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Search results

  1. 0

    Interesting magic items

    I remember playing the old Bioware D&D games and I used to spend grotesque amounts of time in the magic item shops. While there was always an assortment of +x magic items, there were also always ones that had a story behind them. Many of them with creative and interesting effects. I've been...
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    Running online

    Myself and a couple friends have been trying to find a way to play D&D online. Preferably 3.x though if that's not possible 4e would be acceptable. Previously we've just done text only though Yahoo Messenger. Naturally this has many limitations. Primarily maps. This means dungeon crawling is...
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    Planar Cohort help

    Last game session my level 16 rogue died (rip) and since our favored soul recently decided to reroll, I'm rolling a cleric. My character is a level 16 cleric of Pelor 11/Thaumaturgist 5. I'm basically planning him as a high member of church, specializing in the millitant aspects. The type who...
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    Favorite Cleric

    What was your favorite cleric that you have ever played or seen played? To start off, I'll give mine. Granny. A homely older Dwarven cleric who was on an eternal quest to spread joy and cheer. It was a fun character from my old AD&D games. Granny was a distinguished pastry cook and tended to...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Interactive pdf 3.5 character sheet

    Hey, my computer crashed. I used to have a .pdf file that was a "fill in the blanks" style character sheet that was perfect for my online games. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it. Anybody know of any such tools? Thanks!
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    Help me make this character

    I have an image in my mind-a wizard type character who stays on the edge of the battlefield, occasionally lunging in with a spiked chain to do some melee damage. Quite a bit more to the character of course, but that's mostly RP territory. Note: I'm fairly possessive of my spell levels. Either...
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    Moved-Looking for a group in the Union/Franklin county/St. Louis area

    Hey, I just moved to Union MO and I'm looking for a group who might be interested in a new member. I'm up for pretty much any system honestly, as long as I can have fun. Also-if anybody knows of a gaming store in the area please tell me. Thanks! :D
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    Player/campaign conflict

    A couple old friends are in town for a week. Our gaming group hasn't seen these two old friends in almost 2 years. We decided to go ahead and play D&D 6 nights out of the 7 they will be here. Yesterday was the first game and it was starting out in a trade city and I was planning it to be a...
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    githyanki/githzerai items

    In a gestalt campaign, I am playing a psion/wizard who is very interested in the study of the githyanki and githzerai races, wanting to recreate their magic/psionic items and such. What items would you consider to be gith-like? Of course, you have their silver swords, but what other items, items...
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    The most fun character you have ever played/seen

    Just as the title says. What character have you played or seen played that was the most fun for you or the group you play with?
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    What is favored enemy worth?

    I have a player who is playing an urban ranger and wants to replace favored enemy. What would you say its worth?
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    Casting Defensively a bit much?

    In the few years I've been GM'ing I've only occasionally had to deal with the issue of casting in combat. My players are generally resourceful enough to keep the wizard or cleric out of the fight and when it comes time to get closer, they just roll and hope to deal with the damage. To be...
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    A better net

    My spear and trident player (see the Two Hands for a Spear thread in this forum) realized something today. To break out of a net, a 25 strength check is needed, or a knife. He realized that past the first couple levels, a net would become little more than a very minor annoyance to many of the...
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    Two hands for a spear?

    A player wanted to make a character who used a spear and net (he's not big on tridents). The problem he found though, was that the spear is a two-handed weapon. Now, looking back through history you find many groups of people who used spears and spear like weapons as one handed weapons. Any...
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    Druid philosophy on the death

    My old group got together today and decided to try playing AD&D again. My character, a NG thief, and another character, a NN Druid, got into an argument. My character took the daggers and gold off some friendly NPC corpses who had died at the beginning of the campaign, leaving the fancy clothing...
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    Demons or Devils?

    Last session my players and I got into a debate over which was cooler, Demons or Devils. Many of my player's tended to side with demons, I personally am a huge devil fan. I am actually not a fan at all of demons, except for Grazzt who I adore. So, what do you guys think? Demons or devils? As...
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    Now, I know that the monk is out for the PHB, but how long will we be waiting until it comes back to us? I know that many of my players, as well as myself, really enjoy the monk due to its fountains of flavor.
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    Helping a player

    A player of mine is interested in playing a monk, but the medium BAB progression is kinda kicking him. Is there a class or variant out there that goes with the unarmed focus of the monk, but has a full BAB progression. If not, what can be done to increase his chances of hitting at all.
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    Difference between a concealed and secret door

    Today I was using the random dungeon generator to throw together something quickly for my group tonight since a couple choices they made in email basically forced me to trash my intended direction with the campaign. Two of the options in the generator are percentage of concealed doors and...
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    Mystra based class/prestige class

    I am curious, is there any prestige class out there that has some relation to Mystra? If so, then what is it?