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Search results

  1. V

    Looking for D&D Group - Hudson/Marlborough or Area

    Well met gamers... I am currently looking for a D&D group closer to home (Marlborough). Though I currently work in the city, so would be open to gaming in the city as well, if it's somewhat on my way home (after work) i.e. westerly drive home (Cambridge/ Watertown/ Newton/ Natick/ Framingham)...
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    DR Evil .vs. Evil Characters

    Ok, this came up in our last session and caught some of us by surprise. So we made a quick ruling on it, but I told the GM I would throw it here for confirmation. Characters (or creatures) with DR x/Evil (where lets say x = 5) is not by-passed by just an evil NPC, just because he is evil. The...
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    Code of Conduct for Paladin of Erevan Ilesere

    Heylo all, I am allowing a player to run a alternate Paladin in a upcoming campaign (actually its a ongoing campaing, he is just bringing in a new character). He is planning on bringing in a multi-classed character that is a Paladin of Erevan Ilesere (Elven God of Mischief, change, rogues)...
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    Shapechange & Equipment Sizes

    Ok, Clarification on rules, which came up in game last night. From the SRD: The above makes me think that Armor and Weapons are the exceptions in that they do not adjust size when a character changes size. Yet, in the Rules of the Game (from Wizards Site): The above makes me think that...
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    Half Yaun-ti

    Was wondering if anyone had a Half Yaun-ti race or template? Or know of any published? Thanks
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    Prices for scavanged body parts

    I was wondering if anyone has come across a source or formula for determining the value of scavanaged body parts? That is after a party kills something (lets say a beholder), they harvest the eye-stalks or glands? A formula would be best. A similar forumla was proposed by Sean Reynolds over on...
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    Carrying Strung bow 24x7

    I was wondering if there are any rules input for carrying around a strung bow 24x7? I believe in modern times if you have a compound bow it is always strung, but what about medieval bows? If not, what rules are there for stringing them? or orther rules? THnkas
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    Shinning South - Deep Defenders

    Heylo all, I am looking to find out some information from the Shinning South product and the PrC ?Dwarven? Deep Defenders? Can anyone give a review of abilities of this class and also how it compares to the Devoted Defender from Sword and Fist? Thanks
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    Max STR Bonus to Bows

    A question came up last night as we started a new campaign as to what was the MAX STR bonus that could be applied to Bows. For some of us, we thought it was +4, but others disagreed. We made a quick game ruling for the night until research could be done (i.e. now). Can anyone state if there is...
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    Spawn's Cloak/Armor? Design

    This is for those who like to create magic items. Ok, I play in a EPIC level campaign and I'm currently in the process of creating a new character. The character will be about level 28. I am trying to design the cloak/suit similar to Spawn's and will need to get it approved by the GM, but have...
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    Characters Making Money

    Ok, In the rules it says a character can make money by using either the craft or profession skill equal to half your resultant DC check per week. There is also a list of prices under services where it costs "X" to get a spell to be cast. What is stopping a character from casting spells as a...
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    Anaylze Situation (check)

    How often, when DMing, do your armed guards fight stupidly to their deaths, even when obviously out manned. How do you determine that "they" know they are out manned? (note: this is not fear, just "common sense"). Being the GM you know how powerful the PCs are, but would the guards? I was...
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    Harvesting Raw Materials

    I was wondering if anyone had any house rules on harvesting raw materials. That is a character is trying to find valuables in the wild which is often more luck than skill. Though skill in knowing where to look for things would come in very useful. This could be anything from mining or panning...
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    New Spell: Adjust Spatial Reality

    The following is a imrpoved version of Reduce Person allowing all the benefits of a creature one size larger than normal. Spell: Adjust Spatial Reality Level: 4? School: Transmutation Range: Personal Duration: 10 Mins/level Casting time: 1 round Target: Personal Description: When casting this...
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    Cleaving after an AoO

    This came up last night in session and caught me a bit off guard. We ruled in game that it was ok, but wanted outside opinion just to confirm for future reference. A character had the ability to make an Attack of Opportunity, where in the process he downed the attacker, he then used his Cleave...
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    New EPIC Feat: Adaptability

    Humans are naturally adaptive in that they choose which ever is their highest class as their favored class. There are also Feats which allow races to add a "Casting class" as a Favored class as well, though I have not seen any for fighter or other classes. So if a Non-Epic Feat can add a...
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    Dice Freaks? Where'd they go?

    Heylo all, Just got back from vacation and noticed that DiceFreaks is no where to be found? I did a search of the forums, but didn't return any results. Anyone know what the scoop is with them?! Thanks
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    Bilogical Tree of D&D creatures

    Ok, this sort of spawned from another thread, "Why are Pixies so large". I started a reply, but then got myself talking into the whole Biological tree if a Fae which I thought was a bit off topic, so started this topic. Then in typing of this different topic I sort of expanded beyond just Fae...
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    PrC: Elven Forest Protector

    Elven Forest Protector Daren turned as he was walking down the trail, sensing the eyes upon him again, the sixth time in the past hour, ever since he entered the woods of Elmoranth, home of the elves. Spinning about he crouched low as if expecting a arrow to be wizzing over his head. Listening...
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    Profession(Token Maker)

    Okay, I have a Shaman character I love playing and she requires Tokens and such for her spells. In the spell descriptions (like Substitution from OA)it lists the costs and sizes of the the Tokens, but I wanted to add some more flavor to making these. Finding special mediums and such in game...