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Search results

  1. I

    Hobgoblin & Lizardfolk PCs

    I put the advice found in the DMG (and on MonteCook.com)to creating Hobgoblins and Lizardfolk as PC Races. My intention was to create a race that could be played from 1st level - without the ECL causing imbalance. I used the optional Racial Levels (Arcana Unearthed & Unearthed Arcana) for each...
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    EN Pub Submissions

    I have been searching but cannot find... does EN Publishing have any kind of submissions guidelines? If so, where can these be found? Also what about questions regarding all other legal issues, such as ownership of intellectual property, cost, advertising and so forth. Thanks Ian Hewitt
  3. I

    (World of Llowellen) Open Call for Artists

    The World of Llowellen is a new campaign setting currently under development for possible future publication. We are looking for at least one artist able to illustrate a 250 page world guidebook with sidebar and chapter heading illustrations, conceptual art detailing different and varied...
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    Laramie, Wyoming

    A DM with just a single player seeks 2-3 more players to play 1-2 monthly in Laramie, Wyoming. We will be playing DnD 3.5 in a homebrew world (www.Llowellen.com), both are serious, long-time, mature (well-mostly) beer drinking DnD fans. I don't check this message boards as frequently as I...
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    Open Call for Artists

    The World of Llowellen is now a month old and growing fast. A colloborative work in world design and PBeM play that provides a solid and reasonably well-trafficed platform for honing and advertising your skills and talents for free. Many avenues are available for becoming a Contributing Author...
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    Open Call - World of Llowellen

    A new world setting has been born. The World of Llowellen. Designed as both a place to play and a platform for creative minds to hone and showcase their talents, this free and shared world is issuing an open call to all writers, players, artists, deisgners,cartographers, editors and fans. Find...
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    Open Call - World of Llowellen

    A new world setting has been born. The World of Llowellen. Designed as both a place to play and a platform for creative minds to hone and showcase their talents, this free and shared world is issuing an open call to all writers, players, artists, deisgners,cartographers, editors and fans. Find...