears to be built on a jutting stone from the water. The entrance includes a balcony with strong but pleasant smelling flowers. A statue to the founder is here complete with a small history of his exploits. A few brass plagues give details about his better known expeditions- especially to the northern most continent that has only been made once (to most people’s knowledge  ).

“Seems you know your philanthropists very well Mr. Murray.” Comments the ex-bodyguard. Do you know any others?” she comments teasing him.

“Once met the dwarf Kim ir’Elderich from Mhor Holds.”

“You keep powerful friends.”

“Who said Kim was a friend?”

They walk to the museum entrance and the door opens as they reach it.

A woman wearing a tank top with strips of leather padding, leather pants and boots. A scarf is wrapped around her waist and head. She looks more like a pirate or adventurer than museum curator. “Welcome to the Wayfinder’s Foundation of Yrlag. I am Jassa.”

Shortly they have paid a silver apiece to enter the round show room. It starts with a series of drawings and paintings that describe the village of Yrlag before Rhaan 9, 999. (Day of 9’s) Then suddenly, overnight, a large section several miles across transformed or was transferred. Once a dark and murky swamp with pockets of warded and sealed portals to a realm of chaos, it became a place of dark strange water with a glass-like surface and in areas obsidian grew from the ground. In the center, a valley, or a pit as some think of it, was formed. Thick and tall extremely sharp shards of the black glass stab the sky creating a wall separating it from the “real” world.

In the first few months, people came to explore the area. Local druids especially. Some of these people became local heroes. The warforged scholar- Truth and his friends were the earliest ones. Other groups came later. A reporter for the Korranberg Chronicle brought The Hidden to the world’s notice.

By the beginning of year 1000, a continent wide rush had begun. Treasure , mysteries and Fame were to be attained. The Wayfinder Foundation was quick to the call.

“Strange. Never thought about it …..”

“Go on…. Thought about what?” Ayru is beginning to trust his instincts.

“The world really does to be drawn to this place. Drawn is an unnatural…. Almost magical way.”

“Zig…. Will wish he came….” Interrupts the knight whom gains a few wary stares from other people within the museum. “They have samples…. Of the plants….. found here.”

In the next forty-five minutes they look at and learn about the new flora and fauna. There is a skeleton of a raptor with tentacles, a strange frog-like fiendish statue and a crocodile with spores and barbs on its head and shoulders.

The new water, it is an oily darker blue fluid with trillions of ½ inch soft but firm pellets of many colors. The colors are mainly blue but there is also red, yellow, green and orange. The water seems to be only eighteen inches where ever one goes.

Many previous sites, buildings, known ruins and even tombs have either disappeared or moved. This gets a “Hurrm” from the Inquisitive which Ayru has learned is his way of saying he doesn’t approve of the reality of what has happened.

Other things here include pieces of the obsidian which took a great deal of force to secure. There are warnings of it being sometimes under the beads in the New Water.

The Hidden is a bigger secret. Very, very few have ever returned from crossing the glass wall. Ruins are within it and a swamp of bright primary colors filled with “New Water” rivers, streams and pools.

There is still room for more and a sign is at the exit asking for any additional facts and artifacts found to be shown. The Foundation may buy them for a good price.

Leaving, they get a drink and group up nearby to talk.

“Well?” asks the Dragonhouse employee.

“It is a dangerous place and I don’t really feel comfortable going into there. I am an Inquisitive- not an explorer. It does seem it is a manifest zone or something of the sort.”

“mani…fest …?” begins the knight with his raspy voice.

“There are more planes than ours. Worlds if you wish. Each has a general theme or motif that differs from ours. When the walls separating our world from another grows thin each influences the other…. Like now…. Here in the swamps. If not corrected…. It can become permanent. It is how Sharn’s tall towers remain upright…. Even though they are in some cases nearly a mile tall.”

“I understand that but you went here for something else.”

“Yes. This is not Boroman ir’Dayne’s Foundation.”

“Then…. Who’s?” asks Keldrix.

“Yet another mystery to add to my growing list.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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