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[OT; PICTURE HEAVY] New addition to Djeta and MojoGMs household...

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New Pic!

Here's a pic of her slightly larger and infinitely more cute. :cool:

She almost immediately claimed that couch as her own. Now if we set something on it she barks at it until we remove it, at which time she will jump up on the couch and stretch out on it. :D


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Tsyr said:
If only you could freeze dogs as puppies, and cats as kittens...
You can get growth-stunting shots that do that, y'know. Stop the growth process and all. They still croak after a decade or so, depending on the dog/cat, but it'll stay a puppy/kitten all the time. I like puppies, but don't like dogs too much. Cats are awesome, and kittens just plain rule.:D


Oh, what the heck...

The following two are two of my Eight Little Angels: I own 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 Pekingeses, 1 Poodle, 1 Shih-tzu, 1 Pekeapoo -- and the cat.

The two below are Tribble (the biscuit-colored one) and Angel (the white one).

ONE REQUEST: could people possibly make their pictures a little smaller, or at least future pictures smaller? Large sizes can do wacky things to fellow board members with smaller monitors (to say nothing of inflating the databases)...


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Really cute puppy- I love dogs.

Djeta, I've never had any trouble with terriers at all. My family has raised 5 Scottish terriers since I was a kid, and they have a MUCH more fearsome and territorial reputation than Jack Russels. Terriers are very willful and extremely intelligent, and trying to make them do what you want just pisses them off. They also tend to drive obedience school trainers crazy, since they only do what they are forced to when the trainer is looking. I have found the best thing to do with terriers is to let them spaz, but set limits for them (what they can and cannot do). That way they seem to realize you aren't trying to stifle them, but they know they can go too far. Mine will not steal food off a plate unless given permission, never has accidents in the house, and tries to vocally communicate with me (he says "herro" in the morning, and "ife" for yes). He also takes my underwear and socks, and hides them in my bed, then remakes the bed. Yeah, I know, he's weird. You'll have a much more interesting dog with a lot more personality if you let them be themselves, and they will interact with you a great deal more. I've also never had any trouble with our terriers snapping at people or being aggressive. They do love to bark though.

And since we are posting pics, here is my five year old Scottish terrier- he still looks like a giant (36 lb!!!) puppy.


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Djeta, is this why you missed the Spycraft game tonight? We missed you, but no wonder!

And hey, if people are showing their dogs, sign me up. I'm a big sucker for this kind of thing. Here's a shot of Finney, our 2 year old Toller. He's with KidCthulhu on a ferry off the coast of Maine.

Finney learned an important lesson the other day! It turns out that after you've pounced on him for ten minutes, and then carried him around in your mouth for about five minutes, Mister Froggy is no longer quite as much fun to play with. Ah, the joys of a hunting dog...? :D


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One more; our 6 year old Toller Argo, with her enormous stick. Fetching: it's not just a job, it's an obsession.


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Good Lord; where'd she get the telephone pole from? :eek:

I love the look of that breed. I had honestly never heard of them before the last pet thread we had running late last year.


Henry said:
Good Lord; where'd she get the telephone pole from?

As far as I can tell, bigger sticks taste better. That one's actually reasonably sized.

Now Jack Russell terriers, they're ball-obsessed. My sister-in-law has two, and I don't think I could handle such a high-energy dog!

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