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Search results

  1. The Ubbergeek2

    Alt. Universe, PoLed Gods from...

    I need some ideas in my brainstorming. I am using a somewhat Conanesque design model, and takes ideas all around from my world, including FR (along others) stuff. And gods. Alternate universe versions, so to speak. (Yes, I never was very too creative... except a taste and talent for remixing...
  2. The Ubbergeek2

    Random ideas for things

    1. The Dark Eye and the Dragon Warrior (not the (Square-)Enix console rpgs, a system written by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and that are to be re-reissued and updated by Mongoose Publishing) RPGs. They both fascinated me as a kids, as the books were sold in France (both first editions)...
  3. The Ubbergeek2

    Elishar and Toldoth in PoL/4th ed.

    I wonder if I got the spellings right, but... I have the idea of incorporating a somewhat 'heretical' dualistic faith (well, series of related faiths and cults) directly based on persian faiths and the duality Elishar and Toldoth directly, straight from Deities & Demigods 3rd edition in a PoL...
  4. The Ubbergeek2

    Shadowrun/Earthdawn races and monsters?

    AM I breaking a rule? I wonder... Mods can close this then if it is. Hey. since Shadowrun is my second rpg and Earthdawn have a fandom, I wonder.... Did anyone considered convert the races/metavariants to D&D 4th ed? Some may be cool, like the Shadowrun/Earthdawn troll, and I'd use myself...
  5. The Ubbergeek2

    On the brand VS the game...

    As taken from http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/293968-if-paizo-can-why-cant-wizards-coast-9.html I wonder if a part of the problem is there... Let's take D&D. What if there is a new edition, and that the new edition, while criticaly hailed by critics and (some) fans alike, is...