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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angus activates his ring of flying as a swift action, making an airborne charge right at the dragon-griff. OOC: use attacks above (hits AC 27, for 16 damage.)

Angus' goal is to knock the thing out of the air so that the party can clobber it. He hits it when it is low, no more than 15 or so feet off the ground, at its closest point before its attacks, slicing at it with his clan sword.

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World of Kulan DM
Heeding Phar's words, Caerth takes a few steps away from the others while drawing his own mighty bow. Peering down the shaft, the half-orc waits just a moment before releasing the string, and the arrow races towards where the familiar-turned-dragon was just a second before...

But it's no longer there, and Caerth misjudged his aim. Cursing in Orcish, he lowers his weapon and looks around in order to formulate a new plan.

Zecca picks its spot and begins to descend to the ground. It heads towards a small copse of trees. The dragon moves with great precision.

Angus activates his ring of flying as a swift action, making an airborne charge right at the dragon-griff.

OOC: use attacks above (hits AC 27, for 16 damage.)

Angus' goal is to knock the thing out of the air so that the party can clobber it. He hits it when it is low, no more than 15 or so feet off the ground, at its closest point before its attacks, slicing at it with his clan sword.
Angus manages to make a single step before activating his ring and rising into the air. There is just enough room for him to charge the dragon in the air, although he is forced to attack it higher than he would have liked. His blade sinks deep into the dragongriff but his strike fails to knock it from the sky. Regardless, the dragon shifts in the air and lands in the copse of trees and spews a line of acid 60 feet long directly into several of the villagers, as well as Aureus, Maur, Phar, and Aries. The wagon blocks some of the breath weapon from hitting the dwarf champion, but the acidic blast still touches him.

The villagers try frantically to get out of the way, but the dragongriff's breath weapon melts them away. Even those who manage to avoid the worst of the acid still perish.

Aureus tries to get out of the way with her quick reflexes but she catches her foot on a stone and stumbles onto the ground. The acid singes her fur but it could have been worse. Phar tries to sidestep the line of acid but misjudges the line of fire and steps into the acid instead of away from it. He is burned badly by the acid spewed by the creature.

Aries manages to drop to the ground at the last second and avoid the worst of the dragongriff's breath weapon.

OOC: Hmm, I don't see your attack roll. I don't think image/link attached properly.

Breath Weapon Damage: Dragongriff (Zecca) - 60 ft. line of acid: 6D8 = [7, 8, 5, 3, 4, 2] = 29

@Neurotic, I need a Reflex save for Maur. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus for having cover (but not full cover). The save DC is 18.

Aries - Reflex save (DC 18): 1D20+6 = [12]+6 = 18 (saves; half damage)
Aureus - Reflex save (DC 18): 1D20+14 = [2]+14 = 16 (failed; takes half damage due to evasion)
Rolling for @Scotley: Phar - Reflex save (DC 18): 1D20+9 = [3]+9 = 12 (failed; takes full damage)

Ambush in the Heath_Round 3_updated.png


World of Kulan DM
"Leave Zecca Alone!" Xander screams at the top of his lungs.

Angus feels a powerful force slam against his mind. It feels like a giant is trying to crush his skull his skull with its hands. His mental essence is under attack from the duergar. His hooves feel like their going to give out from under him.

Behind him, south of one of the wagons, Xander comes into view. The duergar's appearance is very different. His skin has become a dark reddish black color and pitch black horns now protrude from his temples and the back of his head. His clothes are the same but he seems to be surrounded by an aura of darkness. His eyes are pools of darkness with swirling white lines of some distant void. Fangs now protrude from his mouth and his hands are sharp, jagged claws. Next to him floats a small red book with yellow pages that seems to ooze some sort of ichor. The dank pages of the book flip back and forth seemingly at random.

"You will not hurt my familiar again," he hisses at Angus.

The halfling woman standing next to Dannia screams in fear and rushes past the guard and Caerth as well. She runs as far as can away from the battle. The other villages rush away from the horrid sight of Xander or the fierce claws and beak of the dragongriff. Half a dozen of them rush north of the trail to one of the small copse of trees and hide behind trees and fallen logs. Others rush away along the northern trail.

Aries pulls himself up off the ground and dashes down towards the wagons. He steps in between the pillar and the wagon with his boots half submerged in the shallow pond. He readies his mace but balks when he sees Xander's cursed form.

"Kill the traitor, thrall," the voice of Vok commands Xander. "Make him bloody."

"Yes, master," Xander says. His voice is pained and uncertain. "But... Zecca..."

"You both live and die by my whim," Vok commands. The demon lord's voice no longer echoes from the dragongriff. Vok's words seem to hang in the air like a red mist over the battlefield.

Dannia considers moving to attack the duergar but thinks better of it. She fires a single shot from her bow and then retreats back behind the wagon. This is not a foe that she can survive against.

@Tellerian Hawke, make a Will saving throw vs. DC 18 with a +4 bonus. If the save is failed, Angus collapses unconscious and is dying at -1 hp. If the save is successful, Angus takes the damage listed below instead.

Xander - Psychic Crush damage with 6 point augment:
6D6 = [4, 4, 6, 3, 5, 5] = 27

Guard (Dannia) - Mwk Shortbow:
1D20+2+1 = [6]+2+1 = 9
1D6 = [6] = 6 (miss)

I will update the map again with where Xander appears but not until tomorrow morning. He is 15 ft. south of the wagon that is sitting at an angle.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Remaining spells:
1st level spells:
Protection from Evil, Bless x2, Lesser Holy Transformation, Magic Stone (D) <-- cast spiritual weapon instead of Bless
2nd level spells: Remove paralysis, Owls Wisdom, Eagle Splendor, Consecrate, Bears Endurance(D)
3rd level spells: Mass Conviction, Stone Shape(D)
4th level spells: Dimensional Anchor, Spike Stones (D)
5th level spells: Wall of stone (D)

  1. Shield Other (2nd level spell, lasts 9 hours) <-- This probably means at least part of the damage is on Maur (unless it bypasses the spell somehow)
  2. Magic Circle Against Evil on Maur (3rd level spell, 90 minutes) <-- does this help against vile damage?
  3. Deathward on Galzadar (4th level spell, 90 minutes) <-- does this help against vile damage?
  4. Spell Immunity on Galzadar (4th level spell, 90 minutes) - make him immune to dominate person
  5. Dispel Magic
  6. Break enchantment (5th level 1 minute casting time)
  7. Remove Curse (3rd level 1 action)

Maur weathers the acid blast much better than poor village people and he realizes something important.

"They are not going to engage us directly! Everyone, get into cover finally! Archon, heal who you can! I'm going after the wizard. "

His hammers strike at the griphon as he changes again into a protectar as he was in the cavern and starts flying toward Zecca before spotting the enemy dwarf.
Speaking celestial he repeats the instruction hoping the archon will heed it.
"Archon, heal townspeople!"

Changing directions, he lands next to him.
"Xander! Yield to your fate!"



second birthdate : 15 Dec 2011
Trusting those going after Xander, Quinn focuses on the dragriffon and moves east. He thinks he sees the creature in a copse trying to hide. drawing another arrow he aims and shoots .. .. ..,

move past the campfire, might take some heat for that!

Attack +14 Dam 1d8+5
miss chance 50%


World of Kulan DM
Maur weathers the acid blast much better than poor village people and he realizes something important.

"They are not going to engage us directly! Everyone, get into cover finally! Archon, heal who you can! I'm going after the wizard. "

His hammers strike at the griphon as he changes again into a protectar as he was in the cavern and starts flying toward Zecca before spotting the enemy dwarf.
Speaking celestial he repeats the instruction hoping the archon will heed it.
"Archon, heal townspeople!"
The hammersphere shifts to follow Zecca into the lightly-wooded copse. It strikes at the dragon again but Zecca manages to avoid the stike and the hammersphere hits the trunk of a tree instead. The weapon pulls away from the tree and strike the dragongriff directly in the head. The beast grunts in pain and then slumps to the ground in front of Angus.

OOC: I'm trying to remember if spiritual weapon is affected by concealment. I know cover doesn't work against it, but I'm thinking that concealment might. The spell description does say that it doesn't have to worry about miss chances due to a creature being incorporeal, so I'm thinking the mist wouldn't allow for a miss chance against it either. (The Rules Compendium wasn't much help.) Regardless, the first attack is a miss.

Neurotic said:
Changing directions, he lands next to him.
"Xander! Yield to your fate!"

Xander strange gaze turns towards Maur. He tilts his head and stares at the dwarf champion quizzically. "Master, do I know this dwarf?" He asks. "He knows my name."

"No, you've never met him before," Vok lies. "Be wary. He is a dangerous foe. Do not let him lull you into submission. Burn his mind and break his bones."

"As you wish, master," Xander replies. His voice is low and menacing. A forked tongue slips between his jagged teeth and his eyes seem to flash red for a second.

Maur has a gut feeling that the red mist is a very bad omen. He's not sure what it could mean but he thinks it could be significant from a religious point of view. It could be the manifestation of a powerful being tied to Vok or to Xander in some way. He's not sure if it is something that Vok could do on his own from so far away, but if there is a more powerful deity helping the demon lord, the mist itself could be dangerous. Maur doesn't know what that danger could be, however.

Trusting those going after Xander, Quinn focuses on the dragriffon and moves east. He thinks he sees the creature in a copse trying to hide. drawing another arrow he aims and shoots .. .. ..,

move past the campfire, might take some heat for that!

Attack +14 Dam 1d8+5
miss chance 50%
OOC: Attack roll posted on Discord: 1d20+14 = 18+14 = 32 (hit); Damage -> 6+5=11

A moment before Zecca falls to Maur's hammersphere, Quinn's arrow is flashing through the air. The arrow sinks into the dragon's neck as it falls. The beast roars in pain after it hits the ground. The beast shudders and dies.

"Zecca!" Xander screams in despair. "You've killed my bird!" Maur watches as energy seems to pulse around the duergar. He seems to be drawing strength from the strange book floating next to him. "I will burn you all to ashes!"

End of Round Three
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World of Kulan DM
The Lantern archon continues to follow Phar's last direction and focuses on destroying the fiendish foe in front of it. The celestial shifts 5 feet through the air to get closer to Xander and Maur. It glows brightly and then two rays of light flash out towards the duergar. Both beams of light seem to bend away from the duergar into the trees beyond.

Meanwhile, Phar is still reeling from the dragon's breath weapon. He is burnt badly and will not be able to take another hit like that. He is relieved to see the dragon fall to Quinn's arrow. The elf wizard step in between Aureus and Quinn and casts casts grace on himself.

Aureus gathers herself up off the ground and looks at her friend. Before Phar can object, she casts cure light wounds on him even though she was also burned by the acidic breath weapon.

Phar's Dexterity goes up by 4 increasing his AC and Reflex saves by 2.

Aureus - Casts Cure Light Wounds on Phar:
1D8+2 = [5]+2 = 7



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Looking up at the sky and not seeing the demon lord whose voice rings out, Caerth sighs. He was hoping there would be more time before confronting more fiends, but apparently not.

Kneeling down, the half-orc druid places his hands on the ground. Softly whispering, he calls out to the grass, the roots, the trees, the very land itself. Mixing guttural orcish phrases, melodic sylvan chants and ancient druidic words, Caerth calls for a powerful protector of nature and innocence.

Only once did he meet the legendary creature that he now calls on, and it was perhaps a more profound experience for the young and wild half-orc than he wanted to admit at the time.

Now, perhaps, the mystical effect of that same unicorn could turn the tide against the demonic influence that threatens the allies and, more importantly, the innocent villagers.

OOC: Casting Summon Nature's Ally IV to call a unicorn (with adjusted +4 Strength and Constitution due to Augmented Nature's Allies racial substitution feature).

If someone else hasn't already, next turn Caerth will ask the unicorn to get that book away from Xander.

Updated spells:
Level 0 (6): create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, purify food and drink
Level 1 (6): entangle, traveller's mount, traveller's mount, traveller's mount, traveller's mount, traveller's mount
Level 2 (5): bear's endurance, lesser restoration, mass snake's swiftness, master air, share husk
Level 3 (5): blindsight, cure moderate wounds, giant’s wrath, plant growth, spirit jaws
Level 4 (3): dispel magic, lay of the land, scrying
Level 5 (2): atonement, commune with nature
Level 6 (1): greater dispell magic

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angered at the sight of the treacherous Duergar, and fueled by the memory of poor Brutus, Angus charges the diminutive mage, screaming in broken Harqualian:


OOC: Angus hits AC 33 for 18 pts. slashing damage with the big clan sword. Data is below.


Voidrunner's Codex

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