• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    hi this is a bit odd

    right all i need to know is the price of tis icecream, does anyone know the price of ben and jerrys icecream
  2. C

    woman in war hammer

    one person who can tell me a female marine or anything like that, and i want a name as well can be on my crew or just do it because i want to know
  3. C

    yo dude and dudetts, warhammer figures

    if you know anything about warhammer figures , what are they made out of now, they used t be made out of lead but the makers changed then, i still have most lead ones but i am thinking of getting a few more
  4. C

    who wants to be my crew

    right people, i am making a crew to go on the "war of worlds" ship and i need to get a a crew with good reasons why they want to join, you see i am now a pirate and i am going to be the best one out there. so give me your qulifications and i will get back to you. ( mind you , you ahve to be...
  5. C

    who ever hates valitines day

    Who hate hates valintines day come chat to me
  6. C

    what musics best to play d+d or warhammer

    yo people i would like to know what music you play when playing either d+d or warhammer or any other role playing game, does it in any way help you stamina
  7. C

    what musics best to play d+d or warhammer

    right i want to know what type of music people listen to when they are having a head to head or trying to be stragic, or even weather you like to play the game in silence.
  8. C

    valintines day, for the rich and feble

    yo people out there who thinks that valintines day is just another day the companys can get money out of us
  9. C

    anyone on right now

    yo anyone in at the moment, i am at school and very bored, i am getting freaked out by these two boys sitting next to m e, sam and joe. Please chat so i can get out of talking to them
  10. C

    to all those dude and dudets

    yo people, coming from personal experience i will give you advice, never read romeo and juliet with you mate , the dude as romeo and the dudet as juliet, BAD IDEA, trust me . just a very good warning,
  11. C

    hello one and all

    hello all, i just want to find out weather anyone here knows about presents and what they mean, what i realy mean is if a boy gives a girl a picture of all your friends and he is in the pictures, what does that mean, i think it is just friendship but i dont realy know but if you dont want to...
  12. C

    dungons and dragons interactive dvd

    yo, has any one see this film yet, i ahve and it is soo cool, it is realy like d+d, you have regda,lidda,mylen, and you get to chose what you want to do, but if you die you get another go, if have have seen this film come chat
  13. C

    who did i chat to yesterday,aggemam

    anyone i chatted to i want to chat to again, because you lot were cool
  14. C

    happy bithday to me

    i wish everyone a big hug and kiss from me on my birthday
  15. C

    hello all

    hello one and all i am here right now to ask if i know anyone on this site and to start a general convosation, or something alongs those lines.