• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    Which CRPG Worlds Would You LIke to See as TTRPGs?

    For me, it's Endless Legend all the way. (Followed by XCOM, of course.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xD9UkJQAiw
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    News Post: Ten RPG Blogs Everyone Should be Reading

    Ten RPG Blogs Everyone Should be Reading I really appreciate this post, both for the variety and for the usefulness. Thanks, Morrus !
  3. D

    BIG DEAL: Post Reports Show Up in the All Discussion Tab

    I can who made the reports, and--via the tooltip--private details of the reports. These things are not anonymous, ATM! http://www.enworld.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?500-All-Discussion
  4. D

    Video of 50 Fencers Vs 3 Masters

    Saw this pinging around on google plus. Might be of interest to some here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgKg0Hc7YIA
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    D&D 5E Dungeon World Co-Creator Adam Koebel & CRPG Designer Steve Lumpkin Create Some 5E Characters

    Some pretty interesting discussion here about the design of 5E Basic's initial release document. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXLL5z17Tb0
  6. D

    D&DN Scourge of the Sword Coast Japan/Australia Tuesday Evening on Roll20

    Read about it here! We're all 30+ year-olds living in Japan & Australia. We play Tuesdays at 7:00 PM JST. This campaign began on 5/13/14, but we've been playing together for several years now. We recently lost one of our number, putting us down to two players; we're looking to fill the void...
  7. D

    Which Game Would YOU Choose for Wil Wheaton's Tabletop RPG Spinoff?

    As probably everyone here knows, Wil Wheaton's Tabletop show was recently funded on Indigogo. The one million dollar goal, which was reached, was the creation of an RPG spinoff of about 20 episodes of 40 minutes each. (If you're not familiar with Tabletop, check it out here.) However, Wil has...
  8. D

    Let’s Compare: Many Different Monster Manuals

    Let’s Compare: Many Different Monster Manuals What is This Thread? In this thread I’ll be comparing publicly available excerpts from published monster manuals and bestiaries. I’ll be looking at both D&D and non-D&D games, but with a strong, deliberate bias towards D&D. Things I’ll be looking...
  9. D

    Heinsoo on Alignment & Rebranding

    This exchange just popped up in my twitter feed. It's not exactly news, and I'm not particularly keen on reopening old graves. But no doubt it'll be of interest to some, and I don't think I've heard any 4E-era wotc employees talk about rebranding before now.
  10. D

    Narrate This 3 HP Hit

    Holy moses these polls are finicky. The question is meant to be: "Elspeth the elven ranger takes 3 HP damage while at 16/16 HP. She is wearing a chain shirt. How would you prefer to narrate this hit? (Choose your most favoritist option.)"
  11. D

    please delete--screwed up a poll

    Screwed up the poll, please delete.
  12. D

    Old School Exploration in 5E: A Dungeon World Hack

    The design goal of these house rules is to supplement old school environmental exploration; both to address the most common failure state, and to expand the scope for arc-driven campaigns. To accomplish this, these rules provide options for player interaction while enforcing skill use scarcity...
  13. D

    D&D 5E L&L 1/13/14: Low-Level Characters in D&D Next

    Check it out here.
  14. D

    Jon Schindehette's campaign to help Jeff Easley

    Jon Schindehette posted a contest on theartorder.com to benefit an artist who is being penalized by corporate policy.
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    McAfee Warning for ENWorld

    I just got this message on my browser when I showed up at the home news page. I hope this isn't the beginning of another incident.
  16. D

    D&D 5E L&L 8/19/13: The Final Countdown

    Find it here.
  17. D

    Dark Heresy Youtube Live Play w/ totalbuiscuit etc.

    Haven't seen this posted yet, but I think it's awesome and deserves recognition. Steven Lumpkin, Lead Level Designer for Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, has started a weekly game of Dark Heresy with totalbiscuit and a bunch of other dudes. The game is played out on roll20...
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    The News Page Loads Very Slowly

    It's like the bad old days before the hack. Since the rest of the forum works fine, I assume that all the embedded media is to blame. Just FYI.
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    [Idea] Rogue Class Feature: Skill Surge

    Just an idea I had. Not sure if it's been done elsewhere before. Thoughts?
  20. D

    Kickstarter rewards status?

    Hey Morrus, would it be pushy for me to inquire where you're at with the kickstarter rewards? Cause I'm inquiring :) Specifically, what's the ETA looking like for the lifetime coppers?