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Search results

  1. R

    Favorite custom gods

    I'm setting up a pantheon for a custom game world that is fantasy with a touch of steampunk. I'm trying to build a custom pantheon, already have the basics covered, but I'm looking for specific ones, the more unique ones. What are your favorite strange or custom gods and goddesses in your games...
  2. R

    Pathfinder 1E How do you make your game world more immersive?

    I've been thinking of new ways to immerse my players into my game. I already use random non-combat encounters, city events, things like black markets where magic items and goods are at a decreased price, but come with a random chance of defects. What methods do you guys use?
  3. R

    Unique Magic Item Properties/Quirks

    When I first started playing D&D my GM has a glowing pillar that enchanted any item touched to it with a random property, be it a weapon, bit of clothing, or just a fork. However the item was only magical for the person it was soulbound to. In my own campaign I'm wanting to revive the random...
  4. R

    D&D 4E Looking for a good 4e starter adventure

    My group is going to be trying 4e for the first time in a few days and it will be my first time GMing the game. Nobody else in the group has any real experience with the game so I am looking for a good adventure that starts at level 1. Fitting into the forgotten realms setting would be a major...
  5. R

    Comprehensive Class/Race list

    So I've been looking online for a comprehensive list of classes and races for 4e, including supplements, without any success. I've found many lists that haven't been updated in years, but nothing up to date and reasonable. Is there anything of that nature that currently exists?
  6. R

    D&D 4E 4e virgin looking for answers

    I've been playing D&D and at least a dozen other systems for many years now but my group has been highly reluctant to try out 4e. We just got a new player in who has nearly every major supplement for 4e as well as the core books which he inherited from a sibling who died. He himself has only...