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Search results

  1. S

    Kitchener Waterloo - Ontario, Ca

    Hey! Its so impossible to find a Dungeon and Dragon group in this area so im plastering the internet!!!!! Im looking to join in D&D 3.5 group in: Kitchener / Waterloo / Guelph / Cambridge *** Mid 20's here ive played for 2 years now and have good exprience now. Easily join in with a group...
  2. S

    collapsing a level of a dungeon

    Ok here is the situation - were on the 3rd level of this dungeon. There is a main chamber and hallways lead out of it. The chamber is 10 Feet high and it has about 16 thick columns about 5 feet wide that run down the centre of it. The question is... how do we collapse the 3rd level totaly...
  3. S

    Spell Resistance / Penetration

    Hey quick question - Other than the two feats Spell Penetraton/Greater.... is there items that grant this or other ways of penetrating spell resistance?
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    NEW! Robe of Defense - Custom Item Help

    Here is the new Robe of Deffence. As in an earlier thread everything was a mess and after lots of calculations, lots of debate and hints from party members. This is what I came up with. If anyone has the time, can you go over this calcuation befoer I hand it over to my DM for approval...
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    Personal Creation - Robe of Defence - Help

    Robe of Defense – Personal Item Creation This robe grants the user to instantly buff him self with a variety of spells when entering combat. The limitation is that these buffs only last a certain time before dissipating, unlike the armor of a fighter would be continuous. It is designed to...
  6. S

    Boots of Teleportation... D-DOOR?

    Boots of Teleport are approximately 50,000 as I remember – what would the price be for a similar item – Boots of Dimension Door – or is there an item that does allow me to D-Door 3 times per day? How much would that be? Any help would be GRATELY APPRECIATED! :D
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    Extra Dimensional Space - in E.Dim.Space

    What exactly happens when you have .. for example a bag of holding and you enter an extra dimensional space with it. I hear the two collapse and blow up with you inside it. Im wondering – do you survive? What exactly happens you your character in that situation. It came up in a game a long...
  8. S

    Raising Spell DC

    Hey I was wondering if anyone could give me some hints as to ways of bringing spell DC up - other than buying a HEADBAND of INTELECT. Its my first time playing a caster and so I am thinking there has to be more ways of hightening this. THANKS!
  9. S

    Masterwork Potion Belt

    Would anyone know which book the Masterwork Potion Belt is located in? My DM hasn't heard of this item but it clearly exists. I just want to make sure this isnt a made up item that everyone adopted since I cant find it in any of my books. (not that I have them all) Potion Belts: Allows you...
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    No Spell Prep - Wizard

    What does everyone think of this. My DM lets the Wizards off without having to prepare spells - they can basically cast anything on their spell lists at anytime as long as its in their spell books and they keep track of which spell is in each book. Spell casters pay a bit more for the...
  11. S

    Item Slots - HOw many are there!?

    Could someone tell me exactly how many "item slots" there are? Sometimes it gets confusing becuase of the huge mount of items you are able to buy... so on.... especialy when it comes to Ioun stones - where do you put them? I just want to make sure im using all my slots as every item you are...
  12. S

    Ways of increasing saves - Will,Frt,Rflx

    I have lvl 10 wizard and was looking into various ways of increasing my Will - Fort - Reflex saves. Other than the obvious ways let me know of anythinkg you have come accross that helped it. What average save would you recomend having at level 10 for a wizard???? Thanks a lot for any...