• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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    D&D 4E Is 4E worth swtiching to?

    Is 4E worth it? What does it have that's better than 3E?
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    How long does super glue last?

    Super glue eventually loses its strength and the things glued just fall apart, right? How long can I expect superglued miniatures to hold together?
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    Movie recommendation?

    What's the best movie out there right now?
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    Plot twist needed - Dragonslayer II

    The Princess of Bissel has been kidnapped by the Mage of the Valley, to be his bride. He swooped in with 6 white dragons and demanded her hand in marriage. To avert the capital being frozen and her father's castle beseiged, the Princess went with him willingly. This is worse than the time...
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    Plot twists needed - The Naga Queen

    The Naga Queen of Goodland is escalating her power. Countries are starting to fall like dominoes. The funny thing, none of her forces kill each other, whether they be human, humanoid, or demihuman. She even has dragons mingling in the populace without eating them! So why is everyone outside...
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    Plot twists needed - dragon hatchery

    The dragons which the PCs slayed owned a ranch which is still in operation somewhere in the Kingdom of Bissel. It's really a front for a dragon hatchery. The PCs know this, and they want to shut it down. But they don't know where it is, what it is named, or who it is being run by. (Plot...
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    Plot twist needed - Iuz is dead. Long live Iuz!

    Iuz was defeated by the PCs but survived (not hard, since he was already dead!). He wants revenge. He has already sent waves of creatures against them and their country - cows polymorphed into the various creature types encountered at Tsojcanth. A replacement body is en route to him at...
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    Plot twist needed - The Vampire Kingdom

    The Vampire Kingdom (formerly the Theocracy of the Pale) has joined the Greyhawk Wars on the side of the good guys. (Further plot twist needed). transcendation
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    Plot twist needed - Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

    An entire PC group has been lost to the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks adventure. They had with them a powerful unique item (a genie trapped/merged into a Staff of the Magi, combining the powers of the two). None of my players want to go back there. (Plot twist needed).
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    Plot twist needed - The World in Flames

    The Pyromancer is waging war with the whole world, and has set off 23 mountains into volcanic erruptions. His forces of fire elementals and magmen have lit forests aflame on both sides of the continent, and threatened to totally burn Tehn to a crisp until the PCs helped flood that country by...
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    The Elven Court of the Bramblewood is hiding in a hill

    The Duke of the Bramblewood Forest and his entire Court are sealed within a hill from which they haven't emerged in 7 decades. No one knows why. The area is protected by treants and druids. The dwarves began to dig a tunnel under the treant-controlled area at the behest of the Regent, but...
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    Plot twist needed - the King of Keoland is dead

    The King of Keoland is dead. His son is only 5 years old, yet there is no regent, and the boy is in full command, running the Kingdom under the counsel of advisors (who make most of the decisions, but not all). (Plot twists needed). transcendation
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    Plot twist needed - Celene

    The Curse on Lady Rhalta has been broken. She was a Dealer of Fate, cursed to affect the lives of others only through a Deck of Many Things. The Deck has been destroyed by an elven boy, now a Duke of Celene. Thus, Celene is no longer restricted to enter world politics, and its borders are no...
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    How can I keep my players guessing?

    How do you keep the plot interesting? One thing I use is politics. Politics provide gray areas. So the DM can avoid the stereotyping affect that alignment usually has on the game. And one of the greatest tools of politics, even in a make-believe world, is the treaty. You can introduce the...
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    Do Modern and DnD campaigns really mesh?

    Years ago I ran my players through an adventure (which I found in a Dragon Magazine) in which they travelled by magical means to modern day London, to find and retrieve the Mace of Cuthbert. The rules presented for guns and the like weren't particularly realistic, and so I had to implement my...
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    House Rule #2: Calling the DM out.

    My second most important house rule is "Each player may call the DM out once per adventure." That is, to make sure that the DM is not cheating, each player can, once per adventure, demand to see proof that something actually exists. For example, "how in the hell did the White Wizard get all...
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    "What does my intelligence tell me?"

    "What does my intelligence tell me?" I hear this all to often in my role-playing sessions. The PCs have got it in their head that their intel gives them free access to the answers to my campaigns mysteries. How do you apply intelligence rolls in your campaign? transcendation
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    Planeshifting from the Border Ethereal to the Prime

    A PC is on the Border Ethereal. He is with a companion who is holding his Magic Jar. The PC can see characters who are on the Prime, and co-mingles with one - that is, he occupies the same space. Then he and his companion Plane Shift to the Prime. Remember, he's occupying the same space as...
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    DnD on Wikipedia

    Have you noticed the coverage of DnD on Wikipedia? It's getting extensive. If you added the mechanics into the descriptions, it could pass for a version of the game itself! transcendation
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    What's up Tiger Lilly?

    I've been running RPG campaigns for decades. If you have any questions on how to keep your players entertained by running really fun game sessions and campaigns, fire away. Here's a tip: Don't use random encounter tables initially. Instead, custom design all encounters before your sessions...