• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Mark CMG

    The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016)

    Will you go see The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016)? Are you or have you been looking forward to see it? Did you enjoy Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)? Trailer 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAvCgVR0gIM Trailer 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POs2lEv7_6U Trailer 3 -...
  2. Mark CMG

    D&D 5E The Roleplaying Game Creators' Relief Fund

    CMG is a proud supporter of . . . "The Roleplaying Game Creators' Relief Fund, a charity established by gamers to help game creators in need so they can continue to create great games for all of us, is proud to announce its first major charity gaming bundle on DriveThruRPG! The bundle includes...
  3. Mark CMG

    Trans Gender Con

    Rumor has it a certain Indy convention will be re-branding itself for August through the remainder of their contract with the convention center. We at CMG wish to congratulate the forward-thinking leadership of the convention and add our own support to their efforts in honoring the LGBT...
  4. Mark CMG

    Player Engagement

    GMs: Do your players have their heads more in the game or more on the game? Sometimes just getting enough players to gather around a table is enough but two sorts of players always seem eager to play: those who love to get into the game through their character's role and those who love to come...
  5. Mark CMG

    Game Systems that Allow Skill Resolution with No Roleplaying

    Recently a GM described an example of his game as - How do systems that encourage this type of play sit with other GMs? Even if your system of choice theoretically allows it, do you play this way? Do you prefer this type of gaming over something less game-driven? How might you GM such a...
  6. Mark CMG

    D&D 5E D&D and More on The Big Bang Theory Tonight!

    Turns out they mentioned D&D once, Gary Con twice, and Gary three times on the Big Bang Theory tonight! And there are a number of 5E games on the schedule (and I am sure will be more) for those of you free in a month and close enough to pop in! http://www.garycon.com/
  7. Mark CMG

    Gary Con Mentioned on The Big Bang Theory

    I'm getting reports that Gary Con was mentioned on The Big Bang Theory tonight but I won't get to watch it until later. Can anyone confirm this? http://www.garycon.com/
  8. Mark CMG

    SNICKERS “Brady Bunch” Commercial with Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi

    SNICKERS “Brady Bunch” Commercial with Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi Okay, I have a new favorite thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqbomTIWCZ8
  9. Mark CMG

    Happy Holidays from Creative Mountain Games!

    Happy Holidays, Gamers! It's been a great year of gaming. Folks can check out all sorts of gaming goodness in photo-form on my Facebook albums here and my Google Plus albums here. If you haven't been following the CMG Blog Triad, please do here. It's got daily doses of gaming ideas and...
  10. Mark CMG

    [December] What's got you Listening?

    I hope to discover at least two new Prog Rock bands before the end of the month. Any suggestions?
  11. Mark CMG

    [December] What Are You Watching?

    Definitely looking forward to the final Hobbit installment. On the TV front, Marvel's Agent of Shield has been holding my attention, among others.
  12. Mark CMG

    [December] What Are You Reading?

    Taking a break from novels to get some RPG reading in. I need to go through my collection of old PDFs and find what will help with the finishing off of some adventure writing I am doing. I do plan to crack open a copy of Deomans of Faerel by Ted Fauster before the month is over...
  13. Mark CMG

    [October] What's got you listening?

    Music as well as podcast haven't grabbed much of my time lately. What about everyone else?
  14. Mark CMG

    [October] What are you watching?

    I recently watched a few older B-Movies including Castle of the Walking Dead (1967) AKA The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism, Colossus of Rhodes (1961), and Mark of the Devil (1970). I enjoyed the first of these most, because of the many D&D-isms that seem to be in it and the second with its...
  15. Mark CMG

    [October] What are you reading?

    Hot on the heels of finishing up the available GRR Martin books, I have picked up one I haven't read in years, Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth. I enjoyed it way back when and and loving it even more this time around.
  16. Mark CMG

    Critical Hits 5E MM Review from Mike Shea

    http://www.critical-hits.com/blog/2014/09/10/review-monster-manual-for-dungeons-dragons-5th-edition/ Looks promising. Thoughts?
  17. Mark CMG

    Gen Con 2014 Program Book

    The Gen Con 2014 Program Book is available through the Gen Con website http://www.gencon.com/ http://files.gencon.com/GC14ProgramBookWEB.compressed.pdf
  18. Mark CMG

    All Fold-Up Paper Models and Minis (especially FREE ones!)

    I'm starting this thread to house links to places with Fold-Up Paper Models of all stripes. I'll add new links to the first post in the thread as they appear in the subsequent posts, so that we can have a single reference post for as much of the material as possible. There will definitely be...
  19. Mark CMG

    D&D 5E Hoard of the Dragon Queen w/ Starter/Basic Rules Only

    For those who have gathered up the Hoard of the Dragon Queen, do you think the entire thing could be run using only the Starter Set Rules? What about with the Basic Rules added? Please, none of those "All you need is your imagination and a willingness to improvise" answers. Let's just all...
  20. Mark CMG

    D&D Game Mechanic Lie Detectors

    How many ways are there to detect a lie in a D&D game of any type? How have you seen these ways used? How have you seen them abused? Without simply negating the mechanic, how do you go about (in-game) thwarting that mechanic?