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  1. C

    Pathfinder 1E Ultimate Ethermagic

    So, interjection games just released the full redo of their Ethermancer class in Ultimate Ethermagic. So, does anyone have it? My main questions are: how much new stuff do we get from the earlier ethermancer books, how well does it work and how fun it is it? Thanks!
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    Pathfinder 1E Thunderscape and Kobold Press Deep Magic

    Both were successful kickstarters and both are supposed to come out in 2014, but so far I can't find even a quarterly estimated release date for: Deep Magic, from Kobold Press or Thunderscape from Kyoudai Games. Have any of the KS backers gotten any info about the general release dates...
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    Pathfinder 1E Sphere's of Power Kickstarter

    Apparently, the playtest document is now available for kickstarter contributors. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1708940685/spheres-of-power-a-new-pathfinder-magic-system/comments So, I'm assuming at least a few people here are contributors-- so can you spoil anything about the system and...
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    Pathfinder 1E Using OGL stuff that isn't online

    Here's a question for those who buy products and write them alike. If you have a product that may make use of material that is in the OGL but not yet on the SRD. It's the Riven MAge from Super Genius Games (and if you don't have it, buy it). Now there are two choices. 1. Reference it and if...
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    Pathfinder 1E Has anyone played with Rivenmages?

    From this product: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/108832/The-Genius-Guide-to-the-Riven-Mage#widget-product-reviews The reviews look good, but I was wondering if anyone has actually played with them during a game, and if so, how they worked out?
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    Elements of MAgic: Mythic Earth and summoners

    So, since the design space has moved on a bit since EOM: ME first came out, has anyone tried to integrate it with classes such as summoners? Magus isn't so hard-- you can just have traditional feat that prioritizes spells that benefit direct combat, but balancing the summoners eidelon with EOM...
  7. C

    Pathfinder 1E Anachronistic Adventurerrs line

    From Super Genius games, cinluding things like the Enforcer. they look very nice, and I have them all, but I haven't had a chance to play with them. For those who have, how are they? Thing is, I'm working on a setting with a 1930s feel, and I've been thinking of using these classes instead of...
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    Pathfinder 1E Published settings-- is the absence of iconic classes/races/setting elements a dealbreaker?

    IE, a setting without say, elves, or one where there are no sorcerers? Or if for whatever reason there are no other accessible planes of existence? Does this become a deal breaker if you're looking at it? (Obviously, this is a question that's hard to answer-- it's a lot easier to say its a...
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    Pathfinder 1E NeuroSpasta RPG any reviews?

    Anyone have the Neurospasta pathfinder product in either POD or PDF? If so, how is it? I'm interested in it (production values look pretty good) but attempts to take D20 and emulate science fiction, with the exception of pretty major rewrites has a mixed track record. So, anyone have?
  10. C

    Pathfinder 1E Quicksilver for Pathfinder-- anyone have

    http://www.rpgnow.com/product/108761/Quicksilver-for-Pathfinder I generally don't buy products over 10 sight unseen-- so has anyone gotten a gander at this-- and if not hits, any other products of the company so they can give a hint as to the general quality?
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    Mythic earth magic and the MAgus

    I'm strongly considering using mythic earth for a setting (which is actually a few months from being published in the system-less form), but one thought is-- how do you link archtypes such as the magus to it? Leave the arcane pool as is? Change it? Also, for shapechange spells, the transform...
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    Pathfinder 1E Cerulean Seas: Waves of Thought : any reviews

    So , anyone pick this up? If so, how well done is it? Are the psionic rules usable for other settings if you're already using the Dreamscarred press psionics in them?
  13. C

    Pathfinder 1E Super Genius Games spell points product

    Here: Houserule Handbooks: Spell Points - Super Genius Games | Pathfinder | RPGNow.com Has anyone had a chance to pick it up? How is it? how many of hte various spell using classes do they carry?
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    Pathfinder 1E Super Genius Games: Anachronistic Adventurers

    Loving this series so far, so I just wondered if anyone knew how far they were going to go with it? SGS doesn't seem to have a forum of their own, so this seemed to be the best place to ask. If you dont' have it, BTW, it's very nice-- more than enough to run a modern PF campaign say in the...
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    Summoner First Worlder Archtype

    First Worlder - Pathfinder_OGC I'm wondering-- am I missing some advantage of the summon nature's ally spells, because it seems like the Eidolon is getting nerfed hard for no real return to the summoner. Or putting it differently, woudln't just using a normal summoner and "reskinning' the...
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    Infrastructure spells?

    In a lot of novels and settings, the wizards (or priest kings, or whatever) have spells and rituals that actually help the infrastructure-- maybe it keeps the rain from falling on the city, ro improves the yield of the crops, or helps create a working sewage system for the high mage doesn't have...
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    Summoner based prestige classes

    So, a question-- the summoner is a pretty interesting class, yet I've never seen any prestige classes based on it. ARe there any? If not, what type of concept do you think would work?
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    Anyone have the Invoker?

    The Invoker - Little Red Goblin Games | RPGNow.com How is it? More importantly, if I want to remove the idea that th epower is coming from not so nice people, how easy is that to do?
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    Rules for Cars?

    Thinking of a Legend of Korra style game, but tha would need rules for cars-- are there any pathfinder products out there that give rules support for 20th century style cars and such?
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    Dreamscarred Press's Channeler

    From here: Tome of Channeling - Dreamscarred Press | Mentalis Design | RPGNow.com has anyone used this? How well does it play? For those who also play pathfinder, how difficult would it be to port over?