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  1. JWO

    D&D 5E How to bring new character into PotA? *spoilers, obviously*

    Hey, I've been running a PotA campaign for a couple of months now and a new guy is about to join. We're just about to head to the Sacred Stone Monastery and we've pretty much tackled everything else in order by the book. The player tells me that his character is an alcoholic half-elf bard who's...
  2. JWO

    D&D 5E Where now for my party? PotA spoilers within...

    Hello all. I'm running Princes and we're pretty much at the very beginning of the campaign after three sessions. After the group successfully completed the Bears and Bows mission they came back into town and interrogated and killed Ilmeth Waelvur (one of the players is a caravanner who took...
  3. JWO

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse DM advice please

    I'm a relatively new DM and I'm going to hopefully be DMing a PotA game relatively soon. I've been reading through the book and it really seems like there's an awful lot to take in all at once, even just in the descriptions of the many locations that the PCs can visit in Red Larch and the...
  4. JWO

    D&D 5E Quiet players and social anxiety

    spinozajack wrote a long post about players who don't really contribute to the social side of D&D in this thread. I started to write a reply and then I realised that this would start to derail the original thread so I thought I'd move it here. Hope you don't think I'm calling you out or singling...
  5. JWO

    D&D 5E Eberron in 5th Ed - Ideas

    I really like the whole dungeonpunk aesthetic but I didn't really think that Eberron would fit well with the implied scarcity of magic items in 5th Ed. I saw Staffan's idea for a custom artificer located here and it got me thinking about how Eberron might work out so I thought I'd write a post...
  6. JWO

    Floating stat increases for all races?

    I was wondering if people thought it would be possible for the PC races to not have defined stat increases. They'd keep all the extra features they have like darkvision, weapon proficiencies, etc., but instead of having a fixed +2 to one stat and +1 to another, they'd have +2 to any stat and +1...
  7. JWO

    D&D 5E A maladroit rogue?

    I'm putting together a rogue for adventurers league, but I'm stuck on the idea of playing a dwarf so the maximum dex I could have is 15. I'm really not bothered about playing the most optimal character possible, but would a rogue with low dex and high strength be doable? By 'low dex', I'm...
  8. JWO

    D&D 5E Campaigns losing steam

    I'm a new DM, and I've now disbanded both of the campaigns I've tried to start (they ran one after the other, not at the same time). It seemed as though the players were enjoying it, it just seemed to be too awkward to organise times to play. There were quite a few times when people ended up...
  9. JWO

    Advantage/disadvantage and critical hits/fumbles

    This is actually stolen from one of the rules of Malifaux, I thought it could be quite and interesting thing to bring into D&D with all the advantage and disadvantage rules. Basically, the way it works is that if you roll a natural 20, you can always use that die, unless you roll a natural 1...
  10. JWO

    D&D 5E Sports in D&D

    How would you go about running sports in D&D, possibly involving one or more of the players? I guess it would depend on the type of sport being played so in my case, they'd be playing like a no holds barred, more violent version of rugby. I don't want it to take much more than about 10-15...
  11. JWO

    D&D 5E Tactics in combat

    The people I play with and I have all played a lot of tabletop skirmish games like Malifaux and Infinity, which are all about the tactics but it seems like in all the RPGs I've played in, in every edition, combat generally just devolves into monsters and PCs trading weapon blows with the odd...
  12. JWO

    D&D 5E 4th edition minions in 5th?

    I've only played a little bit of 4th edition, but one of the rules that stood out for me was the idea of having "minion" enemies (monsters that only have 1hp). I really like this idea and was wondering if people thought it would port over to 5th edition easily enough. Would it work?
  13. JWO

    D&D 5E Big Cities

    Does anyone have any advice on how to run big cities? My players are about to head to a big bustling Middle Eastern metropolis and I'm starting to feel some trepidation about it. With so much going on, how do you keep track of everything and how do you present it to them? With a dungeon, the...
  14. JWO

    D&D 5E Were-PC

    One of my players has said that he'd like his PC to be a were-hyena. He wants it to 100% be a curse and something he's actively trying to get rid of. He's got the idea for it to be kind of like a Hulk thing, so it'll manifest when he's especially stressed/angered or when his character ends up in...
  15. JWO

    D&D 5E CSI: Faerun

    I'm putting a mission together for my PCs that sees them investigating the kidnapping of a dwarf merchant who was traveling through the city slums. His sister, who was with him at the time, has hired them to find him and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to run stuff like this...
  16. JWO

    D&D 5E Starter Set - Expanding Part 3 (SPOILERS)

    Have any of you worked to expand the various quests in The Spider's Web? I feel like Wyvern Tor, Old Owl Well and maybe even Agatha's Lair could be expanded to multiple encounter dungeons. Maybe the orcs could have more of a hideout with more orcs in different rooms, the necromancer at Old Owl...
  17. JWO

    D&D 5E Spell slots, wizards and sorcerers

    Maybe I'm being a big dummy but I'm still not totally understanding the new spell slot system. Could someone explain it for me in easier terms please? I think I understand how spontaneous casters work but not prepared casters. So sorcerers, bards etc., have their spell slots and they can use...
  18. JWO

    D&D 5E DMs - How often to wild surge?

    If you have a wild magic sorcerer in your game, how often do you get them to roll on the wild magic table? Also, do you get them to roll or do you roll for them? I was thinking of rolling for them and then just describing the effect after it happens...
  19. JWO

    D&D 5E 101 Mercenary missions

    ***EDIT - I don't necessarily just want ideas for my own game in here. The plan was to produce a resource of ideas for any game so any ideas for missions a mercenary guild might take on will work!*** So I'm going to be DMing an adventure next week where the premise is that the players are all...
  20. JWO

    Avatar's element benders in 5th edition

    Has anyone thought up a decent way of statting up an Avatar style element bender in 5th edition? A way of the four elements monk seemed like the obvious way of doing it, except for the fact that they use all of the elements, rather than just one (I suppose that might work if you actually wanted...