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D&D 5E [+] Ways to fix the caster / non-caster gap

i don't really have an issue with unlimited cantrips, mostly cause i advocate for casters getting less slots and having to ration them properly, though i'd be fine with not letting them scale as well, being a spellcaster is about having spikes, having produce flame (not fire bolt) as your main damage cantrip leaves you behind the curve than the martial with a warhammer of greatsword but that's made up for when you drop that AoE fireball and fry half a room of enemies.

the wizard being reliant on a crossbow or a dagger feels to me like one of those things that seems like it makes sense because it's always been a thing in DnD and started in editions that were tonally very different from 5e, but when you do think about it and distance yourself from the shadow of DnD tradition it kinda seems weird in 5e imo

"my wizard fires their crossbow"
"your wizard fires their crossbow?"
"yeah, that's right"
"they don't, oh i dunno, use magic or something?"
"nah, they use a weapon"
Right, it would be weird if a wizard fought with a weapon.


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Tony Vargas

Riding the shield?
...and shooting...
3e Shot on the Run Feat (which has several preqs) and high DC Accrobatics. 4e Evasive Strike Ranger encounter exploit + Elf's Wild Step Trait.
5e "DM, may I surf down the stone staircase on a shield while shooting an orc with my bow?"
Stabbing with the arrow, then firing it?
3e Improvised weapon attack with an arrow, likely to miss, or do insufficient damage, and/or break, followed by either another one, or taking the shot with the first orc still alive, and provoking an AoO; 4e Stab & Shoot, Ranger encounter exploit.
5e Improvised weapon attack with an arrow, likely to miss, or do insufficient damage, followed by either another one, or taking the shot with the first orc still alive, with Disadvantage for the adjacent enemy. Also, even if you kill the first orc, it gets a dying attack against you.
Impaling two enemies with one shot?
3e. Penetrating Shot feat. 4e: Split the Tree, Ranger daily exploit
5e Piercing Arrow, Arcane Archer short-rest-recharge class feature that shoots an ethereal arrow through cover.
Climbing and shooting a moving foe?
3e Multiple high-DC Climb and acrobatics checks, shot technically provokes from the monsters. 4e Close Quarters, Rogue daily utility (Legolas, you naughty MC-feat taking boy) + Close Quarters Shot, Ranger encounter
5e "DM, may I climb up the monster while shooting the orcs riding it with my bow?"

...and killing it in one shot, mind you.
TSR-3e: I never thought I'd get to use this Arrow of Elephant Slaying 4e: who knew it was a minion? (Gimli did,"it only counts as one!")
5e: +6d10 for an arrow of elephant slaying'll do it, right?

Being an elf who is sufferable?
What? Oh, not insufferable.
Not possible in any system. 4e: "But Tony, its the Eladrin who are insufferable." Eladrin are just High Elves, 4e, you're not fooling anyone.

TBF, the above is humorous, but it's interesting how 1e sneaked a bunch of stuff from LotR, like the spells Gandalf cast and his Staff pre- & post Balrog (type VI demon), and glowing magic swords and the Crystal Hypnosis Ball ('palantir' sounded a lot cooler), while 4e snuck Legolas stunts from the LotR movies into the Ranger - like, transparently. "Stab & Shoot?" c'mon....
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I'm A Banana

There are plenty of classless games out there. But they lack the variety of effective playstyles that being able to silo abilities by class allows.

I'm not sold on the idea that "Fighter" and "Wizard" are playstyles. You can play either class in a wide variety of ways.

They're archetypes. Narratives. Paths that you choose as a player before you even know what that path can lead to in the game (and, not coincidentally, "Fighter" is a much more incoherent narrative in D&D than "Wizard" is...there's a reason one used to be Magic User but changed, and one is still Fighter.)

And when one dude is telling a story about a gritty war and the other dude is telling a story about a plane-spanning wonder-worker, well these aren't compatible narratives. It's like Harry Potter showing up alongside Gandalf or Conan walking through the house from Hansel and Gretel. They're just not working within the same assumptions.

So, don't define the narratives as something players can choose independently. Define the narratives that you are willing to tell with the adventure you're running. In something like the Shattered Obelisk, maybe there are psychically powered aberration hunters. In a dragon-themed campaign, brave dragon-slayers. Don't define your story without the rest of the group!

I said that I'd nuke the idea of class, but it's probably more accurate to say I'd nuke the idea of choosing a class. Play your character. If you want to be a wizard, take wizard-y actions. Don't assume you'll be able to cast wish someday. Choose what you would do to be a wizard right now.

The difference between a fighter and a wizard is much more in the metagame than in the class features, and if you want them to feel closer to each other in power, spell slots and martial dailies only get you so far. What really gets you there is being on the same page about the kind of story you're telling.

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