• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Ceska

    Is there a Class or PrC that grants a permanent Protection from Evil?

    As the titles says, is there a ANY Class or Prc that grants a permanent prot. from evil effect? WotC-Sources only please. Thanks!
  2. Ceska

    Precocious Apprentice

    Hi! A friend of mine wants to play a Wizard/Archivist/Mystic Theurge in my upcoming War of the burning sky-campaign. He came up with the idea to take precocious apprentice as his 1st level feat and this way qualify for the MT by taking Wiz1/Archivist 3. Now another GM of mine told me, that...
  3. Ceska

    Generic classes from UA

    I was flipping through my Unearthed Arcana (bought it just a few weeks ago) and stumbled above the Generic Classes (page 76). After reading the chapter, my (not very developed but existent) powergaming-genes just went amok! Am I right with the first impression, that these classes may be very...
  4. Ceska

    Rogue with telling blow

    Assume there´s a Rogue with the telling blow feat (PHB II) and he flanks an opponent with an ally. Now, the Rogue strikes a critical hit (and thus triggers the telling blow). So, how do I calculate damage? A: Weapon damage (and other damage like strength, magical bonus etc)x critical...
  5. Ceska

    AC bonus from two different classes

    Does the bonus to AC from the Dervish PRC (CW) stack with the bonus to AC from the Swordsage (Bo9S)? Thanks fo any replies!
  6. Ceska

    How to prize Magic Item that grants a feat?

    Once again I need your help. I have read the rules for creating magic items and I couldn´t find the rules for creating a magic item that grants a feat, but such items exist (Ring of Evasion for example). Did I miss something? Or can you give me an advice for creating such an item?
  7. Ceska

    Need suggestions for a (very special) NPC

    I want to make a Wizard 3/Psion 3/ Cerebmancer 10 NPC for my campaign. It is a kind of memory of an oracle the PC´s encountered a while ago and it made herself a home in one of the PC´s (it was able to take the PC as a "host", because the PC was holding a campaign-specific item). The "Oracle"...
  8. Ceska

    Grave Strike Item

    In this Topic I asked about the possibility to craft a Ring of Grave Strike (spell from CAdv), calculating a total of 8000 GP as cost for the ring. Spelllevel (1) x CL (1) x2000 (continous effect) x 4 (Duration of spell 1 round) Imho this is way to low for such an item. Any thoughts about...
  9. Ceska

    Character tweaking: help would be appreciated

    Hello @all My group is starting an evil campaign next week and I would appreciate any suggestion you can make for tweaking it. I want to make a melee/sneak badass, a good supporter and a good fighter in its own right, when necessary. I start with a Dark Human Rogue(+1LA,Template from the Tome...
  10. Ceska

    Casterlevel Requirement for PrC

    Quick question: When a PrC requires a Caster Level 5, does a Rogue 3/Wizard 2 with Practiced Spellcaster-Feat qualify for it?
  11. Ceska

    Energy substitution

    Quick question: Can I modify a spell with energy substitution spontaneously (while casting the spell) or do I have to prepare it? Example: A wizard with the energy substitution[Electricity] feat has memorized a Fireball and wants to change the energy to electricity. Thanx in advance for all...
  12. Ceska

    Elemental Savant and a Cleric with the Fire Domain

    It´s coming up in my group, so I try to find an answer to a question that stroke me during our gaming session yesterday. In my group we have a Wizards, thats going to take the Elemental Savant PrC (Fire) and a Cleric of Obad-Hai with the Fire domain and so capable of turning Fire Elementals...
  13. Ceska

    Create a villain for me!

    Hoi Folks! I´m running a campaign (selfmade world) and I have a small problem. I´m running the campaign for a few month now and I´m still missing the so called Master-Villain. ;) I just can´t decide how or what it should be in detail, so I would appreciate your help! :D I have a few terms...
  14. Ceska

    Invsibility and AoO

    I have a question, it bugs me for several days now and I can´t get to an solution, so I ask you for help. When a invisible creature passes (as a move action) between a Druid and its Animal Companion and the Animal Companion gets an AoO (since he could pinpoint the creature by the scent...