• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Magic Missile

    Using paladin mount as an activation criteria?

    OK, this argument has been going on in our house for a while now. We were having a discussion about magical items, and got to talking about magical items that were limited to certain classes; and from there, ways to limit items to characters of a specific level within a class. We all admit that...
  2. Magic Missile

    Help me find this adventure!

    I'm looking for an adventure for Level 1 characters that I ran quite a few years ago... (my first ever time as a D&D DM, in fact) It involved a Gnome who decides to "improve" various animals using magic, and starts with the adventurers finding a teleporting fish with a note pinned to it. It...
  3. Magic Missile

    Possible to change my name?

    A two part question: Do the mods or anyone else have the power to change my screen name? I used "Jim" ages ago just to put up a quick query, but now that I am slowly de-lurking I wouldn't mind a more interesting name... Secondly; is it the general consensus that there are too many "iconics"...
  4. Magic Missile

    Little help with CR/EL

    Right, just checking I'm doing this right... Six kobolds, individual CR 1/6. But there are six of them, so I add on +6 to the overall EL (as per the table in d20 modern)? Giving an EL of 6 1/6. Assuming it's a bog standard combat, no special circumstances etc. I leave this figure as it is, then...
  5. Magic Missile

    Can I do this with spells...?

    I'm going to be playing a high level wizard in a one off Evil game (with capital "E", you'll note) in the near future, and I was just curious of this would work: What I want to do is cast a spell on my fellow party members that makes them *completely unable* to do me any harm... whenever they...
  6. Magic Missile

    Action points for 2nd level+ PCs?

    Rightyho, if I want to run a game where the PCs start at above level 1... how do I determine how many action points they have? The only thing I can find in the book is that GM Heroic Characters have half their level in AP's, but this seems ridiculously harsh for a PC... Have I missed...
  7. Magic Missile

    Why only spell failure % for arcane spells?

    Right, this has *always* bothered me. I know it's probably for game balance purposes, but it has never made any sense to me from a "fluff" standpoint. Armour impedes spellcasting because it's bulky and makes it hard to pull off complicated somatic gestures. Fine. That makes sense. So why does...
  8. Magic Missile

    Help: my players aren't having fun...

    I ran a d20 modern game last night, and all seemed to go well... but afterwards it turned out that a few people weren't happy about how things were going. As a GM, I'm fine running games, adjudicating the unexpected and so on, but I am not very good at handling players. Last night there was a...
  9. Magic Missile

    Things to kill dinosaurs with...

    I'm about to run a one-off d20 modern game based on (read: plagiarised from) Jurassic Park... So I'm going to have tranq rifles, electric nets and so on in addition to the standard lethal weapons... How do theres rules look? They're sort of a mix of Spycraft, d20 Modern and D&D rules... this...
  10. Magic Missile

    Crystal weapons...?

    I've been browsing through my friend's Psi Handbook and there seems to be a lot of emphasis on crystal weapons - both in the illustrations and rules. But are there actually any specific rules for making weapons out of crystal? Is it like Adamantine or Mithril, ie. you pay extra for the...
  11. Magic Missile

    Where's the "ways to Freak your players out" thread...?

    The Search function appears to be disabled... I have vague memories of a "1000 ways to freak out your players" thread ages ago... can't remember what forum it was in, and I have no idea if the thread still exists... but does anyone have a link or something? Thanks dudes. :-)
  12. Magic Missile

    New classes and new rule for Thiefy campaign...

    Hello everyone. :-) I'm planning on running a campaign based loosely on the computer game Thief: The Dark Project. Basically, the players will all start out as human rogues (demihumans/monsters are very rare in this setting) and advance a few levels before being recruited by the shadowy...