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  1. J

    Running a casual lunchtime game.

    Being blessed with a bunch of gamers at work, I'm contemplating a lunchtime game that would run an hour a day for three days a week. I know from reading the Wizards page that they encourage lunch gaming, but I was wondering if many people here have done or tried this, and what strategies that...
  2. J

    The Lies of Locke Lamora

    Did anyone else here dig this book as much as I did? I really like this book. The sequel, Red Seas Under Red Skies is out tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to making the run to Borders to pick it up. If you like a little bit of Oceans Eleven(an elaborate con game) mixed in with your...
  3. J

    Baldur's Gate I & II mods

    Now that I have this fancy Athlon X2 rig with SLI, I find myself wanting to play old school games, and I've come back to this one. What are the best mods for BG II? I've looked at the list of mods out there, and it looks rather daunting. Hope someone can help me find the good ones. Thanks...
  4. J

    Curt Schilling and R.A. Salvatore.

    I am amused. Note this exchange from Curt Schilling (a Hall of Fame baseball pitcher in the American Major Leagues, plays for the Boston Red Sox) on his weblog(Schilling's 38 Studios is working on an MMO for release): http://38pitches.com/2007/03/21/q-a-vi/ Q-Fan of R.A.’s? Read his books...
  5. J

    At All Costs, the 13th Honorverse tale(a review)

    Or the 11th if you count just the Honor books, or 17 if you could the Anthologies and Crown of Slaves. Anyway, David Weber is building up the story even further in this tale, which overlaps for the first 2/3s with Shadow of Saganami, and extends the overarching storyline even further by...
  6. J

    A Feast for Crows spoiler thread (major honking ones, too)

    Am I the only one who's desperate enough to get Martin's 4th book shipped from England? I thought there would be a spoiler thread here now about this. One thing's for sure. I have to re-read the first three again, and then read this a 4th time. There are a lot of really deep things here...
  7. J

    Help me think of this Dungeon Adventure?

    I'm looking for the name of a critter from a Dungeon adventure from the late 80's-early 90's. I believe the adventure was a side-trek and the setting was an inn in the wilderness. It was supposed to be an eerie adventure, and the PCs were supposed to figure out what the critter was that was...
  8. J

    All right you Galactica fans. (spoilers for The New BG)

    We've now seen 6 hours of the New Galactica. Thoughts? So far I'm a big fan.
  9. J

    Hints for games with Two DM's.

    Our gaming group just re-expanded back to a potential 11 people. As such, we are thinking about running City of the Spider Queen with two DMs (running the same 9 players in the same group). I'm looking for articles or anecdotes for advice on how people have or should divide up the game. I...
  10. J

    Smallville 2-25-03-cooooooooool

    let me just be the first to say---Wow! Plot twist-o-rama! Certainly added some spice to the series, don't you think? What did everyone think of the major plot twist of this particular version of the Superman milieu? It will be fun to see where they take it. I hope they can do it justice.
  11. J

    Anyone else been watching Miracles?

    If you haven't, and you like suspenseful TV, this might be something up your alley. I've been fairly impressed by it so far. It's not anything extremely groundbreaking, but it's fun to watch. Skeet Ulrich plays Paul Callan, an ex-Vatican investigator who lost his faith in the Church (but not...
  12. J

    new Steven Erikson - House of Chains (minor spoilers, kinda long)

    Anyone here read the newest Steven Erikson book, House of Chains? I just got done with it, and I liked it. It's not as good as Deadhouse Gates(2nd book), or Memories of Ice(3rd book), I'd place it about as good as Gardens of the Moon(1st book). For those who don't know about Erikson's Books...
  13. J

    converting armor

    I have a PC that wants to take his magical chain mail that he found and convert it to a chain shirt with an armorer (it's magical, and made of dlarun, from MoF). (Fire res 2, if armor, +1 cold dam if a weapon) He then wants to take the leftover Dlarun and make it into a weapon. Here's my...