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  1. Yig

    Initiate of the Faith

    The feats allow you to use the healing word power once per day. That mean that when you decide to use it you can use it 2 or 3 times (depending on level) during the encounter or is it just 1 healing word once per day? Haven't found anything in the eratta.
  2. Yig

    Defenition of interacting?

    Let say the party is under the effect of a Veil spell. The spell description mention that: That mean that if anybody only talk to us they get a Will save? Or they have to touch us?
  3. Yig

    Elemental damage and DR

    Lets say a critter has DR 10/silver. Another critter wielding a +1 Flaming longsword hit it but fail do to damage because of the DR. Do it still do the 1d6 of fire damage?
  4. Yig

    Looking for a Prc

    What would be a good PrC for a spiked chain wielding fighter? It's for a 3.5 evil campaign. Pretty much anything from WotC is allowed. I'm taking at least a level of EWM. Also, what are the prereqs of the warrior of darkness from the BoVD? Thanks!
  5. Yig

    Automatic success/failure

    Just to be sure I got it right (RAW). Combat 1: Auto miss. 20: Auto hit (but not an auto crit). Saves 1: Auto failure. 20: Auto success. Skills 1: Not an auto failure. 20: Not an auto succes. Am I correct?
  6. Yig

    Quick and dirty Maximize+Empower

    Playing an epic arcanist mean rolling a truckload of dices. While fun, it tend to slow down gameplay. Since I often Maximize and Empower my spells, my DM came up with a quick solution: you take the Maximized damage and multiply it by 1.25. 1.25 represent an average roll of 50% of the dices...
  7. Yig

    Epic bonus feats ?

    In Complete Arcane, if you look in the epic section you'll see that under the epic warmage (using that one so as an example) it is written that they get epic bonus feats and that they don't need to meet the prerquisites of those bonus feats. I've checked in the ELH, the SRD and the update...
  8. Yig

    Dominated by a vampire that went poof! Now what ?

    In last session, the party fought against a vampire and his spawns. The vamp only had to time to dominate the barbarian (who had already acted) before getting turned to ashes by a well placed Searing Light. So, what should happen ?
  9. Yig

    Will be running CD2 tomorrow, any suggestions ?

    Hi, Since I really enjoyed playing thru CD3 & 4, I decided to DM CD2 (the one I did not play) for my group tomorrow and I have a few questions: - Is it 3.5 ? Don't think it really matter but... - What hook did you use with your group ? And the most important one: - The party is...
  10. Yig

    D&D 3E/3.5 Golem update for 3.5

    Am I correct to assume that all the golems in the 3.0 books are updated with the following: Magic Immunity (Ex): A X golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. ? I checked the update booklets for MM2, FF and the ELH. They only mention the 3.5 Magic...
  11. Yig

    Where is that feat that allow you to ignore 5 points of DR ?

    Can't find it :) And how is it called ? I remember seeing that it was in Draconomicon but I didn't find it in there... Thanks !
  12. Yig

    I killed Tarrasque and all I got was this lousy t-shirt!

    If only we had found a t-shirt... Last night our party killed Big T. Our party is composed of 3 PCs and each has a cohort. The party: Warmage 19 (me) Fighter 19 Fighter 14/Occult Slayer 5 Cleric 17 Wizard 17 Bard 17 The whole fight lasted a long.... 5 rounds :) Of course, since...
  13. Yig

    Defending weapon + GMW

    Let say I have a Defending morningstar +1 and the party wizard (level 16) cast GMW on it and bump it to +4. Since it's an enhancement bonus, I can use the whole +4 to bump my AC, right ?
  14. Yig

    Ready action

    Are you limited to standard action when you ready an action ? Can my warmage use ready action to cast a metamagiced spell since that take me a full round ? Just curious :)
  15. Yig

    Split Ray and Orb spells

    Do you allow the Split Ray feat from Complete Arcane to work with the various "Orb of" spells ? My DM allow it but my gut feeling tell me that it shouldn't work since the Orb is not a ray. Looking for opinions.
  16. Yig

    Warmage and Extra Spell

    Can a 12th level warmage take the Extra Spell feat to learn Assay Resistance ? I'd say yes but am looking for opinions. Thanks
  17. Yig

    Anything to do in Kansas City, Kansas ?

    I might get a job in Kansas City, Kansas. Thing is I was told that it's a boring city in the middle of the bible belt with nothing to do. Is it true ? :)
  18. Yig

    McGuffin ?

    I often see this mentioned. What's it supposed to mean ? Some sort of plot device item/artifact ? Thanks :)
  19. Yig

    Casting a spell as a swift action

    Just need to check something. If I cast Assay Resistance (casting time: swift action) can I cast another spell in the same round ? Thanks !
  20. Yig

    Can you be Charmed by more than one source at the same time ?

    I have an NPC that was Charmed by my BBEG (used Charm Monster at CL 12). Now, what happen if one of the PC cast Charm Person on that NPC ? Was I right to rule that CP didn't work since CM is of a higher level ? Thanks !