• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Aethelstan

    Variant Wound/Vitality System

    I'm planning to use this new system in my campaign, I would be interested in some feedback, thanks Variant Hit Point System All characters with class levels have both Wound Points (WP) and Vitality Points (VP): Wound Points: These points represent a character’s ability to withstand direct...
  2. Aethelstan

    "Steampunk" RPG books

    I'm look for useful material for a steampunk/Victorian campaign I'm working on. I'm intersted in the following books: OGL Steampunk Victoriana RPG GURPS Steampunk Steam & Sorcery What are people's opinion of these books? Can you suggest others? Thanks
  3. Aethelstan

    WotC D&D Fonts

    Are the fonts used in WotC D&D publications available for download anywhere?
  4. Aethelstan

    Victorian Era Inspiration

    With d20 Past release fast approaching, I'm gearing up to run a quasi-historical "Victorian Adventures on the Lost Continent" campaign. Any good websites out there on the following topics: Victorian Age Britain, The Wars of Empire, The European Colonial experience, late 19th century weapons and...
  5. Aethelstan

    D&D stats for Shrek

    Yes, I know this is silly but after watching Shrek I, II with the kids for the fifteenth time I couldn't resist trying to stat him out as a D&D character. So here it goes: Shrek “Ogre” Rog3/Bbn1/Ftr6; HD 3d6+15 (Rogue), 1d12+5 (Barbarian) , 6d10+30 (Fighter) ; hp 80; Init +7; Spd 40; AC 16...
  6. Aethelstan

    Gaming Stores north of Boston

    I'm looking for a good gaming store (i.e. lots of d20 and minis) north of Boston. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  7. Aethelstan

    Jonathan Strange and Dr. Norrell

    I finished just the book. Both in flavor and historical setting, its pretty far removed from the standard fanasty genre that inspires much of D&D. Nonetheless, it was a fasinating book with an intriguing take on the nature and practice of magic. The material on the realms of Faerie was also...
  8. Aethelstan

    Prestige Classes: Too much of a good thing?

    With the release of Complete Adventure, I'm beginning to wonder if D&D is becoming oversaturated with an ever rising tide of new Prestige classes (WotC or others). The sheer number of PrCs creates issues of game balance and power creep. At least to my eyes, they seem to be getting over-powered...
  9. Aethelstan

    If you could have created D&D before Gygax..

    Although D&D was created some thirty years ago, many of the core concepts of the game, for instance alignment and “Vancian” magic, have endured virtually unchanged and remain central to D&D in its current form. For the sake of discussion, pretend you could go back in time and become the...
  10. Aethelstan

    Looking for Maps

    I'm looking for large maps of coast lines and continents. Any suggestions?
  11. Aethelstan

    New Class: Stone Wizard (Moved)

    I'm working on a new class called the Stone Wizard, Dwarven Wizards who specialize in earth magic. I'd like some feedback, thanks Stone Wizard Modifications to standard Wizard: -Only Dwarves may become Stone wizards. -Will and Fortitude as “good” saves (stone wizards are tough)...
  12. Aethelstan

    New Class: Stone Wizard

    I working on a new class called the Stone Wizard. Its a class of Dwarven Wizards which specialize in earth magic. I'd like some feedback (constructive only please) Thanks, Aethelstan Stone Wizard Modifications to standard Wizard: -Only Dwarves may become Stone wizards. -Will and...
  13. Aethelstan

    Age of Imperialism d20

    I'm toying with the idea of running a campaign inspired by the Age of Imperialism. Nations similiar to historical Europe would vie for influence over a newly discovered continent filled with ancient ruins, mythical beasts and savage tribes. Think d20 "Arcanum" (the PC game). Questions: Is...
  14. Aethelstan

    Micro-sized Campaign Worlds

    In my years of playing D&D, I've made the following observations: 1. Most campaigns seem to last only a year to a year and a half. Either groups fall part due to waning interest or the intrusion of real life (new jobs, babies, etc.) or DMs and/or players grow weary of a particular campaign and...
  15. Aethelstan

    Looking for good map resource

    I'm looking for maps, particularly of cities, towns and fortifications. Does anyone know of good online or paper sources I could tap. Thanks, Aethelstan
  16. Aethelstan

    D&D deserves a better XP system

    The standard D&D XP system works something like this. DM: "OK, last week while exploring the Crypt of Gorm Doomhammer, the party set off three traps, blundered into two ambushes and concocted a boneheaded battle plan that nearly got everyone slaughtered...but you did manage to kill six fiendish...
  17. Aethelstan

    Help: E-Tools patches

    Despite weeks of trying, I can not get Code Monkey's patch page to open. Even a new PC and OS did not fix the problem. Does any one know of a non-CMP site where I can get these patches? Thanks.