• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Bard College... Heh

    My little brother is off to Bard College... and I couldn't let the joke go untold... www.cafepress.com/bardcollege/ ...so I found the perfect shirt.
  2. M

    Starmantle Cloak & Improved Evasion

    Title says it all: How would BoED's Starmantle Cloak, which allows you to ignore damage from mundane weapons and missiles, and gives you a reflex save for half on magic weapons and missiles, interact with Improved Evasion?
  3. M

    Dust Usage

    Are dusts, like Dust of Disappearance and Dust of Choking and Sneezing single use, or multiple use?
  4. M

    Movement Feat

    I seem to recall a feat that allowed for an additional move action (not to be used for move equivalent actions). Is this a true memory, or just wishful thinking? If so, what is the feat and where is it published?
  5. M

    Mystic Theurge Build

    I was thinking about creating a Favored Soul/2 Warmage/2 Mystic Theurge/x, and I noticed that this isn't a particularly common MT build. Is there something I'm missing?
  6. M

    Gods and Portfolios

    How do gods steal portfolios from one another?
  7. M

    Nymph's Kiss and Arcane Spellcasting

    Does the +2 circumstance bonus on Charisma related checks given by the Nymph's Kiss feat from the Book of Exalted Deeds (pg 44) extend to a Bard or Sorcerer learning spells? i.e. Could a Level 4 Bard with Charisma 10 and Nymph's Kiss cast level 2 spells, or just the cantrips?
  8. M

    What classes grant the Death Attack special ability?

    My favorite character was killed due to a misadjudicated version of Death Attack, when I called the DM on it, he house ruled that all death attacks were more powerful... So, petty person that I am, I decided to make sure that my next character in that campaign has that Special Ability...
  9. M

    Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

    I just saw the E3 preview (tres awesome!). The preview states that it was released on Sept 15th. This appears to not be the case. Amazon claims that it will be out in December of 2025. I find this dubious. Does anyone know when it'll come out?
  10. M

    Good Freeware DM Utility

    I've just about had my fill of lugging around reams of info about the games I'm running, and the DM Utilities I've found by myself are all either lousy, or expire in 30 days. Does anyone know of a good freeware DM Utility that isn't going to quit on me after a month?
  11. M

    Broken HiPS?

    If a character is a Shadow Dancer with 2 levels of Telflammar Shadowlord (Forgotten Realms - Unapproachable East) does the Shadow Blur special ability fulfill the prerequisites for HiPS?
  12. M

    Dragon Disciple

    I was talking with my girlfriend, who I cajoled into joining our campaign as a 4th level fighter (She's never played before, and as of now, has one day of experience under her belt) about possibility of picking a prestige class in the future. We were looking through the standard material, and...
  13. M

    Crazy Question On Shields

    Ok... let's say for some crazy reason, you've taken Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, and picked up two shields, heavy and light. Is there a way to magically improve both the AC and the damage caused by the shields? Does a masterwork shield give +1 to the attack roll, or just decrease...
  14. M

    Best Non Magic Items

    I'm in a low magic campaign, and I was wondering what good non-magic items there are out there.
  15. M


    I'm a new player and I've managed to hit that terrible point where my character died, and an NPC took my body (No raise dead for me). I'm designing a new character, that I'm planning on making a Shadowdancer, and I was wondering if I might have some help. I'm starting 4th level, and I'm human...