• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. MichaelArkAngel

    Sentient Weapon Question

    Ok, I hope this makes sense as I explain. One of the characters in my group of adventurers found himself in the possession of a sentient longsword. Well, I use the term "sentient" loosely, being that the sword is actually a pixie that can assume the form of said longsword, placed upon her from a...
  2. MichaelArkAngel

    UK4 When a Star Falls Maps for Download

    Hi everyone! Once again I have a set of maps I'd like to share with everyone out there, from an underrated classic UK4 "When a Star Falls." The links are below, all hi-res maps ready to go for your virtual tabletop games! Enjoy! Derwyth Derro Lair Tower of the heavens Ground Floor Tower...
  3. MichaelArkAngel

    Call of Cthulhu - Behold the Mother (Dead Reckonings) QUESTION?

    After hearing a podcast of this adventure, I thought I'd try my hand at running this. after multiple readings and getting the handouts prepared, I noticed an important handout to the game missing - the spell "Empower the Mother of Pus." The adventurer's were supposed to find this and be able to...
  4. MichaelArkAngel

    Call of Cthulhu: The Haunting - Corbitt House Maps

    I've made quite a few maps for D&D that I thought I would try my hand at something a little more modern, well 1920's modern...This is my first foray into making a map for Call of Cthulhu, this one is for the Introductory one shot "The Haunting." I have seen plenty of handouts made for this game...
  5. MichaelArkAngel

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS I'm still in the process of finishing these maps up at the moment, but I thought I would share what I have so far. Just like my previous maps for Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh and Against the Cult of the Reptile God, these maps are FREE to download...
  6. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Green Slime for 5E?

    Does anyone have any stats for Green Slime for 5E? the 5E MM completely ignores this monster, yet the 5E DM guide gives some stats to it. Has anyone made this monster for 5E , and could you share your build?
  7. MichaelArkAngel

    N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile Gods MAPS

    I made some maps this module and I thought I would share my maps with anyone else out there thinking about running it as well. I have uploaded them to my DeviantArt gallery. THESE MAPS ARE FREE FOR DOWNLOAD! Enjoy! Town of Orlane Golden Grain Inn 1F Golden Grain Inn 2F Golden Grain Inn...
  8. MichaelArkAngel

    EN5ider Xmas-One Shot?

    I'm hoping someone can help me locate an EN5ider Christmas one shot. I don't remember the title, but I do recall, elves, candy canes, and A large Christmas tree out in the middle of the forest? If ANY of this rings a bell please let me know!
  9. MichaelArkAngel

    U1: Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh MAPS

    I am about to take a party through this module and I thought I would share my maps with anyone else out there thinking about running it as well. I made the maps for the house and Sea Ghost all in Photoshop, and I have uploaded them to my DeviantArt gallery. THESE MAPS ARE FREE FOR DOWNLOAD...
  10. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Is my DM being fair?

    I recently joined a beginning 5e campaign where I am playing a human charisma rogue(charlatan background.) I was unable to take the "lucky" feat since the DM deemed it broken, so I took "Alert." We are all now third level and I have been informed by the DM that I can no longer use the Alert...
  11. MichaelArkAngel

    Suggestions for a module to run after "against the cult of the reptile god"?

    I'm taking a group through: N1 against the cult of the reptile good, and was looking for suggestions for a module to run that may compliment or transition nicely into?
  12. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Character Marriage and cerimonies.

    The group I have been running for the past 2 and a half years is ending, and one of the characters was romantically involved "character -wise." I thought it would be nice to hold a wedding ceremony in game, to give that "Happy Ending," but wasn't sure where to start. The couple getting...
  13. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Can a spell be cast to cause non lethal damage?

    I had this scenario just happen to the group I run on Saturday nights. They encountered a group of baddies with a hostage (being mind controlled and attacking as well) in tow, and the wizard wanted to cast a fireball that deals non lethal damage to protect the controlled hostage. I know you can...
  14. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Hosting a Fight Night for my Adventurers?

    The title basically says it all, I run a group of 6-8 players (depending on who shows) all high level characters that want to spend an evening blowing off some steam away from the actual adventure. At times these players, get a little "mouthy" with each other during the game (all in good fun...
  15. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E What Your XP Level Says About Your Character?

    I know I have seen an explanation on this before, so if this has been posted before, I apologize. I had read a really great description about how a character advances levels and how NPC's view them as they gain more fame and popularity. Now that my lowly group of adventurers are getting...
  16. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Time Travel and forced time paradoxes

    I am running an adventure that has a group adventurers travellng back in time to a few different time periods (stone age, bronze age, etc...) During these time periods, considering the equipment and magic the players wielded they were considered "almost godlike" in not only appearance but in...
  17. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E D&D 5E Ideas with running a Faire/Carnival scenario?

    I am a DM for a group of 5 adventurers just wrapping up Hoard of the Dragon Queen and on their way to Waterdeep for Rise of Tiamat. It had been literally a year since we started and I felt as a celebration to have one session of nothing but fun and games for the players. In the same sense I can...
  18. MichaelArkAngel

    D&D 5E Halloween themed D&D Ideas?

    Hi Everyone, my first post, but have been lurking about taking in as much as I can. I am currently running The Hoard of the Dragon Queen with roughly about 6-7 characters. They are currently on chapter 4:On The Road, and are just on their way into the wilds with the caravan. The group itself is...