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  1. D

    Attacking around corners

    I know I read somewhere that stated it was not possible to make melee attacks around corners. Am I dreaming? Is it possible to make a melee attack around a corner, (with cover bonues). Is it possible to make ranged attacks around corners. Where is this ruling stated?
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    Quicken touch spells

    When spells that require a melee touch attack are quickened is the touch attack quicken also? Is the attack just part of the casting, or is it a seperate attack action?
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    Tripping winged creatures

    I know I read somewhere the rules for tripping creatures that are flying with wings. Can someone tell me what they are or where I can find them? Thanks
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    Is it possible to counterspell a spell that is being cast quickened? If not can someone direct me the RaW? Thanks
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    Summoning spells?

    Does a caster need to maintain a line of effect and remain within the range of his summoned creatures? Or can he summon them and leave, leaving his summoned creatures behind to carry out the last order given?
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    Time Stop , Time Loop

    I have an idea for a high level NPC Sorcerer that just seems to good and I want to run it by you all. Can a caster use the last round of a Time Stop to ready an action? For example the caster wins inititive, cast Time Stop and puts up some buffs. However, with the last round of the Time Stop...
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    SLA and Spell Penetration

    Does the Spell Penetration feat apply to spell-like-abilities? For example an Outsider with levels as a Wizard takes the Spell Penetration feat. Does this feat help his spell like abilities get through SR?
  8. D

    Movement question

    I have a PC in my epic game that has a speed of 90 on foot. He often has a fly spell cast on him (60' speed) and tries to combine the 2 modes of movement in one round. Are there any rules to cover this? How much can he move if he tries to fly 20 and move the rest on land? It does not seem...
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    Another 5ft step question

    Can someone take a "5ft step" to avoid AOO's in difficult terrian?
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    Targeting into Concealment

    Can you target a creature that has total concealment? For example someone is in fog and has total concealment over 10 feet, can they be targeted with a magic missile spell from someone outside the fog?
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    Bane Weapons and Epic DR

    Is there anything in RAW in regards to a Bane weapon penetrating Epic DR if the enhancement bonus of the weapon is greater than +5 when the weapon's bane enhancment is on. For example a +4 Dragon Bane weapon is +6 when wielded vs. a dragon. Will this allow it to penetrate the DR 15/Epic a...
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    DR and Antimagic

    I rememeber reading somewhere on how Antimagic effected damage reduction, but I can't seem to find it now. Is DR a supernatural ability and therefore is suppressed by antimagic? Can someone point me to rules covering this in the core books?
  13. D

    Spellcraft ?

    I have a couple of questions in regards to using the Spellcraft skill to identify spells as they are cast. 1) Is it possible to identify spells that are not on your class list? For example a cleric trying to identify a wizard casting an arcane spells such as magic missile. 2) What about for a...
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    Slow spell and Spell Turning

    My question is this. Even though "Slow" is and area of effect spell it still has to be targeted to individual creatures within the area. So if one of the targeted creatures in the area of a slow spell has "Spell Turning" does the Slow spell get turned onto the caster? Thanks for any help.
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    Lighthearted Campaign Ideas

    The campaign I am running is approaching it's end. And after almost 2 years of Doom and Destruction (RTtToEE) I want to run something much more lighthearted and without such dire consequences for failure. I need your help! Can anyone give me some ideas for some modules or dungeon magazine...