New Hobby Releases In Stores & PDF Spotlight: 10th September 2018

It's a big week of releases this week! Not only is Waterdeep Dragon Heist hitting retail stores but it's joined by the new 5th Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, a host of Pathfinder books, Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition and Modiphius' new Fallout: Wasteland Warrior miniatures game... and lots, lots more!

It's a big week of releases this week! Not only is Waterdeep Dragon Heist hitting retail stores but it's joined by the new 5th Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade, a host of Pathfinder books, Star Wars X-Wing 2nd Edition and Modiphius' new Fallout: Wasteland Warrior miniatures game... and lots, lots more!


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Waterdeep Dragon Heist
Dungeons & Dragons Adventure
By Wizards of the Coast

Welcome to Waterdeep!

A fantastic treasure trove is yours for the taking in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Fames explorer Volothamp Geddarm needs you to complete a simple quest. Thus begins a mad romp through the wards of Waterdeep as you uncover a villainous plot involving some of the city’s most influential figures.

A grand urban caper awaits you. Pit your skill and bravado against villains the likes of which you’ve never faced before, and let the dragon hunt begin!

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Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
Core Rulebook
By White Wolf

Vampire: The Masquerade is the original and ultimate roleplaying game of personal and political horror. You are a vampire, struggling for survival, supremacy, and your own fading humanity—afraid of what you are capable of, and fearful of the inhuman conspiracies that surround you.

As a vampire you suffer the pangs of the Hunger, the relentless and terrible thirst for human blood. If you refuse to deal with it, it will overcome your mind and drive you to terrible acts to slake it. You walk this razor's edge every night.

Dark designs, bitter enemies, and strange allies await you in this World of Darkness.

The classic that changed roleplaying games forever returns! This fifth edition features a streamlined and modern rules design, beautiful new full-color art, and a rich story experience for players. Powered by the innovative Hunger cycle, the game also includes rules for creating system supported character coteries, Loresheets to directly involve players with their favorite parts of the setting and The Memoriam, a new way to bring the character's detailed backgrounds and expand on them in-session.

V5 is a return to Vampire's original vision, moving boldly into the 21st century. While the rules have been redesigned, this new edition honors the deep story of the original, advancing the metaplot from where it left off and detailing exactly what has happened in the world of the Kindred up until tonight. The terror of the Second Inquisition, the conspiracies behind the Gehenna War, and the rekindling of the War of Ages: these are the building blocks of the modern V5 chronicle

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Secrets of Roderick’s Cove (Return of the Runelords #1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #133
By Paizo

Wrath Shall Reign!

When one runelord rose from his slumber, the frontier nation of Varisia shook with his power, and it took a band of heroes to save the world. Yet there remained six other runelords, and now the most wrathful of them all has woken! As the runelords waken one after another, the dangers and perils faced by past heroes pale in comparison. When a mysterious and fearful ghost manifests on the streets of Roderic's Cove at the same time the town's gangs use the runes and legacies of ancient Thassilonian tyrants for their own ends, a new band of heroes must rise to save Varisia, and perhaps the world, from the return of the runelords!

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path begins the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path and includes:​

  • [*=center]"Secrets of Roderic's Cove," a Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Adam Daigle.
    [*=center]An exploration and gazetteer of the town of Roderic's Cove and its inhabitants, by Adam Daigle.
    [*=center]An extensive timeline of the history of Thassilon, revelations about the methods used by each runelord to avoid destruction during the apocalypse of Earthfall, and notes for Game Masters on the roles each runelord plays in this Adventure Path, by James Jacobs.
    [*=center]A bestiary of monsters lurking around Varisia, including the child-stealing nochlean and the innocuous-looking warpglass ooze, by Mikko Kallio, Luis Loza, Jacob W. Michaels, and Conor J. Owens.

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Heroes from the Fringe
Pathfinder Player Companion
By Paizo

Fringe Benefits!

Delve into the many non-human societies found outside of the Inner Sea region! From elves to gnomes to halflings to dwarves, Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes from the Fringe offers new options to expand upon non-human characters who come from lesser-known civilizations and backgrounds. Find the right archetype, feats, alternate racial traits, and equipment to reflect your character's heritage, whether she's a graceful elven samurai from Jinin or one of the festive gnomes and halflings of Segada!

Inside this book you'll find:​

  • [*=center]Character options for unique cultural groups of major non-human peoples of Golarion, including Osirion's Pahmet dwarves, the Ekujae elves of the Mwangi Expanse, and gnomes who never left the First World!
    [*=center]Feats for half-orcs and half-elves who hail from different parts of the world, from unyielding half-drow who escaped their murderous kin to vivacious sandkin half-orcs who view themselves as Sarenrae's chosen people!
    [*=center]New occult choices spawned from unusual backgrounds, such as whimsical phantoms formed from the lost wonder of gnomes who fell to the Bleaching and a terrifying psychic archetype for gloomkin half-orcs!

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The Reach of Empire (Against the Aeon Throne #1 or 3)
Starfinder Adventure Path #7
By Paizo

Guerrillas in the Mist

Hired to transport supplies to a fog-shrouded world in the Vast, the heroes discover that a small military force from the Azlanti Star Empire has invaded and occupied the Pact Worlds colony there. The heroes must liberate the settlement from its merciless oppressors, but when they do, they learn that the Azlanti have taken both an experimental starship drive discovered on the planet and one of the colonists—an old friend of the heroes—back to the Star Empire!

This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path launches the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path and includes:​

  • [*=center]"The Reach of Empire," a Starfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Ron Lundeen.
    [*=center]A gazetteer and brief history of the Pact Worlds colony on Nakondis and its main settlement of Madelon's Landing, as well as a new colonist theme for player characters, by Ron Lundeen.
    [*=center]A collection of advanced starships built and flown within the Azlanti Star Empire, by Lyz Liddell.
    [*=center]An archive of fascinating new creatures, from beasts of living magma to massive clouds of devouring ooze, by Patrick Brennan, Ron Lundeen, Joe Pasini, and Owen K.C. Stephens.
    [*=center]Statistics and deck plans for an exploratory vessel of the Azlanti Star Empire, plus an overview of the forest planet of Nakondis, by Ron Lundeen.

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Forest Starter Set
Pathfinder Flip-Tiles
By Paizo

Danger Lurks Down Every Path!

Meet the perfect tool for wilderness adventure! Next time your players are ready to explore the forest, they won't have to wait for you to draw every tree and bush of the expanse. Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Forest Starter Set provides beautifully illustrated 6" × 6" map tiles that can be used to construct a never-ending forest full of hazards and beasts. Inside, you'll find 42 richly crafted, double-sided map tiles and six tabbed dividers to keep them organized. This starter set is only the first step! Flip-Tiles expansion sets allow you to expand your forest both in size and with nearly endless variety! So stop your sketching and start your flipping today! The Forest Starter Set includes:​

  • [*=center]Clearings
    [*=center]Lonely Ruins
    [*=center]River Crossings
    [*=center]Road Crossings
    [*=center]Standing Stones

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War for the Crown Poster Map Folio
Pathfinder Accessory
By Paizo

Explore the Empire

Explore the glorious lands of Taldor, the First Empire, in the War for the Crown Poster Map Folio. Pore over masterful cartography and plan exciting adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the War for the Crown Adventure Path!

These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps depict major locations found in the War for the Crown Adventure Path. The first stunning map details the capital city of Oppara, where the adventure begins and ends. The second map provides an overland look at Taldor's County of Meratt, and the third is a beautifully illustrated map of the nation of Taldor as a whole.

Whether you're looking for a walled city, a stretch of forest and plains, or an entire nation, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the War for the Crown Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign.

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Dungeon Décor Pawn Collection
Pathfinder Accessory
By Paizo

Decorate your dungeons and creepy castles, and bring your tabletop alive with this collection of more than 100 pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of the kinds of features, fixtures, and furnishings that you would find in a dark dungeon, a fantasy manor, or a shadowy forest. Each cardstock pawn lies flat or slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for common traps and items, the Dungeon Decor Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect set dressing for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

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Seedy Tavern
Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics
By Paizo

Barroom Blitz!

Whether your adventurers are on the trail of a dirty thief or just looking for a fight, no Game Master wants to slow the action down by drawing encounters. This double-sided combat map presents three distinct taverns perfect for all manner of sinister confrontations. It even connects with Map Pack: Sewer System for more seedy adventure!

The most-popular Pathfinder Flip-Mats in history return! These fan-favorite maps feature versatile adventure settings—city streets, forests, ships, taverns, and more—and now they're back for a repeat performance. Durable and lavishly detailed, these essential adventure set pieces are sure to bring excitement to your game table for years to come!

A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy—simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel. Each Flip-Mat measures 24" x 30" unfolded, and 8" x 10" folded.

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Uprising: The Dystopian Universe RPG
Core Rulebook
By Evil Hat Publishing

Corruption. Betrayal. Intrigue. Just another day in Paris Nouveau.

In a cyberpunk, dystopian future, the citizens of Paris Nouveau are no more than indentured servants. Virtual reality has come at a cost they can never pay, a tradeoff of freedom for technology. But there are freedom fighters who reject the system, unplugging from the illusion and working to make things right once again. They are La Résistance. Rise up and defy the corporations in Uprising: the Dystopian Universe RPG, set in the same universe as The Resistance, Coup, and One Night Revolution from Indie Boards & Cards.

Uprising is a stand-alone game that uses a customized version of the Fate System. Within these pages, you’ll find:
· Playsheets for nine character archetypes with tie-ins to the cards found in other Dystopian Universe games
· New aspect rules to help reflect the intrigue of the Dystopian Universe, where no one is exactly what they seem
· A new system for secrets—essential to surviving on the mean streets of Paris Nouveau
· New prep scenes and equipment rules designed to help make downtime active.
· A streamlined modular system for creating missions, along with sample missions to get you started

The Dystopian Universe RPG: Vive La Résistance!



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Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master
5th Edition (and other games) Supplement
By SlyFlourish

Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master is a book designed to help Gamemasters of all kinds get more out of our roleplaying games by preparing less. This book makes use of the experiences of thousands of other GMs to help you focus on how you prepare your games, how you run your games, and how you think about your games.

Built around an eight-step process for lightweight game preparation, it covers a wide range of practical steps and preparation activities that will bring the biggest impact to your game.

Building off the concepts of the well-received GM’s guidebook The Lazy Dungeon Master, Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master updates the lessons of that book with five years of new insights, new approaches, and new observations of the way people prepare and run RPGs.

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Modern AGE Game Master’s Kit
Modern AGE Accessory
By Green Ronin

The Modern AGE Game Master's Kit is a key accessory for your Adventure Game Engine campaign. It features PDFs of the same art and tables from the three-panel hardback screen, along with ten pages' worth of the same quick reference cards from the printed version. This product includes electronic versions of all the essential game info you need at the table. The reference cards put the stunts and actions on your tablet or phone, and you can print the combat tracker so you can write on it at the table. (We strongly advise against writing on your iPad.)
The Game Master’s Kit is the perfect complement to the Modern AGE RPG and will help you kick off your game with style.

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Smoke and Glass
FATE Setting
By Phoenix Outlaw Productions

The City of Kroy: a modern juggernaut built on the bones of a fantasty kingdom. Under smoky skies, agents of law and criminal masterminds clash in a constant brawl for control over a world on the brink of change. Industry marches ever forward, grinding lowborn lives to fuel the progress of the elite. And old magic, long since thought tamed, stirs in the blood of the everyday citizens while ancient enemies stir in the wilds beyond the city walls.

Smoke and Glass is a steampunk Dickensian Fate Core setting, allowing you and your friends to experience life as a citizen of a metropolis on the brink of industrial change. Customize the citizens of Kroy with a brand new Fate character class system. Discover a new blood magic system for Fate. Most of all, come together with your friends to tell great stories of legendary heists, mystical secrets, and social change.

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Core Rulebook (d6 System)
By Fire Ruby Designs

Welcome to the Secret World…

Esoterica is a game about conflicts between mystics, magicians and occultists in the modern day world. Called Adepts, these people have come to understand that the mundane world is just a facet of the true, greater reality, hidden by a barrier called the Veil. They seek to Ascend through the Veil to a better life beyond, and to this end have learnt to master some of the energies that permeate through the barrier. But power comes at a great cost - a corruption of the mortal form. Only Soul Jars, mystical objects imbued with power, can keep this corruption at bay. But the secret of their construction is lost, so they must either be recovered from the past or stolen from those that hoard them.

Do have what it takes to Ascend?

Esoterica is about action, conflict and greed in the morally bankrupt world of modern occultism.

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Hell’s Paradise
Traveller / Cepheus Engine Adventure
By Gypsy Knights Games

Hell's Paradise is a adventure involving a CCA (Cascadia Colonization Authority) team being sent on a rescue mission to an unexplored world in the Dawn Subsector of Tranquility Sector. Written originally for our Mongoose Traveller version by George Ebersole, GKG is now bringing the adventure back in a second edition geared toward the CE/Clement Sector: The Rules version of Clement Sector.

TXE-605b, known to some as Calliope, is an untapped planet whose barren surface but breathable atmosphere and abundance of water promises to be an excellent candidate world for colonization. The Nordic Exploratory Service sent an expedition to the TXE-605 system to expand humanity's knowledge of this world. Now their vessel, NESS Arn, has not returned on schedule. The crew of the CCAS Clara Barton, a Cascadia Colonization Authority search and rescue ship, has now been tasked with finding out why the Arn has not come back from TXE-605b. Have they been attacked by pirates? Have they suffered a malfunction? Or is it something far more sinister?

Hell's Paradise is an exciting adventure filled with danger and intrigue. It comes with nine pre-generated characters, the stats and deckplans for Clara Barton, a Trailblazer-class ship used by the CCA. In addition, it also features maps of TXE-605b and the overall TXE-605 system as well as deckplans for the NESS Arn.

Although Hell's Paradise can be modified for use in any science fiction setting, it is made with our Clement Sector setting in mind. It will be helpful for the Referee to be familiar with the Clement Sector Core Setting Book and Unmerciful Frontier: The CCA Sourcebook to get the best use of this product.

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Occult Secrets of the Undeworld
5th Edition or Pathfinder Supplement
By AAW Games

Mysterious Occult Traditions of the Underworld

The untold vastness of the realms below beckons, and for the first time, we unearth the mysterious occult traditions of the Underworld. Surface-dwellers can finally lay their eyes upon the concepts of the Red River that binds all, attain amber enlightenment and transcend the bounds of the flesh with unique and potent magitech. Psychic poisons, mesmerizing spores and the damned of Hel await your command!

After the success of the critically-acclaimed Underworld Races and Classes, fans asked for more, and thus, we present you with a collection of complex and evocative class options for the subterranean races you know and love.

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Destiny of Tides
Tiny Dungeon 2e Campaign Setting
By Gallant Knight Games

Undersea Adventures await you in this new campaign setting for Tiny Dungeons 2e!

Robert Denton takes you on a journey under the waves, in Destiny of Tides, the first full campaign setting for Tiny Dungeon 2e!

An underwater setting, Destiny of Tides introduces new Heritages, Traits and Magic (among other rules) to the Tiny Dungeon 2e game system, as well as a compelling new environment to tell stories in!

Beautifully illustrated, Destiny of Tides will give you a whole new perspective on what it means to be an adventurer, as you battle deadly sea beasts, solve mysteries in the deepest depths of the oceans, and even step foot onto land, in an attempt to plumb the depths of the ruins left behind by the surface dwellers.

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Hope & Glory: Player’s Handbook and Master’s Guide
Setting books for Savage Worlds
By GGstudio

This is not your grandfather's steampunk.

The Western World was wiped out, the capitals of Europe buried under a thick layer of ice.
In the aftermath of the Catastrophe, a brand-new civilization was born in the marriage between Victorian pragmatism and Indian imagination.

This is Hope & Glory, a steampulp adventure of scientific romance, intrigue, and discovery, in a brave new world.
Welcome to a new world... On the 21st of October 1852, the citizens of London and Paris were awed at the sight of the western sky turning suddenly a strange shade of purple and red. The first seismic shocks were felt all over the world in the following hours, and by the dawn of the 23rd of October, the giant waves hit the coasts of Europe. In the evening of the same day, while the tremors continued, catastrophic waves also hit the coasts of Asia. Whole cities, blasted by the earthquakes, were submerged by the sea. Millions of lives were lost. Then the Black Rain began, washing the ruins and leaving behind a thick layer of ashes. Dark, impenetrable clouds hid the sun, and the Thirty Years Winter began. In the Northern Hemisphere crops failed, snow-bound cities went up in flames as the populations rioted and the governments tried to find a solution, the means to survive.

One hundred years have passed now since the Catastrophe, and humanity has survived. In the former colonial domains of Africa and South America. In the blasted plains of China. Among the remains of the Japanese archipelago. In Russian palaces sealed against the howling winds of the steppe. In the land that once was India. With sacrifice and ingenuity, with courage and hope, new nations have crawled back from the brink to claim the new world.
Science is a beacon to the future.

From the frozen wastes of Europe, where the mammoth roams, to the proud Zulu Nation of Africa, from the technological wonders of the Anglo-Indian Raj to the mist-shrouded shores of Lost America, these are the stories of a new, strange world.

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The Fall of Delta Green
Core Rulebook (Gumshoe System)
By Pelgrane Press

It is the 1960s. The stars are coming right.

The United States declares war on poverty and sends half a million troops to Indochina; desegregates voting booths and shoots rockets at the moon. Everyone believes that if we put our mind to it and our backs into it, there’s nothing we can’t do to make the world better, for America and everyone else.

You know that this is a lie. You are an Agent of DELTA GREEN, an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment, tasked to hunt and destroy the Cthulhu Mythos. You know that plans and ideals, peace and love, matter less than a single atom drifting in the galaxy. All you can do is rage against doom, burn out your mind and body, and damn your nonexistent soul keeping your family, your country, your planet, ignorant and safe for one more day.

Written by ENnie Award-winning designer Kenneth Hite, The Fall of DELTA GREEN corebook adapts DELTA GREEN: THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME from Arc Dream Publishing to the award-winning GUMSHOE system. It opens the files on a lost decade of anti-Mythos operations both foreign and domestic, the last days of DELTA GREEN before the Joint Chiefs shut the program down in 1970.

Players take on the role of DELTA GREEN operatives, assets, and friendlies, in deadly one-shot adventures or a campaign spanning the years from hope to madness. Hunt Deep Ones beneath the Atlantic, shut down dangerous artists in San Francisco, and delve into the heart of Vietnam’s darkness.

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Dragon Mountain
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Campaign
By Wizards of the Coast

"The rubble-strewn passageway twists and turns, winding ever deeper into the mountain, lower and lower into the bowels of the ancient, forbidding halls of long-dead dwarves. The torchlight flickers, threatening to succumb to the oppressive darkness. Creeping along one striated granite wall, Arikus the warrior moves cautiously toward the great cavern ahead, its sides and walls disappearing into the gloomy distance. Cocking his head to one side to listen, he holds his hand up for a moment, demanding unconditional quiet from from his companions. Then , his arm relaxing in relief, he waves everyone forward and moves into the open. Before him, scattered to the far walls of the enormous cavern, are piles upon piles of glittering treasure - coins from countless kingdoms, sparkling gems, exquisite jewelry, and items of wondrous power - enough for twenty kings' ransoms. Arikus laughs gleefully, thrusting both hands into the nearest cache of coins to let them runs through his fingers. At that moment, a monstrous shadow looms threateningly over him. Looking up, Arikus blanches and stumbles back in horror before the terrible visage of a Great Red Wyrm. The fearsome dragon opens its razor-filled maw and spews forth a gout of white-hot flame, engulfing the hapless warrior....

The ultimate DUNGEON MASTER fantasy! This is the most deluxe dungeon, designed to appeal to discriminating and demanding role-players. Adventurers, beware. This is more than just a dragon hunt. Within the lair of this beast lie cruel and and deadly traps, befuddling conundrums and puzzles, and cunning minions that will be the end of overconfident or carelesss adventurers.



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City of Archives Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

The City of Archives is the fourth Mythos Pack in "The Forgotten Age" cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Following the events of Heart of the Elders, you and your team of investigators have journeyed deep into a series of caverns where a new world lays hidden from the outside world. Strange creatures that cannot be of this world have seemingly lived beneath the shell of the Earth for centuries. They are horrifying to look upon, but are they dangerous? Now within their domain, it may be best to go along with whatever they want, but how much can you trust them, and what might your naïveté cost you?

This Mythos Pack features a new mechanism that makes playing this scenario an out-of-body experience, as well as new player cards to customize your investigators' decks.

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Clank! In! Space! Expansion
By Renegade Game Studios

The deck-building adventure of Clank! In! Space! continues in Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse!Small pockets of resistance continue to oppose Lord Eradikus, but the evil cyborg now plots to wipe them out with one grand and wicked scheme!

Your challenge? Thwart the efforts of Lord Eradikus! Reap the rewards of noble (and sometimes reluctant) heroism! Save the galaxy…and get rich in the process! Maybe you can avert the Apocalypse! (Or at least escape with the treasure while someone else does!)

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Star Trek: Galactic Enterprises
3-8 players, ages 14+, 45+ minutes
By WizKids

On the Deep Space 9 station, Ferengi wheel and deal legal and illegal items in order to accrue the most profit because as you know, a Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all (Rule of Acquisition #18).

In Star Trek: Galactic Enterprises, 3 to 8 Ferengi buy and sell their wares, trying to monopolize a particular item for greater profit. However, once other Ferengi get those same items for sale, it becomes a matter of negotiation: Do you work together to gain the same profit, or do you agree to cooperate, then sell at a lower price to steal all the profit for yourself? After all, opportunity, plus instinct, equals profit (Rule of Acquisition #9).

Be wary of special action cards that can mess with the business of other Ferengi. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife (Rule of Acquisition #48). The Ferengi who has earned the most profit becomes the First Clerk!

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2017 Corp World Championship Deck
Netrunner LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

The Android: Netrunner 2017 World Champion Corp deck features the enigmatic Cerebral Imaging Division of Haas-Bioroid. The deck is a perfect recreation of the deck used by World Champion Wilfy Horig in the November 2017 Netrunner World Championship. With plenty of ways to gain credits and cards, the runner will have a hard time penetrating your defences as you advance agendas with ease.

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2017 Runner World Championship Deck
Netrunner LCG Expansion
By Fantasy Flight Games

The Android: Netrunner 2017 World Champion Corp deck is an exact replication of the deck Wilfy Horig piloted to his World Championship in November 2017. Led by the Universal Scholar Hayley Kaplan, this Shaper Deck gives you all the tools you need to invade the corp’s servers.

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Sagrada 5-6 Player Expansion
Sagrada Expansion
By Floodgate Games

Add to your Sagrada experience with the 5-6 Player Expansion!

You can now enjoy more Sagrada by adding up to 2 extra players! This expansion introduces the Private Dice Pool boards for smooth gameplay through 6 players. Also includes new private objectives, tools, and window pattern cards.

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Peak Oil
2-5 players, ages 10+, 45-75+ minutes
By 2Tomatoes

'You are the top manager at one of the big oil companies, tasked with leading your enterprise into a future without oil. With peak oil looming ahead, you try to squeeze the last drops from oil fields around the world to gather the resources to invest into various oil replacement technologies. While you may try to emerge from the coming crisis by regular means, your competitors will most probably not, forcing you to dirty your hands as well.

On your turn in Peak Oil, you assign your agents to different action spots on the board. If your agents are in the majority at any given action spot, or you decide to send mercenaries to their help, they squelch the competition there and allow you to take the linked action. Actions include developing and harvesting oil fields, building pipelines, hiring new agents, buying new ship contracts, investing in oil replacement technologies, conducting PR campaigns, engaging in piracy, and manipulating public opinion and oil prices.

After some time, the oil — represented by a set number of small barrels you draw from a bag when developing new oil fields — will run out. This is called "peak oil" and marks the end of the game. Players tally the value of the technologies in which they invested and promoted during the game. Whoever shaped the future best (i.e. gained favor for their company) wins.

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2-5 players, ages 8+, 25-40+ minutes
By 2Tomatoes

Every spring, the melted snow fills the riverbeds, opening the way back home for the salmon after a life swimming in the oceans.

In Upstream, each player controls a bank of salmon swimming upstream to lay their eggs where they were born. During their journey, they will face hungry bears, fierce birds of prey, and patient fishermen, all of which they must avoid in order to survive. These are not the only hazards the salmon must face as each round of play the strength of the water flow will cause some pieces of the river to fall back, making it impossible for some fishes to make their way upstream.

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A’Writhe: A Game of Eldritch Contortions
4-6 players, ages 14+, 30+ minutes
By WizKids

Summon the Great Old Ones by having them align their bodies over Arkham.

In the game A'Writhe: A Game of Eldritch Contortions, players gather in teams of two. Each team consists of a cultist player and a Great Old One player. The cultist is assisting the Great Old One and attempting to summon them to our plane. To do this, the cultist instructs their deity, with great veneration, to place an appendage on top of an Arkham landmark to complete a specific pattern. The problem is that it is nigh impossible to have one Great Old One form this pattern by itself; that's why if another deity is touching any parts of your pattern, you can use that appendage to complete your own pattern!

Up to three teams of two can play in this contortionist battle of positioning.

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Maiden’s Quest
1-5 players, ages 14+, 10-30+ minutes
By WizKids

In Maiden's Quest, a maiden — tired of waiting to be rescued — takes it upon herself to fight her enemies and escape.

Maidens use cards from their hands to attempt to defeat an enemy or obstacle. As you play, the game's difficulty grows as enemies of increasing ferocity become active! An innovative turn-and-flip mechanism allows each card to represent up to four items, encounters, or allies.

This fun and easy-to-learn game takes 10–30 minutes if you play non-stop. However, since each encounter is resolved separately, you can stop and stow away the deck at any time, returning to play when and where you left off at a later time! Since no surface is required, you can play while standing in line to get your morning coffee, while you wait for an appointment, or while sitting on the couch at home! Contents include enough for true solo play, co-op, or competitive two-player games, and, with multiple copies, more players can join in!

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Curio: The Lost Temple
2-5 players, ages 14+, 10-15+ minutes
By WizKids

A sinkhole formed west of the Tigris river in the heart of Mesopotamia, revealing a large stone door with curious, unknown markings. A special team of archaeologists, from all over the world, ventured to the site to solve its puzzle, allowing them inside. Therein, a massive man-made cavern, stretching for what seemed to be a mile straight down, could be seen. But just as the team decided to leave, the door slammed shut, sand slowly started filling the room, and the team was faced with new puzzles to solve. Can they do it in time?

In the real-time cooperative game Curio: The Lost Temple, players take the role of the archaeological team as they try to escape the Lost Temple. To do this, they need to communicate and collaborate to solve an unending slew of puzzles.

Unlike other games in this genre, Curio: The Lost Temple is endlessly replayable, even by the same players. Using a unique module-based system, players manipulate, sort, rotate, and search puzzle components to arrive at a distinct answer.

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Ultimate Werewolf Legacy
8-16 players, ages 13+, 60+ minutes
By Bezier Games

Ultimate Werewolf is an interactive game of deduction for two teams: villagers and werewolves. The villagers don't know who the werewolves are, and the werewolves are trying to remain undiscovered while they slowly eliminate the villagers one at a time. A moderator (who isn't on a team) runs the game. The game takes place over a series of days and nights. Each day, the players discuss who among them is a werewolf and vote out a player. Each night, the werewolves choose a player to eliminate, while the Seer learns if one player is a werewolf or not. The game is over when either all the villagers or all the werewolves are eliminated.

Ultimate Werewolf Legacy uses gameplay similar to Ultimate Werewolf, but you no longer have single standalone games as players and the village itself have attributes that are retained between games, with events that take place in the first games having effects that ripple through remaining games. Make a bad decision early on, and it can haunt the village for years to come! Players can earn titles, which provides them with special abilities in future games, regardless of their role. Players are each given a public family card in addition to their secret role card, and they team up with the other members of their family to work together...unless one or more of their family members is secretly working against them.

As for the village, there are multiple paths that the game may take, and as a result the experience you have playing through the entire game will differ from someone else who is playing with another set of people. This also allows players to play through the campaign multiple times, with a different set of roles, rules, and environments each time.

At the center of Ultimate Werewolf Legacy is an oversized, 80+ page diary, that walks the game moderator through every session. The diary has been designed so that players with no previous Werewolf playing experience can both play and moderate. The diary is structured into five distinct chapters with three game sessions in each chapter, as well as an introductory preface game session. Players can jump in and out for individual sessions, but ideally they'll play all the sessions in a chapter. Each chapter can be played in a single evening. At the end of the sixteen-game session campaign, the diary will be a record of exactly what happened in your village, and who was ultimately responsible for what it became over time.

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Before There Were Stars
3-6 players, ages 10+, 40-60+ minutes
By Smirk & Laughter Games

Since ancient times, the twinkling of the heavens inspired people across the globe to create stories that answered the most important of questions: "Who are we… and how did it all begin?"

Open this box, and join the storytellers of old. Before There Were Stars... is a storytelling game in which each player tells the mythic creation story of "their people". Inspired by constellation cards, players craft tales about the creation of the world, the origins of civilization, the rise of a great hero, and the end of days.

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4-8 players, ages 10+, 45+ minutes
By WizKids

Doppelgänger is a hidden role game designed by Steve Avery and Robert Burke. Each player takes the role of an intrepid adventurer who will help the group overcome great perils. However, some among them are conniving doppelgängers who work against the party to bring their downfall.

Each turn the players confront a challenge that requires teamwork. The party leader selects which adventurers will help him win the encounter. Everyone selected contributes a card to the pool, and others are added from the draw pile. The party leader then distributes one item to each party member to help them in their quest. Success brings rewards and moves the party closer to uncovering the hidden truth. Failure brings pain and moves the doppelgängers one step closer to victory.

Doppelgänger feels like a fast, co-operative dungeon delve, but with the added tension of significant distrust.

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Seal Team Flix
1-4 players, ages 14+, 45-120+ minutes
By WizKids

SEAL Team Flix is a fully co-operative or solo tactical dexterity game that pits 1-4 players against the forces of terrorism. Taking inspiration from several military-themed first-person shooter video games, SEAL Team Flix incorporates flicking, dice rolling, and character standees into an exciting, unique combination that will have the whole table standing up.

The game has two modes: campaign and skirmish. In campaign mode, players embark on an eight-mission non-linear adventure. Individual SEALs will get promoted several times over the course of the campaign...if they live. In skirmish mode, simply play one of the 17 missions as a standalone set-piece.

SEAL Team Flix is an objective-based game, with primary and secondary objectives which need to be resolved to successfully complete each mission. For example, in some missions, you must locate and acquire intelligence against the terrorist organization Gaia's Hope. In others, you must disarm time bombs or rescue hostages. While you are given intelligence at the beginning of each mission as to the number and nature of the objectives that need to be completed, every game will be different because you will never know where on the map they are until you physically locate them with your SEALs. The game's difficulty scales both with the number of SEALs playing as well as with three optional difficulty levels.

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Thou Sucketh
2-5 players, ages 14+, 60+ minutes
By WildFire LLC

Who wants to be an Adventurer? Everyone! That’s why you’re willing to do anything, including sabotage your rivals, to be the best. You might conquer the Dragon’s Hoard or curse your enemies with Gorthak’s Tremulous Bowel. You might become a Boss-Killer or get Kicked in the Head by a Pissy Unicorn. All’s fair in love and adventuring!

Thou Sucketh is a hilarious fantasy-themed deck-building game, in which you take on the role of an aspiring adventurer. You not only buy awesome cards for yourself, you buy detrimental cards to put in your opponents’ decks! They can make life complicated, but in a funny way.

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FReNeTiC – The Frenzied Word Game of the Elements
2-12 players, ages 8+, 20+ minutes
By Accentuate Games

Frenetic is a fast and furious word game of the elements. Players race against the clock with just 45 seconds to form as many words as possible using the element symbol tiles, adding together the Atomic numbers of each tile used to create a word. For example Ba na na = banana = 78 points! Amazingly there are over 10,000 words that can be created using combinations of the element symbol tiles from the frenetic periodic table game board. Fun, frantic, action is guaranteed.

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1-4 players, ages 10+, 30-45+ minutes
By Peacekeeper Games

Your life in the workshop is a monotonous affair. You were once a renowned machinist, but after the accident twelve years ago it's been a long road to recovery. Since then, your machines never work very well, or for very long, before they break. The workshop owner has given you one more chance to prove your worth.

Gearworks is a steampunk strategy board game featuring card placement, hand management, and a "twist" on area control. Strategically position your gears to fix a mysterious clockwork machine in the corner of the workshop. Collect parts created by the machine each round by being the last player to fix its various components. As a tinkerer, you can certainly put those parts to good use and create fantastical contraptions!

Will the other tinkerers sabotage your efforts or will you earn the workshop owner's favor and become the master tinkerer?

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Rick and Morty The Pickle Rick Game
1-2 players, ages 17+, 30+ minutes
By Cryptozoic Entertainment

As you might expect, Rick and Morty: The Pickle Rick Game is based on the "Pickle Rick" episode of Adult Swim's Rick and Morty. One player plays as Pickle Rick as he tries to escape a heavily armed compound, while the other player takes on the roles of both the Russians and Jaguar as they try to stop him. The Pickle Rick player uses weapons cards to dole out damage and Air Vents to get out of jams as they try to get to the rooftop. The game includes both Pickle Rick and Jaguar miniatures that are moved across a dynamic board made up of tiles that are constantly being added, rotated, and flipped.

Adding to the off-the-wall fun is the game's packaging: It looks like a pickle!

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Circus Puppy
2-5 players, ages 6+, 20+ minutes
By Renegade Game Studios

The most popular circus in Animal City- Circus Puppy is going to perform. There are different types of dogs such as French Bull, Corgi, Husky, Shiba Inu.

The show is about to start. However, some members get lost because of chasing the butterfly too far away. Seems like the leader Dogee has no choice but to let rookies go on the stage with the rest of the senior members. Will these stunt dogs perform a great show for you?

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2-4 players, ages 6+. 20+ minutes
By Renegade Game Studios

A group of seven cats have been training very hard to master their profession – shooting the best fireworks in the world. Although rookies, they hope to one day become as expert as their master. After so many years, the day is coming...



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Icons of the Realms Set 9
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
By WizKids

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Star Wars X-Wing Core Set Second Edition
2 players, ages 14+, 30-45+ minutes
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Rebel Alliance Conversion Kit
Galactic Empire Conversion Kit
Scum and Villainy Conversion Kit
Star Wars X-Wing Supplements
By Fantasy Flight Games

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T-65 X-Wing
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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BTL-A4 Y-Wing
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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TIE/In Fighter
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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TIE Advanced x1
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Slave 1
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Fang Fighter
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Lando’s Millennium Falcon
Star Wars X-Wing Miniature
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Rebel Alliance Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
Galactic Empire Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
Scum and Villainy Maneuver Dial Upgrade Kit
Star Wars X-Wing Accessories
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Dice Pack
Star Wars X-Wing Accessory
By Fantasy Flight Games

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Reaver Battle Titan
Adeptus Titanicus Miniature
By Games Workshop

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Spike! The Fantasy Football Journal Issue 3
Blood Bowl Supplement
By Games Workshop

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Nurgle’s Rotters Team
Blood Bowl Miniatures
By Games Workshop

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Nurgle Team Card Pack
Nurgle Pitch
Nurgle Dice
Blood Bowl Accessories
By Games Workshop

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Fallout: Wasteland Warrior Two-Player Starter
1-2 players, ages 14+, 40-120+ minutes
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Brotherhood of Steel Core Box
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Brotherhood of Steel Frontline Knights
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Brotherhood of Steel: Knight Captain Cade, Paladin Danse
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Super Mutants Core Box
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Super Mutants: Hammer
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Survivors Core Box Set
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Survivors: Minutemen Posse
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Survivors: Heroes of Sanctuary Hill
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Survivors: Boston Companions
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Miniatures
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Settlement Deck
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Accessory
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Extra Dice Set
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Accessory
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Nuka Cola Caps Set
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Accessory
By Modiphius Entertainment

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Red Rocket Scenic Set
Fallout: Wasteland Warriors Accessory
By Modiphius Entertainment



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Down in Flames: Locked-On
2-4 players, ages 10+, 15-30+ minutes
By Dan Verssen Games

Down in Flames: Jets brings the Down In Flames system to the jet age, by adding missile combat and range.

The "one hit one kill" sudden death nature of modern combat, makes this game very different than earlier versions of Down In Flames!

Multiple campaigns from the 1970s through modern day give players a variety of scenarios. During these campaigns, players will perform air combat missions to escort their strike aircraft to the target.

Down in Flames: Jets provides the fast-paced feel of air combat developed during the other games in the series, with streamlined rules and an intuitive, fast-playing game system.

Aircraft included in the game: Harrier, Phantom, Tomcat, Eagle, Fighting Falcon, Hornet, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-29, Corsair II, Intruder, Aardvark, Su-22, and many more.

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Stalingrad Inferno on the Volga
1-3 players, ages 8+, 30-60+ minutes
By VentoBuovo Games

Stalingrad: Inferno on the Volga recreates one of the most epic battles of World War 2 with a game mechanism that makes this work in FOUR different game modes, including a true solitaire (versus AI) version.

The well-known campaign became a clash of wills between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, involving hundreds of thousands of troops in a death struggle which eventually led to the German defeat in the entire war.

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Russia Besieged Deluxe Edition
1-2 players, 2-20+ hours
By Compass Games

The time is June 22nd, 1941. Over 3 million German troops are poised on the Russian border preparing to launch Operation Barbarossa! What was supposed to be a quick campaign ended up marking the beginning of the end of Nazi Germany.

From Award Winning designer, Art Lupinacci, Russia Besieged covers the entire German campaign in the east from 1941 to the bitter end, in 1945. One of the finest Army/Corps level games on the market, Russia Besieged Deluxe edition has been overhauled from years of experience and nuances discovered in Tournament play, to bring you a richly detailed, east front experience you expect to see from this classic wargame.

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Blood on the Ohio: The Northwest indian War 1789-1794
2 players, ages 12+, 120-180+ minutes
By Compass Games

Blood on the Ohio presents the late 18th century struggle between a coalition of Indian tribes led by Little Turtle and the nascent American Army to determine control of the then Ohio territory. Known as the Northwest Indian War, Little Turtle's War and Washington's Indian War, this was the first major challenge to President Washington and his army following the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. Spanning from 1785 to 1795, the conflict grew out of a dispute over territorial boundaries following the war, aggravated by settlers flooding across the Ohio to claim Ohio lands then in possession of Native American nations.

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Forgotten Legions Designer Signature Edition
1-4 players, ages 12+, 3-7+ hours
By Compass Games

Forgotten Legions, Designer Signature Edition, marks the return of not just one, but TWO wargaming classics by Vance von Borries.

Drive on Damascus and Bloody Keren, both now published together for the first time in the same package and with the same basic rules set. They have been re-mastered and updated into all-new, super-sized editions. These were well regarded by many as balanced and thoughtful games. They cover fascinating, almost forgotten conflicts that would guide the course of WW II in the Mediterranean Theater.

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Montelimar – Anvil of Fate
1-4 players, 4-50 hours
By Compass Games

Montélimar: Anvil of Fate, On August 15, 1944, the Allies invaded the South of France in Operation Dragoon. Major General Truscott's U.S. VI Corps landed along a 45 mile stretch of French Coast with the objective of isolating the major German forces defending the western part of France and linking up with the Normandy forces breaking out of their beachhead. The southern beachhead would be secured in only 2 days and the Americans were well established inland. With scattered and only occasionally strong resistance, the Americans and now landed French advanced north up the Rhone valley along highway N-7 — heading quickly toward the key rail and road junction at Aix-en-Provence. This was captured on August 19th. At this point, General Truscott activated a provisional force called Task Force Butler. This roughly regimentally sized unit raced ahead of the main force with the objective of capturing the main route of escape for the German Army. The Task Force set up a defensive position in the high ground to the north of Montélimar. They were to hold until relieved. The Germans would throw everything they could at Task Force Butler in a race to return to Germany before the larger Allied Formations coming up from the south and east would join Task Force Butler.



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Fashion Furious Booster
Munchkin CCG Expansion
By Steve Jackson Games

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Unplugged Fast Forces
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles HeroClix
By WizKids

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Overwhelming Swarm Booster
Magic The Gathering Creature Forge Miniatures
By WizKids

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Avengers Infinity Campaign Box
Marvel Dice Masters
By WizKids

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Justice Like Lightening Team Pack
Marvel Dice Masters
By WizKids

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Kree Invasion Team Pack
Marvel Dice Masters
By WizKids

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Harley Quinn Team Pack
DC Dice Masters
By WizKids

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Cybernetic Horizon Special Edition
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
By Konami​

The above list has been compiled based upon distributor and retail new releases mailouts I receive. Please note that there may be some geographic differences in release dates and/or availability of items. Please contact your local store for more information.

Please note: Some of the links in the post above may be “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item the author of this post will receive an affiliate commission.

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