Search results

  1. Deborah L. Davitt

    Mists & Memory -- A Noir Investigative TTRPG

    Hi all! I haven't posted here in approximately a dog's age, but this seems like the appropriate forum to talk about a new game my husband and I have put together, and will be Kickstarting in August 2024. Mists & Memory is a noir tabletop role-playing game about an agency of cunning...
  2. Deborah L. Davitt

    Name that Movie

    Well, I tried this question out on the DragonCon SciFi Classics Track Facebook page, and got no results. I tried my best Google-fu on it, too. I might as well try it on the collective knowledge, wit, and wisdom of EN World's off-topic folks. (That's you. Yes, you, at the back, looking around.)...
  3. Deborah L. Davitt

    Fantasy Book Series: Edda-Earth (Or: the fun of self-publishing and self-promoting)

    Hi, all! I asked Morrus directly if I could post here, and he recommended this sub-forum. I used to post a wee bit over on Circvs Maximvs when a friend invited me there in, oh, '06, '07 or so? (You're unlikely to remember me if you were there then. I was quiet.) At any rate, last year I got...