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Eaglesford Campaign: "Strange Lights"


Will Duck tape do? :D

No, seriously. Our office manager/financial person brought me a receipt to sign in that the goods had been received. I looked at it and couldn't help but chortle as it said "2 rolls Duck tape". I stopped myself from fits of laughter, which I am glad. It turns out the office manager wrote it! I was awestruck at that.

He went and changed it and reprinted it and had me sign the new, corrected list. I think I was still laughing.

Duck tape!



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Well, interesting. I didn't realize it had been the other. I have always known it as duct tape and have used it for exactly that, as well as other uses!

Ah, well. As you say, I won't mention it to him!





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Session #8: "I wonder what's in this coccoon?"
(Session of RL May 15th, 2003)

From the Journal of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford, former apprentice of Greystone[
....From the small one-story house Garrett and Bavic were attacked by a swarm of tiny spiders. The spiders were smashed quite handily. With Riva and Thaile along as well, we explored the rest of the newly built house, and smushed some more spiders along the way. In one of the two bedrooms, we found a young girl wrapped in a cocoon of spider web. Her name, we discovered later, was Louise. Lissia was overjoyed to see her, although she was worried about her condition. I gave her a small healing spell to stabilize her until we could tend her better.

The next house was a two story house, with it’s windows and shutters wide open. We noted that webs went into open second story windows as well as ground floor ones. Garrett, Thaile, and Riva moved forward toward the front door, burning webs as they went. Tieran stayed a bit back to watch for other movement as I moved to the back of the house to see what might be there.

In the main room of the two-story house a small fire still smoldered in the hearth. There were a table and chairs, a stair leading to the upstairs, and three doors to the back of the house, two open, one closed. Webs were everywhere.

I reached the back of the house and found a shuttered window. I rapped upon with my staff to see if anyone was inside. A man answered the rap and said that he, his wife, and their baby were inside, safe.

About this time, Thaile, Riva, and Garrett had reached the inside of the house. As they began to burn more webs, the little bitty spiders attacked again. Riva and Garrett despatched them pretty quickly. When we got to the back bedroom door, we let Gerald, his wife, and child out, to be taken over to Lissia and Louisa.

In one of the back rooms we found a few tiny spiders which fled and a large cocoon, soon determined by Garrett to contain a live pig. We set it free, but it didn’t move much. Must not have taken the spider's venom well.

Then, being the foolish creatures we are (since we had had our backsides kicked by spiders before at Keproc), we ascended the stairs. Riva went first and was immediately swarmed by spiders, he was covered with the disgusting little buggers! (Note: If I NEVER see another spider as long as I live it will be too soon!!!) We worked on burning and killing the spiders as they attacked us. Tieran was picking them off with his crossbow, he was very much the archer that day, making the impossible shot over and over again!

Anyway, we fought for a while then made a strategic retreat down the stairs before heading back up and finishing them off. Oh, and it wasn’t all little bitty ones either, some of them were two and four feet across!

In the upstairs we found four more cocooned people. Two children, ages two and three, sadly, were dead. Their parents, Mikhail and Amelia were alive, but very weak.

As we came down, we were told that several were still missing and needed to be found. We did some healing and went on to check out the rest of the farm after sending Farmer Gerald and Lissia to Three Oaks to fetch help.

House number three was the largest yet. Inside, we found very few webs and killed two spiders and then rescued Aunt Harriet from the back bedroom. We also found a number of cocooned chickens, a few rats, and a dog, none of which could not be saved.

While Garret and Riva were taking care of the spiders of the Big House, I decided to be helpful (and kind of stupid) and start clearing the webs from the kitchen. Well, it seemed to be going pretty well until the two big spiders jumped out and bit me. I ran as the others came and cleaned them up for me. Again, Tieran was making shots he normally would only dream of!

We worked more on clearing the kitchen and finally found a mother and her 12 year old son, both weak but alive.

Checking another underground building we found the door jammed and Uncle inside, alive and well and hopping mad about the attack by the spiders! Four people were still missing and probably in the barn or the pig pen, both of which wer covered by even more webs than the houses.

We led the Uncle back to his family and told them all what we had found. While we were talking, I realized where the spiders had come from...we had been attacked by spiders at Keproc, so we knew there were some there, but we had not disturbed them in a way to destroy their homes. However, we also knew that Laiden and his group were going into a supposedly secret and heretofore unexplored area.....so, perhaps they were routed by Laiden. The uncle agreed, saying that he had seen smoke from that direction the previous afternoon.

One mystery solved!

End of Session #8
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Ah, an update! Spiders smited, and many (alas if not all) innocents saved!

Time for the cute baby celebration dance!


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Heh. :)

All is not rosy yet...the PCs were severely beaten on in a follow-up combat. Because.....

Remember that big barn towards the back of the farm, covered by webs? And several family members are still missing....were could they be? And what could make webs that big, anyway?


I'm going to use Rowan's journal a bit more here, as I'm so far behind in the action, the writing catch-up looks daunting.

Thanks for th' PC logs, Rowan!!!
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An attempt to re-create PC conversation....

Here's how the last bit of Session #8 played out:

The Scene: The PCs have just regrouped back at the main house, and plan their next move. The Uncle is standing with them, an old longsword in his hand, a rusty set of chainmail hanging from his hunched frame. At a lull in the conversation, the Uncle pipes up......

Uncle: "Where did these blasted things come from, anyway?"

Garret: "I'm not sure. There's been plenty of beast attacks happening resently near Eaglesford.... we were attacked by a giant preying mantis several days ago, on our way to Three Oaks."

Rowan: (Looks thoughtful while Garret speaks...then her eyes flash with inspiration) "Wait. ....I know where they're coming from."

Garret: "Are you talking to yourself again?" :)

Rowan: (blushes) "No. I'm talking to all of you..... I know where they came from: Keprok! Spiders this big often live underground, and we found some of them up there, remember?"

Uncle: "You mean you stirred them up?"

Garret: "It's a possibility..."

Riva: "But we killed the ones we saw."

Garret: " ....And there's probably more. You guys did open up that passage way by falling into it. Maybe we let them out."

Rowan: "But they wouldn't just leave their lair without a reason. Maybe someone else stirred them up.....maybe Laiden and his crew did this. Remember how they said they had found a secret entrance? Maybe they drove them out, somehow."

Uncle: "We did see some smoke up on Keprok yesterday, early."

Garret: "And we've been in Three Oaks for the last 3 days, so that smoke wasn't from us. Nope. You're right, Rowan. It could be Laiden, rather than us....."
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Whew! Summer! Ya gotta love it. As a college prof., I get summers off...if I'd like. And this summer: I opted for work. "What's up with that?", you may ask. Hint: I have an old house with termite damage. I'll let you fill in the rest.

Anyway, I haven't updated in a while, so:

Session #9: "Big Barn = Big Spider?"
(Session of RL June 3rd, 2003)

(Recap) The adventurers had gone to the nearby town of Three Oaks, to consult with Moira, the "Sage of the Ruins", a well-known (if not well-respected) source of information about artifacts found in the local ruins. They had brought to her a golden death mask, taken from an orcish restless dead, and wished to know it's source and history. They had learned it had probably come from the barrows beneath Alderslook. This set of ruins was, incidentally, the same one the kobolds had claimed to have been chased out from by the "strange light". (They had fled to the Smitson farm, carrying their dragon idol.) Moira was interested in the party's story of adventure, especially when Rowan talked of the dragon idol "that we've heard about... ..somewhere......".

The adventurers were returning home, when they were ambushed by giant spiders. The spiders had "taken over" a nearby farm, owned by the family of Lissia Longwoods (whom they had met along the road, pleading for help). They were now in the process of clearing the farm of the over-grown 8-legged vermin.

The adventurers had re-grouped at one of the Longwood's houses after rescueing most, but not all of the farming family. Several family members remained unaccounted for: two sons, and the father. Only the barn remained unexplored, and it was covered with stronger webs than they had seen so far. Whatever spider was in there was really big, and really well defended.


The party was tired and wounded, weakened by spider venom from previous battles that day. Thaile, the cleric, and Rowan, the Druid, were nearly out of healing magicks. All needed rest and tending. Yet there were people yet to be saved, and the longer the rescuers waited, the less likely those missing would be found alive.

There was only one thing to do. As the sun set, the party readied their battle gear and advanced on the barn.

from the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford
As we neared the barn, we worked on burning the outdoor webs first. Two dead horses hung, fully coccooned about halfway up the building. Thaile opened the barn door once we got to it; a bunch of small spiders attacked her and Bavic immediately. We killed many, and the rest fled to the loft. As he burned more webs, two tiny spiders dropped onto Garrett. They were killed quickly.

As we were busily burning webs, Thaile heard a whispering, non-human voice saying "I am bereft". I didn't hear anything, and neither did Garret or Tieran. All of us could hear the scutting of spiders up in the loft above us. Could Thaile have heard something from up there? She wasn't sure. And what did "bereft" mean, anyway? Thaile was growing nervous.

We cleared the lower level of the barn: stalls, hay mound, tack room. Just little spiders (2 feet wide!) down here. Ugg. Then up the stairs we went, and by we I mean Riva, Garrett, and Thaile. Uncle James, Tieran, and I stayed below to help out if needed.

Riva was webbed as he moved up the stairs, but managed to get out of it and continued up, slashing the webs as he went. When he reached the top of the stairs, he was webbed again, swarmed with spiders, and bitten multiple times. For awhile I wasn't sure if the little buggers could even get under the dwarf's armor...but then he started staggering a bit and I saw red blood....I knew we were in trouble.

Garrett was webbed too, and bitten by larger spiders; and he was too far back to help Riva. Then Garret shouted down to us: "There's a bigger one up here! Really big, coming your way!" Just then the biggest spider I had ever seen leaned obver the edge of the loft and bit Tieran! Luckly Tieran managed to get out of the clutches of the spider, and made a run for it out the barn door. Thaile must have wished she had followed Tieran, as she was the next to be bitten by that 10' wide monstrosity.

While we (the wizard, the cleric, and the druid!) were fighting the big monster, Garret was doing his best to get out of the webs and rescue Riva. The dwarf was down on one knee, tiny spiders all over him, and webbed to the spot. Garret was pretty desparate - we all were at that point - so he threw some oil over both himself and Riva and lit it. The webs and spiders burned away -- and Riva fell unconcious from the burns he suffered. Garret grabbed him, then jumped off the stairs to the ground below. Good thing Riva could feel no pain; Garret and Bavic landed on top of him.

Thaile was badly wounded and out of spells, and so she ran out of the barn. I followed, hoping to draw the big guy away from Garret and Riva....no such luck. The huge spider turned and charged them....only to be met by Uncle James!

He gave them just a few moments, though. With one bite from that monster's huge mandibles, Uncle James lay on the floor in a pool of his own blood. (DM's note: Mixed with spider venom! Don't foget the greenish yellow spider venom!) Then the huge thing advanced on Garret and Riva!

Garret was sorely wounded. Riva was unconcious. With his last bit of holy power, Garret brought Riva to conciousness, hoping he, at least, could flee before the big guy got to them.

Riva flee? Garret must have really been on the edge on conciousness himself....

Riva had dropped his greataxe on the stairs above. Garret, too, was without a weapon, dropped when he grabbed Riva. Riva grabbed his only weapon, some sort of hunting knife I guess, and lunged at the soft underbelly of the spider. He hit! He had put all of his power into the blow (DM's note: Power Attack!) and held it with two hands as his arms sunk, up to the dwarf's shoulders, into the beast.

The huge spider stopped, shuttered, openned it's mandibles once or twice.....and sank to the ground.

Goodness gracious.... We had won!

Overall, it was a pretty ugly battle. But in the end, we managed to kill all the spiders and keep the farm and outbuildings relatively intact. We put out the oil fire on the stairs, and found the missing men. Only one of the sons was alive. The others were just dry husks, wrapped in white.

The adventurers retired for the night to one of the houses with the survivors of the Longwoods family. They shuttered the windows and bolted the doors, tended their wounded, and went to sleep.

End of Session #9
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Another update? Dude, slow down......

Session #10: "Back to Eaglesford!"
(Session of RL June 12th, 2003)

As the adventurers went to sleep, Lissia and her older brother-in-law returned. (They had been sent to town to get help from the town guard.) They had been attacked by spiders on the road, and had to turn back. It had looked like many other farms were having similar problems.

The night passed uneventfully.

from the journals of Rowan, Druid of Eaglesford

May 31st At the Longwood Farm

Thaile and I went to the medium house to tend the wounded and poisoned. During the day, Thaile and I noticed that people who had been bitten by the spiders were stabilizing faster than they normally would, even those who were mortally wounded. Webbed people were healing more quickly than those who had not been webbed. I collected a large bag of spider silk to take back to see if I might find a use for it.

Tieran, Riva, Garrett (with Bavic), and Lissia went to check to see if there were more spiders and clear out any that were left. In the chicken coop, two tiny spiders dispatched by Lissia and Garrett. In the pig sty, one small spider, killed by Riva.

Afternoon came with nothing exciting happening. Riva made use of his skill as a weaponsmith to fix the family's crossbow.

Eventually, enough of the family was concious enough that they could thank us for saving them. They wanted to pay us...but we told them it wasn't necessary.

Then Lissia, who had been following Riva around like a little puppy the whole time we've been here, started asking the rest of us if she could go along with us when we left for Eaglesford. Garret didn't think it was a good idea, but Riva eventually convinced him that he'd train her in the ways of the warrior, and her Uncle (now healed and healthy after the huge spider attack) seemed really proud that his neice would "go out into the world and learn how to swing a sword". Finally, we agreed to take her with us.

That night was also uneventful. In the morning we headed back to Eaglesford.

....And what do you know: that part of the journey was uneventful too! I hope we can have more parts like that!

More of Session #10 to come.....
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Lissia's dissapointment......

Session #10: "Meanwhile, back in Eaglesford....."
(Session of RL June 12th, 2003)

The five adventurers arrived back in Eaglesford late at night. After some fuss at the late hour by the gate watchman, they were allowed through the hamlet's gate.

Tieran, wizard, went to his lodgings to study.

Riva (dwarvish barbarian/fighter), with the human girl Lissia in tow, went to his father's house, and stayed up most of the night, beer mug in hand, regailing his dad with stories of his battles these last 8 days. (...And if the human girl had beer as well, what of it? Dwarvish children would've been treated no differently....) Lissia, eventually, fell asleep in a nearby chair, happily cradling the new armor Riva had given her.

Thaile (human cleric) and Garret (halfling holy warrior) went about checking with the notables of the town. There was much news:
  • The Captain and his men had returned from hunting goblins, badly injured. One of his men, one of the Mangleson boys, had been killed in an ambush.
  • The Captain's group had rested and healed in town for a few days. Yesterday the Captain (along with the Warden, the Warden's crew, Mrs. Faegan, and some of the town guard) had gone out again to search for goblins. It was said they would go towards the Garresh first, and that they would be back in a week, if all went well.
  • The goblins have been seen looting and burning farms east and south of Eaglesford. Not, incidentally, in the direction of the old Smitson farm or the Garresh (to the northeast), but in the direction of Alderslook and the Earogath (to the southeast).
  • Garret's aunt was (thankfully) nowhere to be found.
  • Farmers had started moving their families out of Eaglesford, to the west, to live with relatives or friends. The villagers were resigned to a long, drawn-out struggle with the goblins.

Rowan, druid of Eaglesford, returned to her former master's house. She found Greystone and Kytum-up (the kobold warrior) gone. A note, addressed to Rowan, lay on the table. It said:
You know to whom I go to protect. Do not be tipped from the balance.


The next morning, the adventurers met to discuss plans. That Greystone had gone to help the kobolds, there was no doubt. But what should the party do?

While the rest re-equiped themselves, Garret went to have lunch with the Lord of Eaglesford, Lord Aelric. Garret took Lissia, so she could tell her story of the Spider's attack. He first taught Lissia a bit about "court ettiquette". The girl learned quickly, if not exactly, what Garret intended.

The lunch went smoothly, but only the Lady of the manor was present. She appologized that Lord Aelric "wasn't feeling well". Garret exchanged what small talk he could manage, and then left, Lissia following meekly behind.

The party regrouped, and decided to go to the old Smitson farm. Lissia was left behind, to train with the town watch. "She needs some more experience with weapons before we take her with us," said Garret, "We'll be back soon, perhaps even tomorrow, and we'll see how she's doing."

......Lissia was disappointed. She held back what tears she could, and promised the party she would "train as hard as I can!"

The party left to find Greystone.....

More of Session #10 to come.....
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