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Search results

  1. Interested2

    Pricing of a magic item [SOLVED]

    Removed by Int2, problem solved. Please delete thread...
  2. Interested2

    Spells for a new God

    Well, heres the story. In my current campaign, I'm adding in a new god. Hes a redeemed mind flayer, level 40 wizard, level 20 illthid savant. Divine rank 13. I need spells, and although my imagination gives me a few, I'd really appreciate your guys help so I can make him truely unique. His...
  3. Interested2

    Cheap Metal Dice?

    Do you guys know any place I can order cheap metal dice? Not the 25 buck sets sold by Crystal Caste, something more along the lines of 10, MAYBE 15 bucks...
  4. Interested2

    Prestige Class Dealing with Undead Killing?

    I know there is one, I remember seeing it, I just don't remember where....any of you guys know?
  5. Interested2

    Encylopedia Arcane: Crossbreeding

    Do any of you use this supplement? If so, what creatures have you created with it? (I'll kick it off with a critter made by my level 12 wizard) Name Uroth Type Huge Abberation Hit Dice 23d10 Init Speed 60 ft, climb 30 ft, swim 60ft AC 34 (-2 size, +36 natural) Base Attack/Grapple +22/+56...
  6. Interested2

    Artist Needed (no pay, unfortunatly)

    Well, I hate to ask this, but I'm looking for an artist. I'll be starting up a D&D site soon, but I need a logo and some other related art. Unfortunatly, I can't draw to save my life. Is anyone here an artist? You will of course be credited with the art and your name displayed below it wherever...
  7. Interested2

    Artwork Needed: Artists please read

    Well, I hate to ask this, but I'm looking for an artist. I'll be starting up a D&D site soon, but I need a logo and some other related art. Unfortunatly, I can't draw to save my life. Is anyone here an artist? You will of course be credited with the art and your name displayed below it...
  8. Interested2

    New Core Class: The Shifter

    Shifter Those who revere nature become druids. Those who destroy nature become evil barbarians. Those who accept nature at what it is become Shifters. The shifter is an everchanging enigma, a person who is there one minute and gone the next, a fly on the wall, literally. Capable of changing...
  9. Interested2

    Compilation of the PrC's here?

    Just wondering, is there a compilation of all the PrC's posted here?
  10. Interested2

    10th through 21st tier spells, please help

    Well, heres the story. I have a good friend who's making a 40th level wizard for his FR campaign, who managed to avoid the effects of the weave being restricted to 9th tier spells. Unfortunatly, only a handful of epic spells exist, and as far as I can tell, none that are classified as 10th...
  11. Interested2

    Converted Monsters as a PDF?

    Is there a PDF file of all the monsters you guys have converted? I'd love to see it if there is one, it'd be quite useful..
  12. Interested2

    Amusing Cursed Items

    Lets compile a list of as many amusing cursed items as we can. In the grand tradition of such things, I'll kick it off: 1) Gem of Ineffable Self-Destruction 2) Cursed Belt of Gender Bending 3) Robe of Intestinal Duress 4) Bracers of Incontenince 5) Headband of Babble
  13. Interested2

    Mind Flayer Trilogy 3e?

    I've been wondering, has anyone converted the Mind Flayer Trilogy to 3.5 or 3e? It's a great adventure set, but unfortunatly I can only find it as second edition, and as MTHAC0 rolls and the like aren't used anymore, it makes it very difficult to run. Anyone converted these?
  14. Interested2

    Should I hurt my DM for....

    Giving me a Holy Avenger as a wizard?
  15. Interested2

    Anyone else bothered by low poison DC's?

    I've been playing a while now, and am on the verge of starting my own campaign. One thing thats been bugging me (pardon the pun) for some time now is the very low DC's of poisons in the game, especially plant poisons and insect poisons. Plants have poisons mainly to protect them from pests and...
  16. Interested2

    Free Netbooks you like?

    What all free netbooks do you guys find useful for your campaigns?
  17. Interested2

    Free Netbooks you like?

    What all free netbooks do you guys find useful for your campaigns?
  18. Interested2

    Monsters from plane of Shadow

    Any suggestions? CR doesn't matter, although an evil alignment is a plus.
  19. Interested2

    Monsters from plane of Shadow

    Any suggestions? CR doesn't matter, although an evil alignment is a plus.
  20. Interested2

    First-Time DM, tips, ideas?

    Well hello all. I'm just about to start my first campaign (using the 3.5 ruleset), and I figured I'd come in and ask for advice. Its based around the following plot: A malfunctioning portal in the deep underdark has opened a link to the plane of shadow. Through this link, a horrible...