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Search results

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    Low level Ebberon adventure

    Hi, Can any one recommend any published Ebberon adventures to use as a trial run of the campaign setting? Ideally it'd be for levels 3-4. Thanks
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    Chimes at Midnight - help with using this in a non-Eberron setting (some spoilers)

    Hi all, I've recently stumbled upon the Chimes at Midnight adventure in Dungeon #133. Now I'm not using the Eberron setting, but the mood and type of the adventure is perfect for my campaign. However the very end of the adventure . How do I have a similar effect if that kind of technology isn't...
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    Player issue - help with a rogue

    Hey, One of my players is a rogue who is feeling a little useless in combat. The party also has a Wizard, Ranger/Scout and a cleric. There isn't a pure fighter though the ranger/scout is hitting very hard with her bow. All the PCs are about to level up to 7th. Basically he is feeling like he...
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    Need a spell to summon somthing nasty

    Hi all, I'm wanting to come up with a staff of summoning that reaches into the Abbyss and brings forth something really terrible. Not quite at the level or Orcus etc, but not far off. I've been reading through the standard summoning spells and they don't have the level of risk I'm after. Now I...
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    Problem for Aussie gamers accessing ENworld

    Posting this on behalf of someone who can't access Enworld, as explained below. Hope this doesn't break any rules: Hi Morrus/Russ, Just to let you know I emailed cyberstreet this today: “Hi, I'm based in Australia and I'm with a ISP called Optus (the 2nd biggest ISP in Australia). I'm also a...
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    Player going away for a few weeks - suggestions

    So one of my players is heading home to the States for a few weeks and I need some good ideas for what happens to her character during that time. Basically I don't want her to be kidnapped as it's a little too obvious, but I keep hitting a blank when I think of what else to do. Any thoughts or...
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    Help! - character very poisoned

    Hi All, I need a little advice. I was running my PCs through a village infested with spiders last week and one of the PCs got bit, a lot. He basically failed all of his saves and was reduced really fast to a strength of 0. Unfortunately the rest of the party want to head off down into the...
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    Encounter advice

    I'm new to DMing and I've been struggling with how to weight my encounters. My characters are all 1st or 2nd level and I really don't want to kill them this early on, but I want them to find the fights exciting. For example last week they were set on by a group of 4 human thugs and the players...
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    Rangers in an Urban setting

    One of my characters is a classic ranger. Grew up in the forest and has just entered the big bad city for the first time. I remember a dragon article a little while ago which dealt with urban rangers. I was wondering if anyone knows which issue it is. Also any ideas on how to make sure that...
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    Urban adventures - help!

    Hi all, I'm after some pdf dowloads of city based adventures. Free or otherwise, but pdf is prefered, can you point me in the right direction. I've downloaded a few off the Wizards site, but there aren't many in a city. the part is low level so anything for characters 3rd lvl and below...
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    Low level encounter - monster suggestions

    Hi, I'm in the process of writing my first ever adventure. It will be for 2 or 3 PCs of either 1st or 2nd level. I'm after suggestions for a creature that will use macigal circumstances for it's own ends, but isn't smart or skilled enough to have created a them itself. Basically the PCs are...
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    Paladin Spells - Which are best?

    Hi all, My paladin just reached 4th level and I was flipping through the many books my DM has trying to come up with a list of the most useful spells. And I was wondering if I could get some ideas of you all. We don't come across a lot of undead, but they pop up every now and then. What I do...
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    Free map maker??

    Hi, I'm looking for a decent map making program, but I would rather like it to be free. Any suggestions?
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    London, UK... Anyone need a gamer??

    Hey there. Looking to join a game in London. Either an established campaign, or just some one offs. Would really like 3.5 or 3. However would also be interested in d20 Modern as well. Either reply here or send me an e-mail os sophmelc@yahoo.com Cheers
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    Bards - Why do so few people play them?

    Hi all. I just started playing a hafling bard. And I have to say I'm loving it. she just has so many cool abilities (bardic knowladge rocks!!) and skills. So I was wondering why it is that so few people play this class. I mean people are always rogues and fighters, but bards? Very rarely...
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    Hello Wellington (NZ) gamers!!

    Hi all. I'm mainly posting this to see if there is any interest out there. My DM and I have been left a little short after our two other gamers up and left for overseas. so if there are any gamers out there interested in joining a long term, original campaign let me know. :)
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    Playing Solo

    i have a bit of a delema. i play in a campaign which is always small. but all the other players are leaving/ or already left the country. so its looking a lot like the DM and I are the only ones left. so i'm going to be playing solo for a while. i was just wondering what people thought of this...
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    Wellington, New Zealand

    Hey, I'm part of an original campaign that plays about once a week, but somtimes every two weeks. However all of the players (except me) have up and left for overseas. that just leaves me and the DM. We are about to start a new set of adventures in which i'm a hafling bard/rogue. we start at...
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    HELP!!! my brother still cant post!

    sigh. when ever he tries (user name is olive) he gets the following message: "You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: 1. You do not have permission to access the page that you were trying to. Are you trying to edit someone else's post or...
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    Hi there... my brother has been trying to update his account to use his new hotmail address as he is between ISPs. He changed his email address, and since then has been unable to post. We're assuming that his new email address hasn't been authorised, but he hasn't recieved any emails about it...