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  1. S

    Tyranny of Dragons. Players gone Wild! Advise?

    Playing Tyranny of Dragons, Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Near the end. Now, this is only for DMs that have run this game before. Spoiler Alert You've been warned. Seriously. If you want to be ignorant this is your last chance. Talking in 5 4 3 2 1 Ok. My players...
  2. S

    All the other kings said I was daft to build a castle in a swamp.

    So I am running Tyranny of Dragons and the fast talking Paladin managed to get the Lizardfolk to turn against their masters. He was fighting about a half dozen Lizardfolk and Rezmir (the big bad of the chapter) and after Rezmir got a critical hit with the sword of ultra death and deadlyness the...