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Search results

  1. Mathew Lankard

    Help me realize why this is broken. (Spell Points)

    So it's not that I have anything in particular against the vancian system but I've been trying to get spell points working in my game for a few months. My main problems with the system in UA is two fold. I've seen several forum threads about how there are not enough points along with alternate...
  2. Mathew Lankard

    [Full] Scourge of The Howling Horde

    I'm looking to start a PBP using the WotC Adventure "Scourge of the Howling Horde". This is my first 3.5 game in almost a year so I thought a nice first level adventure would help me get back into things :) I'm looking for 4 1st level characters, using 28 point buy. I would like to use the...
  3. Mathew Lankard

    World Building Help?

    I'm about to embark on creating a world for my upcoming PBP and future campaigns and thought I should get some knowledge from the experts. I don't have any specific questions (yet lol), but I was just wondering if some DM's could share your knowledge of world building. Any essential tips...
  4. Mathew Lankard

    [OOC] The Eye of The Night

    Sorry, recruiting is closed. Our Cast Mains thavil - Elven Wizard AmorFati - Half-Orc Favored Soul Torillan - Undecided Erudite - ? Rogue Ferrix - ? Rogue Frukathka - Dwarf Paladin Alts DralonXitz Pate Pot Pete I am recruiting for a PBP game here at EnWorld using The Eye of The Night, a...
  5. Mathew Lankard

    Anyone need a player?

    Or interested in GMing a new game? I was looking for something focused on adventuring with a world that's not too exotic. But I'm desperate to get in game so I'll settle!
  6. Mathew Lankard

    Need some first time 3.5 advice...

    So in the next couple of weekends I will begin my 3.5 DM career. I have GMed lots of other systems including older versions of DnD. Despite my dislike of the spells per day magic system, my love for the fantasy genre has pulled me and my group back in! If anyone could help me with a few...
  7. Mathew Lankard

    Any open games?

    Ok, let me blunt and say that I don't usually like when people post threads looking for games, so if this bugs you I apoligize cause I understand. I check Enworld several times any given day and spend some times on the boards. But honestly everytime I come here looking for a game I always come...