• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Grandpa

    My Experience with Karma

    I wanted to share my experience implementing karma points in my homebrew campaign in case it benefits someone else. After a few sessions of experimenting and tuning, I feel enthusiastic about my results. Players get 1 karma point if they miss every target on their turn. At the end of each...
  2. Grandpa

    Mountains of Gibberish

    Does the community have favorite gibberish generators, to emulate "warlike," "elegant," "militaristic," etc. languages during a gaming session?
  3. Grandpa


    TO MY PLAYERS: This ruins everything. Please keep out. I'm an unseasoned DM who would love some help and input on a newly launched city campaign, especially with regards to creating a memorable city, anticipating the effect of house rules, and ideas on how my campaign background can connect...
  4. Grandpa

    AD&D Online

    [NOTE: Original post edited for clarity.] If this has already been discussed ad nauseum, I apologize (and humbly request a link!): I'm curious what the reaction would be to the next edition of D&D being released online-only, with the same production values, and then played and updated as...
  5. Grandpa

    Hungry Game, New Customers, Inexperienced Chef

    I'm a novice DM for novice players who for better or worse will get their first impression of role-playing games from my shaky hands. I wanted to create a thread where I could share my experiences and solicit help in creating a memorable experience, from a community I hold in high regard. Setup...
  6. Grandpa

    List of Essentials-styled products?

    Has anyone made a complete list or release list that notes which products and future products are Essentials-styled? By that I mean books with the same small, softcover format, and box sets with similar softcover books, floppy modules and counter sets. I knew the upcoming Class Compendium was...
  7. Grandpa

    Some Quick Questions

    Newbie DM questions: Bull Rush, Charge, Grab, and Opportunity Attack are listed as powers in the Rules Compendium. Is there a tactical consideration (e.g., some other power that allows you to perform an At-Will Power on condition x) to this change? I'm not familiar enough with various player...
  8. Grandpa

    Newbie Q: Magic Item Markup

    P.155 of the DMG: Where are the "usual" rules for randomizing magic item markup located? I don't recall reading them anywhere in the PHB or DMG to this point. If this is an editing error, I'm comfortable determining either the rules or the markup myself, but I prefer understanding the rules as...
  9. Grandpa

    Animal Companions and Tricks

    I must be blind, because I can't find the reference for this... How many tricks can you teach an animal over the course of its life? Is it unlimited, three tricks per point of intelligence, or what? -Gramps
  10. Grandpa

    Inexperienced DM vs. MIN/MAX druid

    I am starting a home brew campaign world (nerve-wracking!) and some of the players have been working on their characters for it. One player in particular loves to squeeze every little advantage out of play that he can. I have no problem with this mentality. It makes for fun metagaming, and...
  11. Grandpa

    Create Your Own Prestige Classes

    :confused: Can Monte Cook's "Create Your Own Prestige Classes" article be found online? I've picked up Dragon Magazine since issue #275, largely because of the early information on creating monsters and prestige classes, and it has always frustrated me that I never got my hands on this article...
  12. Grandpa


    I wanted to try writing a story hour for my upcoming campaign. The campaign is only half-prepared but my buddies had me run a quick encounter for them in it last night. I'm just storing my (poorly written) notes on this pseudo-adventure on the boards while I get things ready for the real...
  13. Grandpa

    ... Last page

    The "... Last page" feature that appears in packed threads -- like the one in General RPG Discussion right now -- is kind of pointless. It takes up the space that would otherwise be used by the numbers 5-10 and makes the boards more difficult to use, IMHO. Oh, and the same complaint goes for...