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  1. M

    Some cool reads

    As a children's librarian, I sometimes come across a cool book that I think gamers would like, but might miss because it's written for kids or teens, even though it can be enjoyed by anyone. I thought I'd post a few titles, in case anyone is looking for something new and different to read...
  2. M

    I deleted your email unread

    Yes, I got your email, and I deleted it unread. I'm not interested in reading how what you did was somehow my fault - like the email you sent making everything his fault when my husband told you why he quit your game. I have too much going on in my life right now to rehash this with you. If...
  3. M

    Mamacat's helpful hints for gaming with couples with or without kids

    Sooooo....I've been reading a bit here and there about gaming groups breaking up for different reasons, and thought I'd post a few hints about gaming with couples (and kids always add to the mix, don't they? :p ). 1. Big one here, and a pet peeve of mine - if you need to apologize, do so to...
  4. M

    Female opinions, please

    I'd like to get some opinions on 4e from other female gamers. Myself, I don't care for the new edition, but I'm interested in other female viewpoints (seen enough from the guys, after all. :D ) So, fellow women gamers, what do you think? And why, if we can talk about it without it turning...
  5. M

    Boardroom Games in Indianapolis is closing!!

    I just found out that Boardroom Games, the FLGS in Indianapolis, will be closing in June! :( The owner has been a friend of mine for 15+ years, although I haven't been able to see him much lately due to my schedule. I'm sad to see the store go - I was planning on buying games for my...
  6. M

    Was I too nice?

    Hi, everyone: I recently was a member of a game that broke up, but long before that, I became bored and fustrated. I wanted some imput on how you guys would have handled the situation. It was an Eberron game, running for three years, meeting pretty regularly once a week for 3 - 5 hours. In...