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Search results

  1. T

    Doing XP Awards better

    I'm looking for some advice on the best way to determine experience awards for my group. Currently I simply hand out a set XP award for each session to each character, less some if the player isn't there for the session. It is a simple way of doing experience, but perhaps I'm missing...
  2. T

    Licensed Professional Feat

    Licenced Professional (General Feat) You are now licenced by a professional organizations to work in your given field. Prerequisite: 5+ ranks in the appropiate skill, pass a DC20 entrance exam, pay an annual fee of Cr100 to Cr10,000 depending upon the organization. Benefits: You get a glossy...
  3. T

    Using D20 Modern for Traveller D20: The Campaign Setting

    On the Citizen's of the Imperium boards, there are infrequent but persistent requests to update the Traveller D20 rules to use everyone's favorite D20 rules: D20 Modern. I've been working on integrating the D20 Modern and Traveller D20 rule sets, and liberally borrowing from whatever other OGL...
  4. T

    Revising n/day class features

    One of my pet peves about the D20 system is the prevelance of the feats, talents (for D20 modern), and class features which restrict their use to once per day or other arbitrary time span. It''s the fact that the character now must know about a game mechanic which interferes with my roleplaying...
  5. T

    AoO in D20 Modern?

    I'm interested in finding out how frequently people use the Attack of Opprotunity rules in D20 Modern and it's addtions (D20 Future, etc). I've run two modern style games (one in Traveller, the other in Dragonstar) and in the 50 or so sessions had a player call an AoO only once. So I'm thinking...
  6. T

    Best Setting Books?

    In another forua I was having a discussion about settings books. One of the other people noted they hate, despise, loath and revile the D20 system (my hat of teh D02 system know no limit), but has a great interest in setting material. So what settings books would you most recommend to this...
  7. T

    Skill specialization

    I'm looking for some feedback on this idea. Good? Bad? Too munchkin like? not useful? Skill specialization is an optional addition to the skills. When a character specializes in a skill, they are focusing on a subset of what the skill provides, gaining a deeper knowledge of the area of...
  8. T

    Adding Wealth Bonuses: An Alterative

    Wealth Bonus Addition: The D20 Modern Wealth bonus is an inspired idea. But it does have one flaw. When the characters need to buy a group of things, or build something. There is no obvious way to add wealth scored together. The usual suggestion is to convert each wealth bonus into it's...
  9. T

    Which campaing would you like to play in?

    A selection of campaigns which I have or would like to run. Please pick one or more you would like to be a player in. If you don't like any of them, please write up a brief descripion of the campaign you would like to play in. La Mort des Mercennaires: A mercenary company in Traveller's Far...
  10. T

    Class Construction Guide updated, more feedback needed

    After seeing the feedback on the previous release of the Class Construction Guide, I've produced an updated version for your perusal. Changes include: An complete update of the costs for the class elements. Different point costs for classes of different levels. Updated to use the SRD 3.5...
  11. T

    I've lost a download

    I uploaded a "Class Construction Guide" pdf to the uploads section of the site, and filled out the link form. All seemed to be ok. But the document is no longer there. http://www.enworld.org/forums/downloads/Class%20Construction%20Guide.pdf Was it removed on purpose or accidently deleted...
  12. T

    Class Design poll

    I'm coming up with a set of classes for a D20 modern/future game. OK, I'm writing up a set of D20 Modern classes for Traveller. Traveller D20 uses a few classes, but they are very generic. D20 Modern advanced classes seem (to me anyway) to be very specific. When I tried to emulate the detail...
  13. T

    Feats Database??

    As a sub-forumn to this one, there is a new Feats database. Can someone (perhaps michael) let us know about this project? Are you planning on entering all of the SRD feats? I have two netbook collections of feats (Gryphon's netbook of feats by Robert Smith) and the FanCC's Netbook of feats...
  14. T

    Class Construction Guide requesting feedback

    I've posted a new document in the downloads section of ENWorld called the Class Construction Guide. This guide is supposed to let you evalute new classes and compare them to old ones to see how balanced they are. In addition to covering the base D&D classes and D&D's prestige classes, it also...
  15. T

    Epic Ranges for Epic spells

    I've been looking at the Epic SRD, and reviewing the Epic Spell creation system. Now the epic spells sound neat but in playing with the rules I came across a major limitation, the range and area of effect of the spells don't allow much earthshaking. I want my epic ritual spells to be able to...
  16. T

    Need Apocalypsi (yes, plural)

    In my current Dragonstar campaign, the big bad evil emperor is planning on destroying the entire Dragon empire. However he's also read the Evil overlords list of rules and want to make sure no annoying group of heros can disrupt his plan. So there will be several possible Apocalypsi. Not all of...
  17. T

    GOO's Mech D20 SRD now avilable in PDF

    Though a dint of experementation of using Microsoft Word as a layout tool, I converted the Guardians of Order Mecha D20 SRD to PDF which can be downloaded from here Feedback appreciated.
  18. T

    Favorite Combat opponents.

    Thom's poll of the week: This question is regarding your favorite kind of combat. When the dice start rolling, how many opponents do you think offer the most fun for you and your group?
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    Wanted: Dragonstar Top Secret project cleanup team

    I need a small, mobile team of experts who's job it is to remove witnesses and evidence of one or more top secret projects currently in progress in the Dragon Empire. A large, but not unlimited budget is available for equipment and supplies. Details proved upon request. The players in my...
  20. T

    Xp and level spread in your campaign

    Thom's poll of the week. This question relates to fairness in gaming. The D&D and D20 system is designed around the idea that all the characters are about (or exactly) the same level. This makes it difficult for players to have character concepts like the old master and his student. But I have...