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    Level Up (A5E) "Kingmaker"-alikes

    Hello, everybody I was wondering what might be good for A5E for pioneers and settlement creation games? Kind of want to do a fantasy version of the video game Banished, but I'm not sure what resources would be key for such a project. It would want to be something with seasonal changes...
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    Robot Roll Call

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    FR Time Jump?

    Is there an official word as to the duration of this thing? I've heard both 100 years suggested by novels and ten years floating about on the internet.
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    Thoughts on Unhallowed Metropolis

    hose of you who don't know already... I give you the intro! Personally I've been waiting for this game to come out for well over a year and I'm glad to say that I'm finally going to see it given form! Not as glad as the designers I imagine, but still. The question poses itself though... I...
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    Has there been a Core Race Survivor yet?

    And if there has... can somebody point me to it? My google-fu is failing me.
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    Looking for a webpage from an ad in Dragon.

    Issue 349 actually. I was reading it in a local store today and I saw an ad for a character generator. I can't remember the name of the company or the website, but I'd like to research it a bit more so if somebody could look it up I'd really appreciate it. Once it is found, if anybody has any...
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    Can I get a basic rundown on the Compendium Classes?

    I'm not really looking for a level by level breakdown, but just a general idea as to what makes them special. It will be some time before I get to pick this book up for myself so I appreciate anybody who wants to sell this chapter to me. Thanks in advance!
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    Shackled City vs Age of Worms. FIGHT!

    Lets say you had to recommend an adventure path to somebody and you only had two choices to pull from. Which would it be and why? Thanks for your time!
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    Where are Grippli?

    Can't find the damn things. I know they are in Dragon somewhere. You know, the frog people? Might as well ask where the Lupins are too so long as I am here. Thanks for the help!
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    What did Red Steel do?

    As in the D&D setting... Red Steel. Cinnabar and cinnabryl and all that. I checked it out in Google, but everything seemed to refer back to the main rules as if I was supposed to know what they are. Would someone mind giving me the lowdown on those? Thanks!
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    LA and Monsterous hit dice.

    I have a bit of a problem. I have a player who is all on fire about yuan-ti. I blame the Serpent Kindoms book, but it shoves an electrode in her pulp nerve and flips the switch so I can't really complain. So for my Eberron game I am thinking of suggesting one of the shulassakar* as a PC...
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    Green Ronin's Advanced Players Manual?

    This book has just recently been released on PDF from RPG now and since I am not going to be paid for another week (pft, hunger. damn human weakness.) I am hoping that one of their other, more financially able fans might be able to spoil me on how everything looks in there. Any takers? Any one?
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    An Eberron Campaign Plan (long)

    I am posting this mainly on the WotC boards, but they are having some serious problems and more ideas are just about always better. So, here are a few posts from that site cross posted over here. I am planning a campaign that should start in January and I want to do something... different...
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    Nifty new gaming aid. Chunky Dungeons- Darkstone Halls

    Hey there everybody! So I took my weekly cruise down to Do or Dice, since it is just around the corner from me, and I found this little gem. They only had a few of them set up at the moment, but let me tell you it looks sweet! I can't wait to see more of it set up. The colors are great, the...
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    Tell me, have you seen the Eberron CSB?

    Alrighty then! The book is finally out and the opinions are flying. A while ago I posted a poll asking ENworld readers how interested they were in the setting and now that the book is out I wonder, how have opinions changed? I had a good sit down with the thing today at a Borders and I tell...
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    S&SS Advanced Players Guide

    Hello everybody! I was cruising the web pages of various game companies and I came across this. Now, even forgetting that the cover is a fine vision of good ol AD&D nostalgia it seems like it has possibilities. Does anybody have any more info or opinions on this book? It makes me curious...
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    This thing just rocks.

    really. Damn fun stuff. Generators galore. If you don't know about it... you really should. Mostly just funny, but every once in a while it drops something cool in your lap. I mean come on! "In a land of insanity, in an age of blasphemy and monsters, two gigolos seek the ultimate weapon...
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    Lord of Blades!

    Check it out! Some day I'll even learn the code that makes slick links with just one word showing, but not today. Anyway, the big guy is just menacing. A great looking villain. Gotta get to work now. Peace.
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    Would you rather...

    You are strapped into a chair and your eyes are clamped open with eye drops dripping onto your tortured corneas. You are going to be forced to watch one of these movies all damn day. Which one do you want to suffer through? Yes there already is a Starship Troopers sequel. It will be showing...
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    Every so often there is an Eberron thread on this board. Usually that thread races up over a thousand views pretty quickly. I am curious where the actual numbers stand for EN World readers on this setting. Personally I am all in favor of it as are the people I talk to, but polls are fun to...