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D&D 5E EN5ider #464 - Adventure: Book of Endless Life

EN5ider has go two things today that go together like peanut butter and jelly: immortality and giant leeches!

EN5ider has go two things today that go together like peanut butter and jelly: immortality and giant leeches!

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⚔️ Free Articles including a complete adventure, a sidequest adventure, a very silly and maybe familiar adventure, and the smart-fighting savant character class!
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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 464. Adventure: Book of Endless Life. Finding the Book of Endless Life doesn't get the party very far—it needs to be opened, a task that is not so simple as undoing a clasp. To access this powerful enchanted tome the adventurers must seek out an expert on the Library of Wholeness (such as the sage Loremaster Dalwyn), find runestones to help finish crafting the ivy key needed to unlock the book, best the dwarven spirits roaming Karridan-Bakkal (alongside monsters aplenty), and hunt down a fell leech for the components to complete the opening ritual. Within the dungeon there waits another enemy however, a necromancer with a corrupted Tome of Decay eager to take their treasure for himself! This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 10th level was discerningly designed and mapped by Marc Kenobi, featuring illustrations by Herman Lau and Sade.
  • 463. Monstrous Menagerie: Reforged. Powerful magic can merge flesh and metal into one, remaking both into something altogether greater. The reforged are perfect examples of what this synthesis can achieve, their muscles enhanced by arcana and steel. This article includes 6 kinds of reforged: mentalist (CR 6), soldier (CR 1/2), sniper (CR 6), striker (CR 2), warden (CR 7), and zapper (CR 3). Dually designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Deanna Roberds.
  • 462. Enchanted Trinkets: Pipes Galore. Why should grey wizards be the only people with awesome pipes? Take a moment to peruse these fine pieces and get one of your own from this collection of 8 unique enchanted pipes—whether made from briar, dragon tooth, ivory, walnut-burl, or orc tusk they all offer something a little more than the average smoke. Diligently designed by William Murakami-Brundage, illustrated by Jesse Mohn.
  • 461. Monstrous Menagerie: Ogres Three. If there's one thing we can always use more of it's ogres! This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series features three such ugly giants: the CR 11 dream ogre, CR 12 ice ogre, and CR 13 laughing ogre. Whether the party is due for a nightmare of a fight, need to be chilled out with a frosty battle, or are just in need of a good time these monsters will deliver. Dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Hannah Seakins.
  • 460. Intriguing Organization: Unpinned Scales. The Unpinned Scales are an urban thieves’ guild with a mission: to improve the lot of the downtrodden through crime. This makes them both popular with the population in general and extremely unpopular with the wealthy merchants and nobility who are on the receiving end of their heists. But the Unpinned scales have a dark secret too for they are an infernal front, and their fiendish leadership uses the organization to maintain the status quo while recruiting dangerous agents from the local underworld. Deviously designed by Peter Martin, illustrated by Julio Rocha.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

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