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[CoC] Nocturnum -- Part I - Chapter 2 The Madness of the Twilight Queen

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The sound of keys sounds through the hallway as James walks towards the front door. He stops and contemplates for a moment if he's gonna mutter some sort of curse or not. With a deep sigh he puts down the two suitcases and the backpack and bends over to pick up the keys. His fingers enclose around the cold metal and slowly he puts them back into the pocket of his jacket where they belong. Slowly rising he picks up his stuff and silently walks to the front door where he stops again, both hands full and the pack weighing heavy on his back while a gun sticks annoyingly around in some place where it shouldn't be.

Sigh... He puts the suitcases back on the ground, gets his keys out again and opens the door. He picks everything up again and walks to the Hummer where he throws everything in. He walks back to the door, locks it and sits down in the car. Checking the positions of his mirrors he takes a good look at himself again in one of them, his fingers glide over some of the scars in his face and neck and a sign of them can be seen beneath his shirt. The doctors succeeded in fixing most of the scars with laser surgery but the wounds the fire left across his body will never go away completely.

A image flashes through his mind, the werewolf diving ontop of him while enveloped in flames. He feels the pain again and the wolf's fur setting his clothes on fire, searing his flesh.

He just shrugs it off. It's all behind him now and besides... James takes a good look in the mirror again. The scars are mostly gone and well.. to be truly honest... they make him kinda look mean. Yeah, one mean dude he is. Not everybody cuts down two werewolves within five minutes, hah! A wide grin grows across his face, showing a bit more of the scar tissue as his smile grows but he could care less. He'll just have to live with it. He puts the keys in and starts the car. He pulls up and at the corner of his street he remembers something, his cellphone... in the kitchen...


And he backs the car up.

[OOC: When I read this afterwards I laughed really hard hehe, I wrote it myself and it really ain't funny but I jsut had a good laugh. About something I wrote myself 10 seconds before, LOL! /OOC]
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Doc and Jason

With the corner of his coat Doc whipes his glasses clean. He holds his glasses up against the light and narrows his eyes as he takes a good look if they are all clean. They are. He puts them back on his nose and narrows his eyes again as the blurry image of the outside world comes clearly back into view.

Doc loosens his coat and sits for a second and then decides just to take it off anyway. It's a hot day and that kid just won't show up.

Probably up to some mischief anyways. He could spend his time more usefull and most certainly more decent.

Hearing himself talk Doc just bursts into laughter and thinks of his younger days. He wasn't what you'd call a saint himself! Hah, those good old days... without creepy werewolfves andwhatever else lurking around trying to eat me and my friends! And offcourse with Mary, boy she really was something when she was young... some other memmories flash before him not ment for any other then himself and he sits just smiling. He misses her still.

A soft tune sounds from the radio and the sun burns on the car. Whiping some of the sweatpearls of his forehead Doc turns off the engine of the car and the soft drum of the engine running fades away. With just the music left he sits back and relaxes while listening to the tune.

Suddenly someone drums hard on the car window and Doc jumps up from his seat bumping his head against the roof of the car. He looks through the window where Jason's head hangs with a wide grin decorating his face.

Why you!!! Scaring thell hell out of old men!

He rubs his head while Jason walks around the car and gets in on the other side after throwing his stuff on the back seat. They take a good long look at eachother and then they both burst out in laughter. Doc pats the boy on his back and then he backs up the car and gets going. Destination: Eastfield.


Just outside Eastfield as they near a gas station Jason raises his hand and points at two cars parked just outside.

Ain't that Ross' car Doc?

Doc looks in the general direction and recognises one of the two vehicles. And indeed it appears to be the copper's car. Doc just nods at his younger compagnion and slows down as he takes the next exit to the gas station.

As he approaches the station he spots Ross just walking out from the little building carrying some coca cola cans and a bag of chips. Ross heads over to his car and puts the stuff into it through an open window before turning around again and spotting the vehicle and his two friends in it. He shouts something to the bushes but Doc and Jason can't quite make it out from inside the car at this distance. But as they stop right next to Ross they see Ray taking a piss against a near tree at the side of the road half behind some bushes.

The two get out from the car and greet their friend. Ray looks over his shoulder and spos the other two as well and attempts the well known "Look no hands!" trick as he raises both hands into the air but lowers them back rather quickly.

Shortly afterwards he walks up to the rest of you with a red head and a wet stain on his trousers.

What?! Like you never had that!

Everyone has a good laugh while Ray tries to wave he comments away with some of his own. They all greet eachother again and talk for a few minutes. And no noone has seen James yet, they all suspect he's allready in town or that he yet has to come. They all decide to just head into town and park at the university and see what's going on when they find Jason there.

Everyone gets into their cars and heads towards Eastfield and so set off on another adventure, one that might force them to actions which could be harder then fighting werewolves or shooting hired guns who try and kill them. But perhaps... and maybe, yes just maybe they might come out on top, stronger, faster and with an exeptional strengh of will. Only time will tell.

[Last one for tonight comming after this one.]
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Welcome to Eastfield!

Eastfield is a small college town with a population of 10,000--2,000 of which are students at the local Mandrake University. In the summer, the town becomes a haven for tourists and vacationers drawn to its deep woods and the nearby lake Mebiji ("Best fishing in three counties!"). A number of resorts dot the lake's shore, and new private cabins are being built further up the lake to the north all the time.

Mandrake University is on the Eastern edge of town, its dormitories and student housing sprawling westward, taking up a third of the town. To the south is the downtown shopping area where people can find most stores and services they would find in a larger town, only smaller and closer together. Finally, the north-western thirrd of Eastfield is residential and hosts both elementary schools and the recently constructed Eastfield High School.

Since you are in town before the peak of summer you are here in the off-season, the resorts are all closed as their customers are hard at work in some larger city far away. And all four hotels have cut their prices. Some hotels have even rented out their rooms to college students for the semester.

As you four pass the sign that delineates the Eastfield city limits in your three cars, you witness an odd and unnerving sight: Standing on the shoulder of the road is a middle-aged woman, her face smeared with blood. She stands before a large canvas and easel with a bloody paintbrush in her hand. Across the easel are scrawled the words "Welcome to the Twilight Land." The woman stares at you as you pass, her eyes haunted and hollow.

Upon closer inspection however as you pass the woman in your vehicles, you realize that your eyes were playing tricks on you. The woman is covered in paint not blood, and there are no words on the easel at all. It is merely a series of abstract red shapes that, seen from the proper angle appear to be but mere words.

Eastfield is overcast and quiet when you pull into town just as the sun slips below the horizon. There is almost tangible tension in the air, as if the whole city os holding its breath. There are few people on the streets, and trafic is light.

You pull off the main road as you take a left turn and head towards the University grounds on the north-eastern part of town. There you all pull into the parking lot in front of the chemistry faculty building which is empty but for a single Hummer parked at the far end of the parking lot. As you park your cars James gets up from leaning against his Hum-Vee and walks towards you while he raises his arm as to greet you all.

[OOC: From here it's all up to you guys! I took the time to properly introduce this and so you all know in what situation you guys all are and how everything looks. And euhm yeah that one strange thing, weird huh?:D Enjoy yourselves!/OOC]
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[OOC: Well that's it for me tonight. It's alot of material and a good long read again. I hope I don't type too much... if you think it's too much please say so. I don't want to overdo it so that you guys are overwhelmed and think it's too much to read up on... Please tell me if you think that it's so! Just trying to add some atmosphere and flavor too the game!

Please, I hope you enjoyed the introduction posts of myself to this chapter. Now it's up to you guys!

And I forgot to attach the map of Eastfield in last post so here it is then, not in the post it's supposed to but anyway... :p I really hope you guys read all that crap I type up lol. Always get carried away. I always like to have alot to read up on in the morning on the boards and some good posts in which I interest myself but dunno how you all think about that :D /OOC]


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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ray gets out of his car and looks around at the most important people in his life. He hadn't realised how he missed them. Guys! Thanks for coming but this sounds like a case of too much no-doze. But since your here why don't we all take a break. I have a room called in at the one hotel. why don't we all get some and meet for dinner. I'm going to check in on Jas and once I take him to detox i'll be back. The concern on Ray's face shows he is not telling the truth about his feelings on this.
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First Post
James nods in agreement of food.

"Yes, rest and food are a nice combination. I often find I appreciate the consumption of food, I think I may be addicted to the stuff though cos I don't feel well if I don't eat it for a while," James says, pretending to be serious.

James then realises how bad the joke he made was.

"Oh, err, sorry," he says, turning red.
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First Post
The Forsaken One said:
[OOC: Shaper u read the answer post I made in Chapter 1 thread? I suppose so but just asking. /OOC]
OOC: Yup, but I felt it best to let the thread drop down to the bottem of a long list of finished chapters (well eventually ;)). But anyways I just wanted to let you know my feelings and opinions, I know that with out being Face 2 Face it is difficult to portray how things are going. Hell I can almost never tell sarcasim on the net.

BIC: After seeing Ray with a strange look on his face, Ross slowly walks over to him and throws his arm over Ray's shoulder. "You want any moral support? I had some chips and drinks on the ride. If you want I can go with and just wait in the hall or something."

Ross talks in a way as to not bring attention to the fact that he could see the Space Cadets true feelings all over his face.

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