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  1. N

    Balance bwtween Class, Race, and Background

    In the spirit of the goal: Everyone's D&D I think it should be up to each player what emphasis each has. If I want to play a wizard who just destroys everything, then why would I care about the other 2? If on the other hand I want to play the outsider always looking in, my class is of very...
  2. N

    Weapons and Implements work the same

    Or since the Warlock is what it is maybe Eldritch Blast could have a rider depending on the pact you chose. Infernal: At the start of your next turn, the target takes you Con. mod damage and is cursed. Star: At the start of the target's next turn, the must make a save or be dazed until the end...
  3. N

    D&D 4E Not Suitable For Work: A 4e Design Contest Idea

    Sounds like fun, I may not participate much but I will love to when I can.
  4. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    I edited the power in the first post to what I have now after some feedback I got on the WotC boards. I still plan on posting the class in the near future but I have little time for that in the moment
  5. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    I thought I mitigated that to some degree by allowing them to make a skill check to escape. I could shorten up the range. And when I post the class later you will see that this is a replacement feature, through heritage feat,for a controller. and thanks for the feedback
  6. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    I will post the class and the heritage feats that go with it so that people may fully grasp what I am attempting, later today.
  7. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    No one other than Fede has a comment for my marking power? It is hard to know what to improve or if improvements are required or if I should scrap the project.
  8. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    Thanks for the feed back. You guessed right on the stats, in this case Cha primary, Con secondary. This is actually the first in a heritage line of feats for a custom class, which for the time being will remain without a name. I disagree that you are more attractive to attack because you...
  9. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    I was hoping to get some kind of response. No one has any thoughts on this? No "OMFG, that's broken!!!!" or that sucks aweful? Please critique if you need more info that to is a valid thought so please let me know.
  10. N

    New Defender Mark #1

    Shadow Possession At-Will <> Chakra, Shadow Move Action Blast 3 Target: 1 enemy in blast Attack:Cha + 2 Vs. Will Increase to +4 at 11th level, and +6 at 21st level. Hit: You become Immobilized, and the target is Immobilized. These effects end when: you take a free action...
  11. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    Maybe instead of makeing house paths, you could make specialist paths. Harry was a DADA prodigy, or Neville being an exceptional herbologist, and do something along those lines, and make the houses just fluff.
  12. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    I aplaud your work chimeforest, I wish I had more time to help but instead I will gratefully use your hardwork. I will say I am not really sure if the bonuses you laid out for the paths is the best way to represent the differences between the houses, mechanically aren't the houses the same...
  13. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    Another question is how should potions be handled? The same as in 4e, a new sub-system, RP? I can see any number of possible solutions, but how do the people here want to handle it?
  14. N

    Got Balance?

    While I do appreciate the input, I meant more along the lines of creating an item from scratch and knowing if it was balanced and if so what the appropriate level is. Has no body done this? That is totally cool I was just wondering if I could save myself a whole lot of effort, and check here...
  15. N

    Got Balance?

    So here I am running my first game of 4th and I was wondering if anyone has come up with a system or a formula or something along those lines for creating new abilities for magic items and thus an appropriate way to come up with the correct level and cost of a magic item from scratch? Thanks...
  16. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    Bump. I don't want this to die. I am at work and am still working on things but it might be awhile before any of it is ready to be posted
  17. N

    D&D 4E How does the 4E Barbarian Rage ability work?

    I don't call it better, and I don't call it worse. I think that this is a pretty good starting point for the barb. I believe any changes they make will be minor. I look forward to all of the new classes in the PHB 2
  18. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    I agree Khuxan. While 4th allows for the best fit, I think there are a couple of things that should be handled differently. I like the idea of breaking down all the types(read classes) of magic into skills and using them like knowledges for certain things. I think Hermoine performing spells...
  19. N

    D&D 4E Harry Potter 4e

    What about giving all of the spells like a stunt DC and then if you don't "know" the spell you can still atempt to stunt it using the appropriate skill. An example would be corporeal patronus would have like a stunt DC of like 25 or something like that then you could use your DADA skill to try...