• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. K

    How does this look for a companion character for a low-damage party?

    My dark sun group has always been a bit low on damage, this was made a lot worse when one of the strikers had to bow out due to personal issues. In order to balance that out a bit, I figured I'd give the PCs a companion PC. (We're running the campaign over maptools, so complexity isn't too much...
  2. K

    D&D 4E Complexity Dials and 4e

    I always feel weird posting massive walls of dense text directly to forums. (Getting yelled at for breaking the formatting and TL;DR trollmods do that.) So, I have a quick study on how one could turn the power system in 4e to one of those complexity dials on my ENWorld blog here. Overall, I'm...
  3. K

    Reality Check This Adventure Hook? [StupidAcronym]

    I'm kicking around an idea for a new adventure or two based on the new Shadowfell boxed set. Since my players are in the wrong universe for it, I figured I'd write something up in the style of published adventures and post it here. But first, I wanted to get a sanity-check from other DMs and...
  4. K

    How often do you tweak monsters?

    I rather like going off-book. It lets me mess with my DM-players (Which I always have at least one, it seems), and tweak things I don't like about whichever system I'm using. I also ascribe to saying yes to my players as much as possible, and try to kill them in combat. I'm also blessed with...
  5. K

    Raising encounter limits on healing.

    I've run into a slight problem in a Dark Sun 4e game I'm running. My players are running out of healing entirely too fast. I don't mean surges, I mean the leader's ability to heal, and second winds. The problem is, I run lethal, opportunistic monsters. So they go for CA, hit bloodied PCs to...