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The hidden

The brain eating giant fiendish Vipers..... 21 mutant fiendish viper giant snake.jpg

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LHARVION 15, 1000

“What you think?” asks Ayru whom is trying to gage what she sees in the near distance.

“Defensively sound. Wish we could see what is on the other side of that wall.” Offers Tyson.

“We go around the wall….?” Suggests Zig.

“Round round the wall we can go.” Babbles Zyr.

Feldrix gives him an appraising look. Just how unstable is this man? “I agree with you. What is behind the wall?”

Maybe a thousand feet away, they look over the island. There is a tall wall blocking their view. Brush flanks the wall completing the cover. They saw about four to six figures pass the wall. Tyson thought he saw a figure on the wall. If so, can that person see them? Certainly before they reach the wall.

“We don’t have a great deal of options…. Assuming this is the raiders. We will need to march directly at them.”


“I will take the lead. I can withstand most attacks well enough.” Suggests the skeleton.

They walk steadily directly towards the wall. Suddenly there is light. Instinctively, Feldrix and Ayru move to the left and right- flanking the wall. As they get closer they discover the light on the wall is cover and distraction for the ground forces.

Aundarian uniformed soldiers met Feldrix within the edges of the brush. Ayru discovers there is a small building behind the defensive wall…. And soldiers.

A mage is on the wall and begins to attack. Zyr giggles and summons a gorilla. Well maybe it was once a gorilla. What charges the wall and the magic user is not exactly a gorilla. It has the face of a gorilla but the rest of the head is withering tentacles about eight inches long. Other, larger tentacles grow from its back , shoulders and fore arms.

A soldier better dressed than the others, steps out from behind the wall. He unwraps a ball with a light spell on it. He goes to throw it over the brush where Feldrix (with dark vision) is. As he reaches back, Zig flies over him after taking a fly potion and drops acid onto him. It is a direct hit and the light spell lands in the brush instead.

The human soldiers find themselves barely able to see the knight while he can see them clearly. Even with their tower shields, they are easy pickings for him.

The gorilla reaches up and snags the mage from his higher ground. He does his best to wiggle free but can not. Especially as the tentacles begin to wrap around his head and flailing arms.

One of the soldiers drops as Ayru pokes her sword around the tall and wide shield. His own light spell now illuminates his body in the water. As she presses the other soldier, Tyson shifts to strike him with his short bow.

Zyr, invisible, has followed his summon creature to the wall. He watches it in twisted fascination as the creature squeezes and crushes the magic user. His light spells all blink out.

Feldrix finishes off his foes and moves in to help Zig (whom landed to search bodies). Seeing he doesn’t need help, he moves towards the wall. A hideous gorilla is checking for life on the mage. He hears two distinct thuds as Tyson has landed two arrows into the back of the soldier. Even as the soldier stumbles in pain, Ayru finishes him off.

“Not as planned…. But…. It works.” Says the knight. He has taken it apon himself to train these non-fighters how to fight.

Due to my kids trashing my hobby room and the computer area, the notes for adventure #5 and #6 are missing or at least unattainable. So bare with me..... the next few segments will be strictly from memory.


LHARVION 15, 1000

They carefully look over the bodies and island. They find silver and gold and some basic weapons and armor. Nothing otherwise noreworthy.

They go to the building now. Tyson and Ayru concentrate on the entrance. They hope there are no wards or traps here. Maybe that is why they missed the potted flowers in the front. The same fruit that Zig had experienced powerful dreams from. Zig notes something as he quietly plucks the fruit from the short plants. The potting soil has the multi-colored beads from New Water in it. Why?

Zyr looks down at the changeling whom motions for silence. Zyr smiles big and giggles silently. He likes secrets.

Ayru picks the lock to the building and gently opens the door. Tyson goes in first and notes the surroundings. Many beds line one wall. One corner is curtained off from the rest. Tyson goes into this area. Feldrix and Ayru come in next and search about.

Tyson saw something hidden high up the wall. Sitting on a crossbeam joint is a book or ledger. As he locates a chair to better reach it, the knight spots something within the bed- a rod. A crystal red rod about 15 inches long. Strange. Tyson pulls down the small ledger. Tyson flips through it. “These raiders work for Nero Greystone. He is a member of the Emerald Claw.” He continues to read how he has been speaking to Madame Frome Durress. A person of interest on his list to interview.

Zig, having collected all 25 berries now joins them. “Find anything?”

LHARVION 16, 1000

They send the night there before leaving.

“Have you ever noticed it doesn’t rain here?” asks Tyson.

“…… now that you mention it…..” thinks Zig. “Beautiful views and no rain. Who needs Lyrandar? “

“Zyr…. What was that back at the wall?” asks Ayru. “Did you summon or somehow create that…. Creature?”

“Me? Hee hee.”

Tyson wants to distance himself from this ….. summoner (?).

LHARVION 18, 1000

Going onwards to hopefully Yrlag, they come across a flooded building. The walls remain but there is no ceiling or roof. Whether this was the way it was before or because of the events of New Water is uncertain. They move closer to possibly explore it or shelter there that night.

As they get closer they can hear something within the walls. A slapping and rumbling sound. Carefully, they sneak about. Ayru goes around the building to locate another way in.

Three ogres are here. They surround a body in the water that is floating face down….. dead. Amazingly, they hear the four other adventurers outside of the walls. They go the attack. Zig tosses in a potion. The ogres watch it land before them then suddenly burst and a thick fog rolls out. One of the ogres move away to the rear entrance (where Ayru is). The others cry out in fear, startlement and anger and feel for the doorway where the potion came from.

Feldrix steps next to the door and waits for the first head to poke out of the cloud. Tyson and Kyr move into another entrance to the side of the building.

Next the alchemist throws in more potions but these have acid. The ogres are not happy with this. Zyr summons in a strange looking crocodile aimed at attacking the third ogre. It convinces Ayru that there are more creatures to fear here instead. Both the ogre and her attack the summoned creature.

Tyson caught Zyr casting this time but did not see the Xoriat creature form.

Soon the three ogres are defeated and the smoke clears. They go in to see what is within the ruins and find a dead bugbear. Rolling the body over, he has a chipped tooth and badly scarred legs from severe and repeated burns. He carries a large club with him and a now damaged shield.

[ For those wondering…. He is Piik from my storyhour- Heroes of Eldeen ]

[[ This is more to get at the players than their characters. No one is safe. Not even well liked characters from games past ]]

LHARVION 20, 1000

They reach Yrlag and present proof of the raiders being defeated. Tharashk has already gotten reports of fewer attacks and raids. Just the Dusk Clan occationally still make an attack but then…. Very deep into the New Water and away from the Yrlag borders.


LHARVION 22, 1000

The Master Inquisitive Tyson Murray spends most of today sipping drinks and eating small snacks instead of meals as he learns and memorizes more of the Yrlag dock system and talks to many of its people.

While doing this, he learns Breland and Droaam’s conflict has stymied within the mountains. It is not sure who backed down, the three sisters or the king but a new uneasy truce has begun. There is a noticeable disappearance of ANY dragon sightings now throughout all of the continent of Khorvaire.

As far as his notes, he gains little. Gussa is within the settlement somewhere. Rumors of the poorest quality suggest her team is still here also. In two days he hopes to see Madame Duress. She may have information of the missing people and the Hidden.

He goes to House Sivis and sends messages to both the name given by the Dark Lanterns and to the gnomish general- Goldberg ir’ Viewfinder.

LHARVION 23, 1000

Checking for messages, Tyson finds four total at the House Sivis sending stone station. Two are from Viewfinder. One of disappointment that Tyson has not found anyone yet. A second one suggests Gussa may be using an alias. Nothing surprising there. The third message is from Nadia of the Dark Lanterns. She warns Tyson that House Tharashk is calling in forces from the war time effort. They don’t want to lose Yrlag to anarchy or worse…. The Emerald Claw.

The fourth message is the strangest. It is a series of symbols. Possibly arcane but most likely a strange language. When asking about it, the Sivis gnome can only say it was brought here by a goblin last night. It was not sent by stone. (and to get that cost a silver Huuurm )

A new member to this game? Friend or foe?


LHARVION 24, 1000

As per his normal routine, Tyson awakens and quietly gets dressed so as not to awaken sleeping beauty….. aka Zigland. He picks up his journal and goes out for his ritual coffee and Danish.

Unknown to him, the changeling awakens and quietly sneak over to Zyr’s room and gently knocks.

“hee hee is it time tim-tim-timey?”

“Yup.” And the door opens for the changeling whom enters the summoner’s room and quietly closes the door.

Feldrix nods a greeting to the inquisitive as he gathers his breakfast and sits at the public table in the main walkway separating the restaurant and the inn run by the halflings Sugga and Peppa. Feldrix begins to pace as he grows impatient for everyone to awaken. Though the halflings have become more trusting of him, they dare not have the undead within their buildings. Especially with the rumors of the Emerald Claw using undead.

An elf wearing a long leather coat and a large hat walks up and asks if anyone is using this seat as he motions to a table directly next to Tyson’s. “Mostly a free country….” Offers the inquisitive.

“At least in the five nations I agree,” says the elf, “But here in the miserable swamps….. well that remains to be seen.”

Though Tyson can only see the nose and mouth of the elf, he notes the tight smile. Doesn’t instill trust or ease.

“You do not look like an adventuring type….. what brings you to Yrlag?” asks the elf.

“My father believes I am safely in Fairhaven. Guess the joke is on him.” Answers Tyson whom is suspicious of the elf.

“Many family ties seem to END here. Been here long? Are you due back to Aundair?”

Noting the suggested threat and need to leave Tyson merely smiles and sips his coffee first. “What was your name again kind elf?”

“I didn’t say. Maybe you may find a new adventure to seek out. One less dangerous.” The elf gets up and nods “Good mourn to you.” And he walks away in the opposite direct of the honor knight.

“Your paper- “ Tyson begins to call out but then notes there is a separate piece of paper within the Chronicle.

“Huuurmmmmmm” growls the irritated inquisitive. He picks up the Chronicle. It is this weeks the 21st.
Inside the notes falls out. A clear threat is written. Stay away from Madame Duress and Gussa.

“What do…. You have?” asks the knight as the distracting sound has left.

“An invite.”

“To what?” asks Ayru as she comes out to join them.

“It appears I have rattled the cage and someone wants me to leave my investigation alone.”

“The gnomes? The Claw?”

“One of them. We should get Zig out here and have a meeting. This may get truly dangerous from here. He should know what is happening.”

“Agreed…. But first….. about them…” mentions the knight as he pulls out his weapon.

“And them….” Adds the protective half-elf.

Two separate groups of men and women dressed in dark green and black cloaks come down the docks staring hard at them.

Before anyone notices, Tyson hums a slight tune that makes him first become transparent then entirely invisible. The knight steps into the one group’s charge and disrupts them. He releases his fear aura for the first time within the town limits. As he does this the group leader there calls out “387! He is of the 387!” he and his men slow down and hesitate in utter fear. The knight takes full advantage of this.

Ayru has no fear aura but still puts some fear into them as she uses her short spear and shield to block, parry and sneakily attack the men and women of the Emerald Claw. Tyson tries to sneak to the door to get Zig and if need be- Zyr but is cut off when several men circle past Ayru.

Deciding there was more than one way to call for reinforcements, he castes a non-combative or harmful spell to the sky and building. He hopes the fire fearing people of the docks will see it and come to stop the “fire”.

Feldrix defeats his group and begins to wonder how they knew he was of the 387th division of the Karrnathi military forces.

As the last of the thugs go down, House Tharashk and bucket carrying dock workers arrive.

The battle is over….. but not the war with the Claw.

“Where is Zig? With all of this noise he should have woken up. Him and his new friend…..” asks Ayru.


LHARVION 24, 1000

“See. By carefully removing the pit with a small paring knife you….”

“Pit. Pitter-Patter of the Pit. I see. I hear.”

Zig wonders about his new friend Zyr. Only for a moment but he wonders.

“With this- you place the pit inside and begin to mash it up.”

“Mash the hash-hash-hash.”

A few minutes of grinding the course and hard pit and Zig produces a pate’ or as he likes to call it- Hidden Butter. “Then lets go with…. The wheat cracker with a dash of sea salt from near the dragon lands…..

“Dragon! The dragons are very very very dangerous. They mean to destroy the dragons. To force them away from any home-ome-ome.”

“Do you want the first batch or should I?” The changeling scraps the “Hidden Butter” onto the cracker and holds it up. Zyr grabs it and scarfs it down.

“More! Roar for more to get a score-ore-ore!”

“You are excitable today. Just a little. I am still trying to gage the strength and if there are any after effects of these. After all…. It is still an uncontrolled drug of sorts.” And he eats his cracker.

“Nothing is happening!”

“Patience. The fun stuff happened when I fell asleep.”

Like a child on the night before his birthday , Zyr leaps onto his bed and closes his eyes.

Zig calmly wraps a blanket around his on the floor and closes his eyes…. Smiling and wondering if he will dream of the Frog mounted Fairy or something else.

Zigland is flying through the clouds…. No not flying…. Floating in the clouds with a strong wind in his face. The mountains are tall and rocky. To one side of the mountains, a great dense forest is held back. It is thick and with pine trees as tall as some of the buildings in Sharn. (the lower ones that is) The other side of the mountains has a rocky and at times barren landscape. Canyons and crags of orange and brown rock stand up proud from the ground.

Then Zig spots something…. Within the mountain….. a flash of yellow light. A flash of red light. And blue. Soon orange and green appear. From each of these flashes streaking lines of said color spread out arching and twisting. Sometimes they over lap but other times they seem to argue on the right-a-way. A tentacle of color reaches out from these patterns and whips out at the swamps to the due west.

It seems to latch onto the land and the five colors begin to spread out again….. along with a pulsing white line and pattern. As Zig concentrates on it he hears distant laughter. Is it Zyr or something else….?

He awakens and sees a very unsettling smile on Zyr’s face. He calls to his father and cries for his return. Not a good trip Zig guesses so he closes his eyes once more and hopes to understand what he just saw. He isn’t sure how, but he feels these visions will help his understanding of the strange land now known as New Water and The Hidden.

Zig is floating once more. Gentle winds this time but there is fog…. Thick fog with an unpleasant smell to it (smog?). He knows there is water just below him. Maybe all of twenty feet down. It is dark….. the water is nearly black in color. Thick trees with gnarled roots that push and lean the trees to odd angles grow here. Vines hang. Some even twitch and wiggle as if alive and impatient hang from these trees.

The breeze picks up speed and power. They swirl around him gently. The water is now dark blue with bits of color mixed in. Zig looks up and sees the stars copying this activity. They swirl and move about as if on their own…. Like lightning bugs.

Sensing motion below, the changeling looks down and sees reflective blackness rise from the water. The higher it rises, the more blue and pure the water becomes. The glass…. It is black glass….. much like Obsidian but flawless…. Reaches up into the sky around him. Their bases enlarge and begin to merge creating a wall. The glass is extremely sharp and strong.

On one side…. New Water….. the other The Hidden.

Zig awakens in a startled state as Zyr calls out for Daddy once more but with force. Fearing for him, the changeling rushes over to him. “Zyr! Zyr! Wake up…… its okay!”

Suddenly, the eyes of the lunatic sharpen and focus. “Daddy?!?”

Zyr sits on his bed sipping a tea Zig created from the local brand. It is strong and awakens you quickly. Though Zyr told Zig very little about his visions and promises, he remembers it all with vivid clearity he has not had in years.

Blue Bead. Red Bead. Multi-colored beads swirl about the summoner like leaves caught in the wind. The beads call out to you. Each has its own voice and soul. They swirl and begin to take a form. Humanoid. Strands of the beads wiggle like tentacles from the body of the brightly colored person.

“Welcome child of chaos. My world you are welcome to. Welcome to your world. Welcome to mine. Welcome to Xoriat.” The beads suddenly stop swirling and gesturing and seem to suddenly discover gravity. They fall to the floor into a gentle mist. They move about like a butter being churned then grasp his leg. The beads of Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Orange begin to move up his leg towards his torso.

In a fascinated state of fear and intense emotions, Zyr allows it. The mass begins to cover his torso….

“Give your father a hug.”

Sipping his tea once more Zyr smiles to himself. “Give your son a hug.”

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