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  1. T

    Alarm and Minor Globe?

    Hi there Does anyone have ideas on the following scenario? The Mage has minor globe cast in them, which stops all spell effects below 4th level affecting him, walks into the area of effect of an alarm spell. Does the alarm go off, and if so why?
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    Bards: Is it their personal charm or their charming personality?

    I have a bard character who tried to sway a lynch mob from killing a fellow character. The DM argued that the bard's persuading ability was a 'spell-like' effect and was counteracted by protection from good, and the mob was large enough that most would save versus any charm effect. If a bard...
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    AOO and reach weapons

    Hi there The situation I came across involved a PC human fighter with a long spear versus a minotaur with a huge great axe. Both have a reach of 10'. Normally the fighter expects to get his AOO when any creature enters his threat range, so he holds action until after the minotaur comes within...
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    Inteligence and illusions

    Hi there It used to be if your were over 19 inteligence you were immune to certain illusions, is this still the case? I can't seem to find it in the core manuals. Tom
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    Disguise: Does polymorph stack with alterself?

    Hi there I have a player who's character wants to diguise themselves as someone who is an associate of a dragon. The party have polymorphed him look like the dragon's agent and then the character casts alterself on theirself. Now the dragon gets +6 on its spot since it knows its own agent, but...
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    Help me stop the abuse of Polymorph Other

    Hi there Unlike a similar post I want to stop the abuse of polymorph other. My party plan to take on a red dragon by using the polymorph other spell a volunteer who they will turn into a gold dragon. Under 2nd edition the polymorph was more reasonable as you did not gain the attacks or armour...
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    When to save for items?

    Hi there Can I get some clarification on when to save for items? According to the PHB on page 150, you only need to save for items if you fail your save by rolling a natural 1, then you consult the items affected table. Yet according to the PHB on page 136, an attended item receives a saving...
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    Tracking over rock. Is it too easy?

    Hi there Yet again my party of adventurers have got me. The big baddy slips out through a door into a well used stone floored corridoor full of doors and then through one of them. The party chasing him then have to choose which one. No problem, for they have a tracker. The PHB states the...
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    Stirges and Dragons

    Hi there Recently I came across the following combination of attack which seems a bit unrealistic.... Mage comes across an adult dragon, and uses summon monster to summon stirges which he uses to attack the dragon. Stirges attack and only need to do a touch attack to succeed. (Dragons worst...
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    AOO and Disarm

    Can you attempt to disarm with an attack of opertunity? Assume you are facing up to a monster that passes through your area of threat can you attempt to disarm them with your AOO and if it fails do they get an attempt to disarm you? Would they have to stop their move to attempt the disarm or...
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    Invisibility and Bat Familiars

    I have a problem with bats and seeing invisible. Does invisibility stop characters being detected by a bats sonic sight? Some bats can see as well as use sonics which one should the wizard be able to use on their familiar?
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    Silence and Sleeping?

    What would be the DC for a silence spell entering the hearing area of a character? What would be the DC modifier for being asleep?
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    What is the DC for sleeping characters to hear?

    What would be the DC for a silence spell being in the area of a sleeping character? What would be the DC modifier for being asleep?
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    Coup de Grace broken?

    I am sorry to say, but the last thread seems to have wandered off into a debate on alignment. The CDG rule I feel need some sort of tweaking. Should a druid transformed into the shape of a rat be able to CDG the sleeping king, who has ordered the peasants to clear the forest, by biting his...
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    Invisibility to animals. Is it too good?

    What should happen when a character with invisibility and invisibility to animals attacks a non-animal creature? Do they become visible but remain invisible to animals, or do they become visible to all creatures?
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    Is coup de grace a broken rule?

    Is coup de grace a broken rule? I have a party that only attacks sleeping enimies. They wait for the big creatures to go to sleep before they attack and only attack the big creatures first. Before hand they have a spotter sent to observe the enemy who is an invisible halfling thief with very...
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    Disarming with missile weapons is the rule broken?

    Hi there This weekend I came accross the situation were the evil cleric was using his staff. The archer in the party moved round behind and fired at the staff to disarm the cleric. This was easier than hitting the cleric. The staff had AC 22 (10 + 4(Size) +3(Cleric's dex) + 5(In the cleric's...
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    Is Riding Skill Rule Wrong

    Last session a party member tried to ride a trained flying beast. They have no ride skill but a dex bonus of +5. Using the rules given in the players combat session it states that you calculate the ride skill as rank + dex bonus + modifiers. However the modifier for not having the appropriate...
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    Hiding other characters

    Last weekend I was faced with the problem of how to determine if the party's ambush was spotted by a group of orcs. In the party there is a hobbit whose hide skill exceeds everyone elses by a great amount. The party were hidden in the bushes by the hobbit, their arguement being that the orc's...
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    How powerful is Silent Image? As powerful as mass invisibility?

    Hi there Last weekend I was forced to try and adjudicate on the silent image spell. The party were being persued by a group of creatures when they hid in a room. The creatues entered after the illusionist cast the silent image of a wall between the party and the persuers. Effectively making the...