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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angus moves 80' ft
OOC: (his normal movement; 70" base from Horseshoes, +10 from his new Reeve class.
clanging his clan sword against his shield as he does so. The movement is not a charge, it's not a run, it's not even a cantor. It's a casual lope, as Angus confidently strides toward the big lug, letting the night breeze waft through his hair, as he casually rides into battle.

Angus reverts to Dhaoninian: "Well, Ae'm Angus, th' turd slayer, ye baeg lump o' dung!" As he approaches, he takes a single swipe at the ogre with his big clan sword.

Angus hits an AC of 19. If that hits, he deals 18 pts. damage with a single blow.


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World of Kulan DM
Angus moves 80' ft
OOC: (his normal movement; 70" base from Horseshoes, +10 from his new Reeve class.
clanging his clan sword against his shield as he does so. The movement is not a charge, it's not a run, it's not even a cantor. It's a casual lope, as Angus confidently strides toward the big lug, letting the night breeze waft through his hair, as he casually rides into battle.

Angus reverts to Dhaoninian: "Well, Ae'm Angus, th' turd slayer, ye baeg lump o' dung!" As he approaches, he takes a single swipe at the ogre with his big clan sword.
Gronagon is surprised by Angus's sudden appearance. "The duergar made no mention of you, either, horseman! That damn bastard has used me and my soldiers and will have his head after I have yours!"

He swings greatclub a moment before Angus can attack. The weapon smashes into the side of Angus's horse body. It is a vicious blow but Angus brings his clan blade in response and cuts a deep wound through the ogre's chest. Gronagon yells in surprise and anger. "Damn you, horseflesh!"

Aries affixes his darkvision goggles and moves towards the fight with his mace at the ready. He seems to be searching. He's here somewhere," he shouts to Maur. "Xander set them upon us!" He moves up the northern trail and looks towards the high hill. "I don't see him. I think he's hiding... or invisible. Come out you coward!"

The female guard gets to her feet and moves to stand next to the pond with her bow ready to fire. She isn't sure if she can hit such a foe, but she takes aim and lets loose an arrow. She is forced to adjust for Angus's attack on the ogre and her shot flies high over their head.

"I see you, Aries Zeidan," a dark raspy voice rings out loudly in the night. "You have acted false before Malotoch's claws, as the duergar did when he betrayed the oath he made to me. An oath the necromancer made him swear before he freed him from his cell."

"I MADE NO SUCH OATH!" Aries yells at the sky. "YOU HAVE NO CLAIM OVER MY SOUL!"

"No, you did not," the voice seems to squawk. "But your betrayal has been seen by her and she has asked me to punish you, as I have punished the duergar. His curse makes him my thrall. While I cannot curse you as well, blood elves and demons will seek you out and punish you with pain and blood. And then, they will bring what is left of you back to me as my plaything."

"Is... is that?" Aureus says with a bit of fear.

"Vok! The demon lord is watching us somehow!" Aries turns to look at her and then Maur. There is fear in his eyes.

"None of you will survive my wrath!" Vok's voice seems to rising from the top of the pillar. "I will come for you and for all your family, friends, and allies! I will spill the Savage Heart out into the Thunder Lands and my wings will stretch across the Thunder Mountains into the Strandlands." The voice laughs. "But first I will send waves of bloodgoblins to tear apart the lands in between!"

"This is bad," Aureus says. "I thought we'd have more time." She looks towards the top of the pillar but it is too high for her darkvision to see what is at the top.

Gronagon is surprised and fearful at what he hears. "V-vok... Wyrknari Vok..." He looks at Angus and Caerth. "Who are you? Why does the Demon Lord of the Darkened Trees want you?"

"Kill them and I will reward you," Vok says to the ogre. "Defy me and you will suffer."

"Damn duergar, what has he gotten me into?" Gronagon says with fear. Angus can see that the ogre's hands are unsteady on his weapon. He looks at Angus. "If you allow me to retreat, I will never come to the Strandlands again. I swear it in Vaprak's name!"

"Your god is nothing!" Vok's scream sound likes a bird dying. "Do my bidding or die!"

Does Angus have reach with his clan sword? Can he hit at 10 ft., right or does he have to get right up and personal. I seem to remember that he doesn't have reach with it... :unsure:

If so, he takes an AoO before he hits...
Gronagon the Mankiller - AoO vs. Angus:
1D20+14 = [13]+14 = 27 (hit)
2D8+12 = [6, 1]+12 = 19

Guard (Dannia) - Mwk Shortbow:
1D20+2+1 = [15]+2+1 = 18 -4 (firing into melee) = 14 (miss)
1D6 = [3] = 3

@Neurotic, you're up! 😈
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Can't we just let Maur kill him?" The hutaakan says with a yawn. She looks back towards the dwarf champion and grins. "Do you want this one?"
"If he didn't charge and killed those people or if he called out a challenge, I would. Right now, it is wounded, it wouldn't be a duel, but an execution."

Maur heaves to, heavy armor and short legs conspiring to keep him from the fight.
Gronagon is surprised and fearful at what he hears. "V-vok... Wyrknari Vok..." He looks at Angus and Caerth. "Who are you? Why does the Demon Lord of the Darkened Trees want you?"

"Kill them and I will reward you," Vok says to the ogre. "Defy me and you will suffer."

"Damn duergar, what has he gotten me into?" Gronagon says with fear. Angus can see that the ogre's hands are unsteady on his weapon. He looks at Angus. "If you allow me to retreat, I will never come to the Strandlands again. I swear it in Vaprak's name!"

"Your god is nothing!" Vok's scream sound likes a bird dying. "Do my bidding or die!"
"We are the group that foiled a scheme of his. You know how those demonic egos are fragile. So like a spoiled brat, he will throw a tantrum. And destroy anything on the way before his reason takes over again."
Maur speaks clearly and loudly so the demon can hear.
"Your oath is pointless and void, Manslayer. You killed helpless people. You went for the easy prey on the word of a duergar. Real trustworthy employer. Now you suffer the consquences."

Maur pulls the metallic sphere from somewhere on his body and throws it into the air.
"Moradin'th Ord!"
The sphere unfolds into a hammer, fairly good replica of Maurs (and Moradins) own and strikes at the ogre.

Maur starts walking toward the giant.
"You may prolong your life by giving up the duergar. And I can promise you a proper burial in that case, so no demon can get your soul. Not sure about Vaprak, but Vok or Malotoch WILL NOT touch it."

Move: westward between the carts
Action: Hammer Sphere against the ogre: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16;3D6 = [2, 2, 1] = 5
(to hit is 23 if the item uses Maurs BAB and wisdom (I used minimum caster level (7) and minimum wisdom (12) for the attack)


World of Kulan DM
"If he didn't charge and killed those people or if he called out a challenge, I would. Right now, it is wounded, it wouldn't be a duel, but an execution."

Maur heaves to, heavy armor and short legs conspiring to keep him from the fight.
Aureus nods her head in assent. After the killing of the villagers, she is resolute not to let the ogre get away with murder. 'This Gronagon would never agree to be taken into custody and tried for his crime of murder'. She thinks.

Neurotic said:
"We are the group that foiled a scheme of his. You know how those demonic egos are fragile. So like a spoiled brat, he will throw a tantrum. And destroy anything on the way before his reason takes over again."
Maur speaks clearly and loudly so the demon can hear.
"Your oath is pointless and void, Manslayer. You killed helpless people. You went for the easy prey on the word of a duergar. Real trustworthy employer. Now you suffer the consequences."
Gronagon listens to Maur's words with what seems like passivity at first, but soon his face shows nothing but contempt. "And if you came upon helpless ogrelings, would you not crush them with your hammer? I have seen your people do worse although I know you will deny it."

He snarls. "Every year, dwarves, humans, and elves expand across Harqual and grind others under their boots or force them out with magic or tricks. Where are my people supposed to live?" The grip on his weapon tightens. He bares his teeth. "No, you would have all be ground into the Underearth or into the grave. We will not live in deserts or swamps like rats or goblins. Hills like these may not be much, but they have become our homes."

"As for the duergar, he offer horses to us as food and humans to crush in retaliation for the constant death and destruction forced our way by them. I took the vengeance I could get in this world and will not apologize for it."

"On my world, your kind are everywhere, and they never consider us or anyone else worthy to have skin," Aureus snaps back. "Since being brought to Kulan ten years ago, I have seen nothing but rage and hatred from your kind."

Gronagon looks like he's going to say something back but he just grins at the hutaakan.

Neurotic said:
Maur pulls the metallic sphere from somewhere on his body and throws it into the air.
"Moradin'th Ord!"
The sphere unfolds into a hammer, fairly good replica of Maur's (and Moradin's) own and strikes at the ogre.

Move: westward between the carts
Action: Hammer Sphere against the ogre: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16;3D6 = [2, 2, 1] = 5
(to hit is 23 if the item uses Maur's BAB and wisdom (I used minimum caster level (7) and minimum wisdom (12) for the attack)
Gronagon tries to block the hammer sphere with his greatclub, but the weapon shifts midair and slams into the ogre's face. The brute grimaces and then spits out a broken tooth.

"Typical dwarven diplomacy," he grunts.

Neurotic said:
Maur starts walking toward the giant.
"You may prolong your life by giving up the duergar. And I can promise you a proper burial in that case, so no demon can get your soul. Not sure about Vaprak, but Vok or Malotoch WILL NOT touch it."
"Bah! I care not about that fiend-touched duergar, but I will not guide you to him." Gronagon laughs. "I hope he kills more of those cowering humans. He is around here somewhere."

"No more talk," Quinn says. He moves with purpose through the villagers. He is able to get just close enough to use his spiked chain against the ogre and the weapon slashes the brutish ogre man on his right leg. This time, Gronagon winces in pain. The fight is draining out of him.

"Yes, no more words, by Vaprak! I will not die on my knees! Come and do your worst 'heroes'!" The ogre sets himself for the onslaught to come.

The voice emanating from the top of the pillar is now strangely silent.

Continuing to act for @ScottDeWar_jr. I'm not sure how he is doing. I just sent him another message through Facebook. It doesn't look like he's looked at the last few posted links for the game I've made in the Kulan FB group. :(

Quinn - Spiked Chain Attack:
1D20+15 = [9]+15 = 24 (hit!)
2D4+7 = [1, 1]+7 = 9

That is the end of Round One.
EDIT: Man, I cannot spell tonight. :)


Determining that the others will be able to deal with the Ogre, Phar decides to summon some help to protect the weak and perhaps help them find their quarry. He puts his back against a wagon and begins another spell, once again his mastery of the magical arts is revealed in the smooth flow of word and gesture. But this spell takes longer than the last.

OOC: Summon Monster IV for a Lantern Archon


World of Kulan DM
As Phar casts his spell, Aureus nocks an arrow in her bow and takes careful aim at the ogre, as not to hit Angus. She fires two shots. Gronagon barely avoids the first arrow but the second arrow penetrates the ogre's hide armor.

The ogre counters against Angus with his large greatclub. His first blow slams into the side of the centaur's human torso with a resounding crack. It is painful blow. But, the ogre is unable to reset his footing for his second swing and the blow only hits the ground by Angus's front hooves.



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth curses under his breath, then risks glancing at the place where the voice of Vrok comes from. He doesn't discern anything, and the half-orc is not sure the demon is actually here in the flesh.

Instead he keeps his stance against the ogre warlord.

"You have a point," he admits to Gronagon, even while stabbing his mighty spear in the giantkin's flanks twice. "But attacking people for no better reason than sport or vengeance is not the way."

After a moment of silence, Caerth adds, "We're just defending ourselves. You can still back away."



World of Kulan DM
Caerth curses under his breath, then risks glancing at the place where the voice of Vrok comes from. He doesn't discern anything, and the half-orc is not sure the demon is actually here in the flesh.

Instead he keeps his stance against the ogre warlord.

"You have a point," he admits to Gronagon, even while stabbing his mighty spear in the giantkin's flanks twice. "But attacking people for no better reason than sport or vengeance is not the way."

After a moment of silence, Caerth adds, "We're just defending ourselves. You can still back away."

The first strike of Caerth's spear sinks deep into the ogre's gut. He winces in pain and seems to want to step back, but Caerth second blow pierces the ogre's heart.

"I'm glad it was you, orc man, and not the dwarf," he gasps. "B-burn my body... do not bury..."

Gronagon falls dead.

"I am impressed by your skills," Vok's voice caws out. "You made short work of these pawns. I wonder how you will do against the duergar and my little surprise." The voice seems to begin to float in the air the top of the pillar.

Then, you see that a strange tiny raven is perched on the pillar, no longer hiding. Its eyes glow red as it begins to grow and transform. The bird turns to beast as it shifts to become a large griffon. But, it is more than that. Maur can see that it more dragon than griffon and is touched by the abyss as well. Its feathers are black and scaly and it wings are those of a fiend. It's lion features are covered in black scales.

"The duergar's familiar will be a useful tool," the voice emanates from the creature but it doesn't seem to speak. "Let us see how quickly you destroy this one. Will it be one blow, or maybe two? With each foe, I will learn your strengths and weaknesses. When you do kill Zecca, Xander will become enraged. That will be entertaining too."

The creature beats its wings and roars. It takes to the skies above the encampment. It flies and turns with precision and prepares to dive towards Maur and Aureus and Phar. Several of the villagers are soon panicking. Several of them look like their going to run away.

Zecca - Initiative: 1D20+4 = [17]+4 = 21 (delays until after Caerth kills the ogre)

@Tellerian Hawke, Angus is up next!


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"If you behaved like the rest of the civilized races, you wouldn't be hunted down. You can praise your way of life, but the civilization is more than hunting for food. There is no honor in killing the children. And my diplomacy is very clear. You die. It is your choice how it is done. And who gets your soul afterwards. Warriors death at least, honorable one."

Voidrunner's Codex

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