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Search results

  1. Sholari

    Theory on Digital Gaming Initiative

    My theory/guesstimate is this. WOTC is trying to cut out the support infrastructure (Dungeon, Dragon, E-tools, etc.) out from under the current edition ahead of the announcement of their new edition. I think d20 and to the extent they can damage OGL, that too. Similar to Microsoft their old...
  2. Sholari

    Why Wizards Has Lost Touch w/ Its Base

    Its no wonder that Wizards of the Coast has lost touch with their customer base. I did a search for Wizards of the Coast on www.linkedin.com and who did I see running WOTC brands? Lots of second-tier MBAs fresh out of b-school... Former editorial person for eFit.com, a diet website...
  3. Sholari

    Peter Jackson Not To Direct Hobbit

    Letter from PJ... http://www.theonering.net/staticnews/1163993546.html What you can do about it... http://www.theonering.net/perl/newsview/8/1164129588
  4. Sholari

    New Metrics to Measure the Industry By

    Over the years I have seen a lot of people talk about the sales for different products was the only indicator of success for the roleplaying industry. However, I think that just looking at sales is very short-sighted and will ultimately hurt the industry in the long run. For the health of the...
  5. Sholari

    How Would You Reinvent Roleplaying?

    Overall, roleplaying is a great experience, but I can't help but think it could somehow be better. For instance, like many people my group usually games at the dining table in my home. This isn't that big a deal, but having gaming environment with more ambience that was set up specifically for...
  6. Sholari

    Age of Worms - Kudos

    I just got done reading the beginning adventure for Dungeon's Age of Worms and the Diamond Lake backdrop. I must say that I am beyond impressed. I don't want to give away anything for any potential players that might read this. What I can say is that the Whispering Cairn adventure is just...
  7. Sholari

    What Makes Your Homebrew Great?

    I've heard a lot of homebrew DMs over the years indicate that they can do a better job than the published adventures out there. I have only had the privilege to play in the game of one homebrew DM who was truly great. I'm really interested in hearing about other homebrew games that are great...
  8. Sholari

    Is the RPG Industry on Life Support? (Merged w/"Nothing Dies")

    Is the RPG Industry on Life Support? A friend who just got back from GenCon Socal was relating to me one of the seminars he sat through on the State of the RPG Industry. Besides relating that the news was on the depressing side, he confirmed something that I have suspected for the last year or...
  9. Sholari

    CA, Orange County - 3.5 D&D - Looking for 2 more players

    New game starting up and scheduled to run on alternate Saturday nights. Looking for two more mature individuals to join our Orange County group. Intrigue-oriented and gritty campaign. Contact ishowind@yahoo.com if you are interested.
  10. Sholari

    What makes a good module?

    My thoughts in 1997 on what makes a good module... "I buy modules because they save me time that I don't have to properly construct an adventure myself. Honestly, I can only spend maybe five hours a week planning the next adventure. In that time I think of a plot, several plot twists, the...
  11. Sholari

    Dungeon/Poly - Optimal Mix

    Yet another interesting way of slicing and dicing this thing.
  12. Sholari

    Dungeon/Polyhedron willingness-to-pay experiment

    Humor me. There may or may not be a punchline to this. It seem a little different at this point but there is a method to my madness. Answer the following: How much money would you pay for a stand alone Dungeon between -$2 and 12? How much would you pay for a stand alone Polyhedron Magazine...
  13. Sholari

    Dungeon vs. Polyhedron - Death Match

    Just curious where the "masses" stand on this.
  14. Sholari

    A bit of market research...

    This may seem a little bit redundant but it is based on the first part of a market research technique used for new product development. I'm not an expert or anything, but I'm putting it out here because I'm curious about the results in case any of you may be so willing. Answer this as if you...
  15. Sholari

    3e... good for players, more difficult for DMs

    There are a lot of things that are good about 3rd edition, but at least in my experience 3rd edition requires a lot more heavy lifting on the average DMs part. Here are my gripes... 1) More rules to remember. 3rd edition has a lot more rules to keep track of than 1st and 2nd edition. As a DM...