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  1. Ringan

    Post-apocalyptic fantasy: Avoiding cliche.

    I'm working on a post-apocalyptic fantasy setting. It's still very malleable, but I want to be very mindful of cliche and stereotypes. I wanted to solicit your wisdom as to what gets used too much, and anything you might like to see. Thank you!
  2. Ringan

    Oots 859

    Giant In the Playground Games
  3. Ringan

    OoTS #536 - A Tribute to Gary

    OOTS 536: A brief tribute http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0536.html RIP, Gary.
  4. Ringan

    Penalties besides PC death

    Sorry if this has been discussed earlier, but I had trouble finding any old threads about it. In my campaign PCs only die if their player decides that they should. Now I know that this can have a tendency to make players cocky because they don't fear PC death, but I am still not interested in...
  5. Ringan

    [Novels] Sell me on sword and sorcery books

    Ok, my literary pedigree is as follows: I read a lot of classics. Steppenwolf and The Brothers Karamazov and Kafka's works are among my favorite books. I also read fantasy, my favorites are the Song of Ice and Fire series, the Amber series and anything by Gaiman. I think that sword & sorcery...
  6. Ringan

    In the style of Zelazny's Amber...

    I am thinking about starting a campaign that has a feel similar to the Amber book series. I was thinking a lower magic, high heroism system would be useful. Would True20 or Grim Tales work? I have heard about Amber rpgs, are they any good? What kind of system would you recommend to emulate this?
  7. Ringan

    Using races differently from stereotypes

    I was wondering how people used different races in their campaigns in unusual roles, unlike their stereotypes. For example, in my campaign goblins tend to be neutral, civilized and master watercrafters. Dragons may or may not be born sentient, otherwise they are stupid brutes. Giants tend...
  8. Ringan

    Need help in playing lawful characters

    I've noticed that most of the characters I make are either neutral or chaotic, but rarely lawful. I've thought about it and I think I am doing this because it is easier for me to understand the neutral & chaotic alignments. How can I make more lawful characters without ending up making them...
  9. Ringan

    How do YOU define magic in your campaign?

    I've been thinking about this for a while...what distinguishes magic from some other nonmagical, yet powerful ability? Is magic more fluff or crunch? Magic is sometimes usable at will, at other times it is greatly limited. Some people like the feel of low-magic campaigns, others prefer...
  10. Ringan

    Tell me about the 1E AD&D DMG

    Please excuse my ignorance... I only started playing (in 3rd edition) a few years ago. I was thinking about getting the 1E AD&D DMG but I haven't been able to find reviews or much information on it anywhere. How different is the 1E AD&D DMG from the 3.5 DMG? That is, do both books end up...
  11. Ringan

    Speaking in "faux old English" [Poll]

    Do you do dialogue for your PCs/NPCS in that faux old English style (thee/thou, archaic-ish verb forms like "putteth", etc.)? It seems like a bad habit in some ways, but I have to admit it changes the tone of a story somewhat. Thoughts?
  12. Ringan

    Free online portrait generator

    If anyone needs to make character portraits quickly, you should check out Hero Creator 2.0. I have found it very convenient for quickly creating portraits of my PCs and NPCs (especially because I'm not a great artist). Version 2.0 is free and pretty versatile.