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  1. M

    Flying while indoors

    Are there any rules for flying inside? By inside I mean tighter than usually spaces. I had a mild argument with one of my players who is a half celestial. He's medium sized and has big ass angel wings. He was beneath the city in a place where most of the alleys were 5ft wide and no more than...
  2. M

    Help ASAP! Going to run soon.

    Hello fellow gamers, I am running my 3.5 game tomorrow. One of the players is half janni. He has the ability to plane shift to the astral plane. What he wants to do is get into the Red Dragons stomach and plane shift to the astral plane. What would that do exactly? He thinks it would destroy the...
  3. M

    PC sacrifice encounter

    Hey everyone, have another encounter that's giving me some problems. I'm working on an encounter where a PC has a chance to sacrifice his life for the good of the party. background: The character is a vampire. Several years ago (real time) this player wanted to redeem his character and I gave...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 CAMPAIGN HELP 3.5

    My players are almost epic in level and yesterday during the game they began discussing something that I did not anticipate: Time travel. The reason for time travel is because the world they are on has been blocked from off world travel. Of the several trails they have they feel that going off...
  5. M

    a couple of questions

    1.) A vorpal attack can only happen on a critical hit, are creatures who are immune to crits immune to vorpal attacks? 2.) I know of ways of getting around critting contructs and undead, but how do you pass fortification? Thanks, MB
  6. M

    Crazy PC deaths

    So we were gaming yesterday and the current DM is running bastion of lost souls module. Im a 20th level monk 1st level psychic warrior. We made it the the positive energy plane and headed toward this huge snowflake, where this half dragon half demon is suppose to dwell. There appeared to be an...
  7. M

    Questions about sneak attacks

    This didnt affect me but I was wondering your opinions or facts on these situations. We were fighting a Titan our last game and one of the pcs has the hide in plain sight ability. I think that allows you to hide in plain sight as long as shadows are near you. The PC casted darkness to gain...
  8. M

    how do you find someone who cant be found?

    So I have a player in my game who has made money to buy the items his 19th level spell thief has been waiting for and now I feel I will not be able to do anything to him. How do you locate someone who has a cowl of warding? (permanent mind blank) darkstalker feat Extremely high hide and move...
  9. M

    nasty epic level encounters

    The PC's are nearing epic level and I have never done a epic campaign. Wondering if anyone would like to share some nasty epic encounters they let loose upon their players or share ideas. Thanks. MB
  10. M

    first feat

    I have a 1st level kobold rogue who will advance as rogue for several levels before going into sorcerer. Eventually I will go into the arcane trickster prestige class. Hes a con artist, skill based character who will probably deal mainly in illusion and personal self help spells. I am having a...
  11. M

    help finding magical items

    I am looking for several magical items for a 20th level monk (soon to be 21). The magical items (cannot be armor), and I am looking for one if any that grant uncanny dodge or improved uncanny dodge, grants fortification, protection from energy/ability damage/ability drain such as death ward...
  12. M

    Major encounter help

    Were gaming this Thursday and the PC's are going to destroy a death knight and his undead army who recently has taken over a human city. All parties involved are around 20th level. My dilema is I think the party is going to murder the death knight and his minions. The death knight has...
  13. M

    epic level character

    I am creating a epic level, probably around 27th level Talon of Tiamat, among other classes. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas for classes and magical items, weapons, etc, that would make a kick ass villian. Thanks
  14. M

    Rakshasa PC

    So I'm playing a Rakshasa, using the savage species book, in terms of leveling him up. I always liked them ever since 2nd edition. Now Im finally playing one, and am currently 4th level, and I must say it is boring. It kind of sucks actually, I feel very useless in the group. Of course come 8th...
  15. M

    another question about undeads

    A while ago I posted about Undead PC's. The Lich has been killed. She was killed by a high level Ranger(NPC), A Ghael(NPC) and a 13th level cleric (PC). It was really easy, she was killed in one round as a matter of fact. :D Now there is just the vampire who is considering becoming living...
  16. M

    scent and shape change

    If one is, say a Rakshasa and shape changes into a human, does the scent ability allow you to smell the Rakshasa, or any shape changer or spell for that reason or does it mask it scent as well. Is there any mention of this in the rules? We were gaming and debating about it last night....any...
  17. M

    Undead PC's

    So I've been doing a campaign for about a year now and its been going real well until The dread Necromancer became a lich. I allowed the party to play any character the books had a build for. One chose vampire spawn, one a human druid, one a human spell thief wizard, and a human dread...
  18. M

    Question about mace of disruption

    The mace of disruption destroys all undead if it fails its save. When dealing with Vampires and Liches, does it merely destroy its body and then flees to its safe haven or are they destroyed as well?