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  1. M

    Help! I need the Mindspider's stats

    Hi all, Would anyone have any stats for the Mindspider, the neogi ship in the Lords of Madness page 104? I'm talking movement, hp, hardness, etc. I found the official Spelljammer website (great site!!!) which had the floorplan of the ship but no corresponding stats. In my campaign, the ship...
  2. M

    Whirlwind Attack with 10' reach weapon?

    Whirlwind Attack with 10' reach weapon (ie. Halberd)? So what's the deal here? Can u do this? Can't find anything definite one way or another. BTW, We're using 3.0 rules. Thanks for any help. It is much appreciated
  3. M

    paladin starting gold at 1st level?

    what is the paladin starting gold at 1st level? I'm at work and don't have my books available. Thanks.
  4. M

    Item saving throws

    A line in the description of the spell disjunction says the following: "An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save bonus or its possessor’s Will save bonus, whichever is higher." In what book do you find items' saving throws? I don't have access to any of my books, so I...
  5. M

    Advice on handling a large, hostile army

    Howdy all, I'm an experienced DM, but I'm going to be dealing with a situation that I'm never dealt with before and would love to get some advice from DM"s who have had to deal with similar situations. To summarize, I have a party of 13-16th level charcaters (VERY powerful 13th-16th level...
  6. M

    A question about magic item creation?

    Hi all. A player of mine is a very high level caster (Nearly epic) and wants to create two unbelivably high-powered magic items during the "down time" our gaming group is going to soon have. I'm having trouble determining what the price and other requirements to make something akin to...
  7. M

    EN World PLayer's Journal is here!

    I recieved it in the mail yesterday and I ahve to say that its pretty darn good. I love the drinking rules, the Ambience events(really, REALLY love this section), the extended alchemy, the Adveturer's Guide, the trader's den, and the goblin fort. The other stuff is very cool too, just...
  8. M

    wishes and ability scores

    Hi all, Maybe this was discussed before an I missed it, but how many wishes does it take to get a +5 inherent bonus. My reading as DM is that it takes 1 to get the +1 2 to get the +2 3 to get the +3 4 to get the +4 5 to get the +5 for a total of 15. One of my players thinks that all you...
  9. M

    XP chart?

    can anybody give me a link to an XP chart? I'm at work and need to figure a feew things ot but I forgot my books. Thanks.
  10. M

    my new favorite tactic...

    I have a 5th level conjurer/4th level gnomish oozemaster. My nasty little lady likes to cast Evard's black tentacles while she walks amongst the grappled enemies and oozy touches them to death. It' just such a cool damm way to wipe out your enemies, I can't stop doing it! Is there anything...
  11. M

    Oozemaster touch question

    Hi, One of the major oozy touches of an Oozemaster(don't remeber which one) does 1-6 points of temporary con damage but doesn't give a save DC. The other touches explicity give a save DC. What's the deal with this? Is there a save on this? If so, what is it? I looked through the Masters of...
  12. M

    Saving throws for equipment.

    Hi all. When a player rolls a 1 on a save (for example, against a fireball), the character then starts rolling saves for their equipment. What is the equipments' save bonus? The same as the PC? or does it have it's own save? thx, m~
  13. M

    Charge and AoO's

    This is is a simple question that I could probably answer if I had my books, but I'm stuck here at work. I remember hearing that a charge is stopped if the creatures is successfully tsruck with an AoO. IS this a complete figment of my imagination or is this in the rules? If it is in the...
  14. M

    Aznar Thrul

    Howdy, iw as wondering if anyone knows where I can find the stats for the Red Wizard Zulkir, Aznar Thrul. If somebody made a homebrew versionof him, I'd appreciate seeing his stats. Thanks a bunch.
  15. M

    Force effects vs. golem's magic immunity?

    What wins out here... For instance a wizard forcecages a stone golem. Forcecage Evocation [Force] Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Components: V, S, M (see text) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: Barred cage (20-ft. cube) or windowless cell (10-ft. cube) Duration: 2...
  16. M

    Calendar of faerun

    doea anybody know where I can find the calendar of faerun that was posted a while back? I can't seem to find it. thx.
  17. M

    I have no books with me and I need price values.

    Hi all. I could use some help right now. I'm at work and am without my books. What is the total gold piece amount recommended for an 11th lvl charcater in the DMG? How much does a Staff of Enchanment cost (Full charcges) and a Rod of Maximize spell, Minor? Thanks to all for the help.
  18. M

    Book Names in a Library

    Howdy y'all, I'm running the party through a noble's home that has a private library. Invariably, the party is going to ask the name of every book in the place, especially the wizard. So, if you could, please post generic names of books, possibly with a brief description, that could be found...
  19. M

    How do Metamagic rods work?

    Is activating the rod a standard action and then casting the spell another standard action? For a sorcerer or bard, is it still a full-round action, to cast a spell matamagiced by a rod? For a cleric casting spontaniously, is it a full round action? I'm realy confused by this and would...
  20. M

    Thks to everyone working privately on e-tools!

    I went out and bought e-tools and was not impressed. I was going to bring it back, when I started dowlaoding the updates that eveyone has been making. While it still has its shortcomings, its MUCH more usable than when I first installed. I just wanted to let everone who has worked on making...